

In this classic German thriller, Hans Beckert, a serial killer who preys on children, becomes the focus of a massive Berlin police manhunt. Beckert's heinous crimes are so repellant and disruptive to city life that he is even targeted by others in the seedy underworld network. With both cops and criminals in pursuit, the murderer soon realizes that people are on his trail, sending him into a tense, panicked attempt to escape justice.

国境の町に拡がる陰謀を描いたW・マスターソンのミステリ小説を、O・ウェルズが脚色・監督したフィルム・ノワールの傑作。 メキシコ国境の小さな町で起こった車の爆殺事件。偶然にも現場を目撃したメキシコ政府の特別犯罪調査官ヴァルガスは事件の捜査に乗り出すが、アメリカ側の担当者であるクインラン警部はヴァルガスの介入を露骨に拒否。だが上司の命令で、クインランはやむなくヴァルガスと共同捜査を開始する……。





Life's questions are 'answered' in a series of outrageous vignettes, beginning with a staid London insurance company which transforms before our eyes into a pirate ship. Then there's the National Health doctors who try to claim a healthy liver from a still-living donor. The world's most voracious glutton brings the art of vomiting to new heights before his spectacular demise.

When one of her students is suspected of theft, teacher Carla Nowak decides to get to the bottom of the matter. Caught between her ideals and the school system, the consequences of her actions threaten to break her.


A few days before Christmas, having quit his job in Germany, Matthias returns to his Transylvanian village. He wishes to involve himself more in the education of his son, Rudi, left for too long in the care of his mother, Ana, and to rid him of the unresolved fears that have gripped him. He’s also eager to see his ex-lover Csilla and preoccupied about his old father, Otto. When a few new workers are hired at the small factory that Csilla manages, the peace of the community is disturbed, underlying fears grip the adults, and frustrations, conflicts and passions erupt through the thin sliver of apparent understanding and calm.

It's the 22nd of December. Sixteen years have passed since the revolution, and in a small town Christmas is about to come. Piscoci, an old retired man is preparing for another Christmas alone. Manescu, the history teacher, tries to keep up with his debts. Jderescu, the owner of a local television post, seems not to be so interested in the upcoming holidays. For him, the time to face history has come. Along with Manescu and Piscoci, he is trying to answer for himself a question which for 16 years has not had an answer: "Was it or wasn't it a revolution in their town?"

The life story of a salt-of-the-earth Irish immigrant, who becomes an Army Noncommissioned Officer and spends his 50 year career at the United States Military Academy at West Point. This includes his job-related experiences as well as his family life and the relationships he develops with young cadets with whom he befriends. Based on the life of a real person.

Finding himself down and out in Los Angeles, former porn star Mikey Saber decides to crawl back to his hometown of Texas City, Texas, where his estranged wife and mother-in-law are living. Just as this dysfunctional family seems to be making things work, Mikey meets a young woman named Strawberry working the cash register at a local doughnut shop.

Having recently witnessed the horrific results of a top secret project to bring the dead back to life, a distraught teenager performs the operation on his girlfriend after she's killed in a motorcycle accident.

謎の殺人事件が発生。被害者の男は車の中で股間を銃で撃たれて死亡していた。 この事件の捜査を担当することになった、ダーティ・ハリーことサンフランシスコ市警のハリー・キャラハン刑事は、日頃から強引な検挙でトラブルが多く、身内から疎まれていた。そこで、ほとぼりを冷ます意味もあって被害者の出身地サンポーロへの出張捜査を命じられる。ハリーは単身被害者の関係先に聞き込みを試みるが、その地でも同様手口の事件が発生してしまう。閉鎖的な田舎警察の署長はハリーの捜査に協力するどころか揉め事を持ち込んだのはハリー本人だとしてさっさと町を追い出そうとする。孤立するハリーはそんな中ジェニファーという女性と出会って恋仲になる。彼女には人知れず苦悩する重い過去があるようだった。



Archaeologist Walter and his wife Laura are working at a dig on a small island off the coast of Sweden. One day Laura catches Walter having a go at it with his sexy assistant, Anna. Laura calls in her old friend--and former lesbian lover--Hanni to help get her revenge on Walter by having she and Hanni seduce Anna.