Batman torna per continuar la seva guerra contra el crim. Amb l'ajuda del tinent Jim Gordon i del fiscal del districte Harvey Dent, Batman es proposa destruir el crim organitzat de Gotham City. Sembla que tot va bé fins que apareix un nou criminal, el Joker, que desencadenarà el caos i el terror a la ciutat.

Tony Vallelonga, conegut amb el malnom de Tony Lip, és un rústec italoamericà del Bronx que treballa de goril·la al club Copacabana de Nova York, però que es veu obligat a buscar una feina temporal durant dos mesos quan el club tanca per reformes. És aleshores que li surt l'oportunitat de fer de xòfer i guardaespatlles per a Don Shirley, un virtuós pianista afroamericà que ha de fer una gira amb el seu trio que el portarà fins al sud profund dels Estats Units. Per fer la seva feina, Tony tindrà com a guia el "Llibre verd del conductor negre", una relació dels hotels i restaurants on accepten negres al sud dels Estats Units dels anys 60.

Les joguines d'Andy, un nen de sis anys, temen que hagi arribat la seva hora i que un nou regal d'aniversari els substitueixi al cor del propietari. Woody, un vaquer que ha estat fins ara la joguina favorita d'Andy, intenta tranquil·litzar-los fins que apareix Buzz Lightyear, un heroi espacial dotat de tota mena d'avenços tecnològics. Woody és relegat a un segon pla., però la seva constant rivalitat es transformarà en una gran amistat quan tots dos es perden a la ciutat sense saber com tornar a casa.

Hazel i Gus són dos adolescents que comparteixen un enginy mordaç, i un amor que els arrossega en un viatge més enllà del cancer.

Fiona and Grant have been married for nearly 50 years. They have to face the fact that Fiona’s absent-mindedness is a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. She must go to a specialized nursing home, where she slowly forgets Grant and turns her affection to Aubrey, another patient in the home.

Molly Gunn, the freewheeling daughter of a deceased rock legend, is forced to get a job when her manager steals her money. As nanny for precocious Ray, the oft ignored daughter of a music executive she learns what it means to be an adult while teaching Ray how to be a child.

A bullied young boy befriends a young female vampire who lives in secrecy with her guardian. A remake of the movie “Let The Right One In” which was an adaptation of a book.

Quan Christian Grey, que se sent ferit, intenta convèncer Anastasia Steele que torni a formar part de la seva vida, ella exigeix ​​un nou acord abans d'acceptar. Però quan la parella comença a ser més confiada ia tenir una certa estabilitat, apareixen dones del passat de Christian decidides a frenar en sec les esperances d'un futur...

A Harvard anthropologist is sent to Haiti to retrieve a strange powder that is said to have the power to bring human beings back from the dead. In his quest to find the miracle drug, the cynical scientist enters the rarely seen netherworld of walking zombies, blood rites and ancient curses. Based on the true life experiences of Wade Davis and filmed on location in Haiti, it's a frightening excursion into black magic and the supernatural.

Emma (Natalie Portman) i Adam (Ashton Kutcher) són, des de fa molt de temps, dos bons amics, però gairebé arruïnen la seva relació per passar una nit junts. Decideixen, doncs, preservar la seva amistat per sobre de tot, encara que tinguin relacions íntimes. Ben aviat descobriran que és molt difícil mantenir una relació estrictament física sense contraure cap compromís i al marge dels sentiments

After picking up a traumatized young hitchhiker, five friends find themselves stalked and hunted by a chainsaw-wielding killer and his family of equally psychopathic killers.

Xander Cage is left for dead after an incident, though he secretly returns to action for a new, tough assignment with his handler Augustus Gibbons.

Set in 19th Century Canada, Brigette and her sister Ginger take refuge in a Traders' Fort which later becomes under siege by some savage werewolves. And an enigmatic Indian hunter decides to help the girls, but one of the girls has been bitten by a werewolf. Brigitte and Ginger may have no one to turn to but themselves.

Després de molts anys de dormir al taüt, el vampir Lestat es desperta i descobreix un món tan canviat que s'estima més integrar-s'hi que no pas marginar-se'n. Es converteix en una estrella del rock i la seva música desperta l'antiga reina Akasha, que vol casar-se amb ell.

After receiving word about a mysterious carcass/skeleton unearthed in the Arizona desert, a father and his daughter decide to remove it from the burial grounds for further study. Once they do so, they, as well as the town, are besieged by a colony of gargoyles living in some nearby caverns.

When Sara, a young design student from Iowa, arrives for college in Los Angeles, she is eager to fit in and get to know the big city. Her wealthy roommate, Rebecca, is more than eager to take Sara under her wing and show her the ropes. The two become close, but when Sara begins to branch out and make more friends on campus, Rebecca becomes resentful. Alarmed, Sara moves in with her new boyfriend, causing Rebecca's behavior to take a violent turn.

Julia and Rich are about to get married, but Rich has a hairy secret. Will Julia still marry him when she finds out about the monster "inside"?

After the death of Raya Green's sister, she gets out from her classes at school, and sees a stomp crew practicing. She meets Bishop which is the dance crew leader. She then meets Michelle and does a stomp battle with her. They become enemies then friends later on. Her uptight mom pushes her to pass the test to get into Medical school, but she thinks she failed....

Four friends plan the perfect small town bank heist, but choose the wrong night. Their plans go horribly wrong when vampiric zombies attack the town and trap them in the bank. Can they escape with the money and their lives?

After an archaeological team in Arizona unearths a werewolf skeleton and one of them develops symptoms of lycanthropy before dying, the dig's foreman, Yuri, tries to infect other townspeople as an experiment. When a science writer named Paul takes up residence in the town to cover the dig and develops a romantic interest in a female team member, Yuri makes Paul his next target.