Filmmaker Alain Resnais documents the atrocities behind the walls of Hitler's concentration camps.

Angel and the devil fight for the soul of a Belgrade playboy who made a young girl pregnant.

One of the most favorite Soviet comedies, a screen version of the play of the same name by Vladimir Gurkin. Each of us knows the story of Vasily, who went to the resort, succumbed to the charms of a femme fatale Raisa Zakharovna, but could not withstand two weeks of urban life, and returned to his family, where he waited for love and pigeons.

Convinced that his subtenant is a spy and an enemy of the state, Ilija Čvorović falls into deep paranoia which leads to absurd and destructive chain of events.

The basic plot revolves around drug dealer Limeni and two men, Lemi and Kiza, who are trying to transport their dead grandfather for burial, until their car breaks down and they end up struggling to get him home onboard a train. This is when these two plots intersect and all hell breaks loose.


At his school, 10-year-old Zoran wins the competition for the best essay about Tito. His reward is participation in the march "Revolutionary trails" to Tito's hometown of Kumrovec.

Humbert Humbert is a middle-aged British novelist who is both appalled by and attracted to the vulgarity of American culture. When he comes to stay at the boarding house run by Charlotte Haze, he soon becomes obsessed with Lolita, the woman's teenaged daughter.

Sarajevo 1944. The German armies desperately need fuel in the retreat. Walter, the enigmatic and charismatic leader of the resistance movement, can endanger their supplies. The Germans are taking a cunning plan to remove that obstacle.

Playboy songwriter Brad Allen's succession of romances annoys his neighbor, interior designer Jan Morrow, who shares a telephone party line with him and hears all his breezy routines. After Jan unsuccessfully lodges a complaint against him, Brad sets about to seduce her in the guise of a sincere and upstanding Texas rancher. When mutual friend Jonathan discovers that his best friend is moving in on the girl he desires, however, sparks fly.

Belgrade, 2074. Edit Stefanović, a psychology student, after failing the same university exam for the sixth time, decides to visit a dealer on the black market who installs a stolen military chip in her body that will record everything she sees to help her pass the exam. Edit also has a job at a scientific and social research company, in taking care of Abel Mustafov, an autistic math genius who discovered a formula that connects all forces in the world, but no computer was able to calculate it fully without becoming self-aware and shutting down immediately after that. After Edit sees the formula graph, the chip calculates the formula, and becomes able to "survive" thanks to its connection to Edit. It develops a parallel personality and affords her abilities greater than she ever imagined.

Claiming that he doesn't know his own past, a rich man enlists an ex-con with an odd bit of detective work. Gregory Arkadin says he can't remember anything before the late 1920s, and convict Guy Van Stratten is happy to take the job of exploring his new acquaintance's life story. Guy's research turns up stunning details about his employer's past, and as his work seems linked to untimely deaths, the mystery surrounding Mr. Arkadin deepens.

In attempt to find out who he is and where his roots lie, Alija Osmanović discovers something far deeper and more important. He slowly discovers an evil that follows him as his destiny regardless of what his ancestors were called. Trying to find the reasons for this evil, he finds himself in a vicious circle. Running away from an irrational fear within him, he eventually finds the road to his faith.

A young man wants to marry the beautiful daughter of a landowner who refuses to allow the marriage. To prove his worth, the young man becomes a miller in a vampire-infested local mill.

A traditional Advent mass filmed in a church in the historical town of Spisska Sobota (Northern Slovakia), featuring authentic liturgical texts and songs.

A Yugoslav stage actor marries an American girl in Belgrade and has a child with her, when his career downhill out of political reasons he develops a drinking habit, his wife leaves him and takes their daughter to U.S.A.

Mrs. Van Houten has shown signs of losing touch with reality, and her husband discusses possible treatment with Dr. Caligari, who says Mrs. Van Houten has a disease of the libido.

ニューヨーク市警察殺人課の刑事エディ・フレミングは、数々の大事件を解決し、その度にマスコミに登場し英雄扱いされる有名刑事である。ニュース番組「トップ・ストーリー」のアンカーマン、ロバート・ホーキンスも、そういう事件を報道して視聴率を稼いできたひとりである。 ある日、チェコ人とロシア人の2人組による凶悪な犯罪が起こる。エディは捜査に同行したいという若手消防署員ジョーディと共に事件を追うが、エディは2人に捕まり、殺害されてしまう。ロバートはエディの殺害シーンを撮影したビデオテープを2人から買い取り、自分の番組で放送するのだった。


Set in the 1980s, Dom is a teenager who finds himself drawn into the charismatic world of football 'casuals,influenced by the firm's top boy, Bex. Accepted by the gang for his fast mouth and sense of humor, Dom soon becomes one the boys. But as Bex and his gang clash with rival firms across the country and the violence spirals out of control, Dom realizes he wants out - until he learns it's not that easy to simply walk away.