Pollyanna Whittier goes to live with her wealthy but bitter aunt after the tragic death of her father. Pollyanna shares a game her father taught her -- the 'Glad Game' -- in which everyone can find a silver lining in even the darkest cloud, and her sunny nature, good humor and determination to look on the bright side of life prove to have an astonishing effect on those around her. With the help of her orphaned friend, Jimmy Bean, she casts her spell on the grumpiest townsfolk of Beldingsville -- including the cynical shut-in Mrs. Snow, the morose millionaire Mr. Pendleton and the enigmatic Dr. Chilton. And Pollyanna masterminds the romance between her Aunt's maid, Nancy, and the handyman, Tim. It is only Aunt Polly, who cannot bring herself to embrace Pollyanna's innocence and joy. But all is not straightforward in Pollyanna's war against pessimism, since she must overcome a personal tragedy that threatens to banish "glad" from her vocabulary forever.

Regina Lampert, una nord-americana resident a París, ha decidit divorciar-se del seu marit Charles. Ja no l'estima i s'adona que realment no sap gairebé res d'ell. Abans que pugui parlar amb Charles, l'assassinen, empenyent-lo des d'un tren en marxa mentre intentava fugir del país. Després que vengués totes les seves possessions, havia reunit un capital de 250.000 dòlars que ningú sap on ha anat a parar. Tres desconeguts d'aparença inquietant li van al darrere per aconseguir els diners, que segons la CIA pertanyen al govern americà. Només pot confiar en Peter, un home que ha conegut casualment durant les vacances...

Two shoeshiner homeless brothers named Zana and Dana live on the edge of survival. They catch a glimpse of Superman through a hole in the wall at the local cinema and decide that they want to go to America in order to meet Superman.

La jove Sabrina, filla del xofer britànic dels poderosos Larrabee, està enamorada del fill menor de la família, que coqueteja amb ella per pur entreteniment. El pare l'envia a París, d'on torna convertida en una dona elegant i seductora que trastorna els dos germans Larrabee, tant el frívol David com l'hermètic i l'adust Linus.

Multiply love stories are going around the young family including the newlyweds parnts and even... a grandmother.

Anglaterra, segle XII. Drama històric en què es narren els enfrontaments entre Enric II Plantagenet, rei d'Anglaterra, i Thomas Becket, que va arribar a ser canceller i després arquebisbe de Canterbury (des del 1162). Les desavinences entre tots dos comencen quan el 1164 (Constitució de Clarendon) el rei duu a terme una reforma del sistema judicial que redueix substancialment les prerrogatives de l'Església.

An unhappy young woman from an abusive family is married off to a fearsome and chilly army commander. But the two learn more about each other, love may have a chance.

Enric VIII d'Anglaterra (1509-1547), casat amb Caterina d'Aragó, filla dels Reis Catòlics, s'encapritxa d'Ana Bolena, una dama de la Cort, i decideix casar-s'hi. Però, com que el Papa no accedeix a concedir-li el divorci, trenca amb l'Església de Roma i crea l'Església Anglicana (Acta de Supremacia de 1534), convertint-se així en la suprema autoritat eclesiàstica d'Anglaterra. Anys després, el rei acusa Anna d'alta traïció i ordena que sigui executada.

Un viatge de Londres a la Riviera francesa farà que Joanna i el seu marit Mark revisquin els romàntics començaments de la seva relació, els primers anys del matrimoni i les respectives infidelitats. Amb el pas del temps tots dos han canviat, per la qual cosa hauran d'enfrontar-se a un dilema: separar-se o acceptar-se mútuament tal com són.

Three women set out to find eligible millionaires to marry, but find true love in the process.

A doctor dealing with the aftermath of his son's death tries to help a troubled young man.

Adrian Messenger, un famós escriptor, demana al seu amic Anthony Gethryn, un exagent britànic, que l'ajudi a investigar el parador de les persones que apareixen en una llista, sense preguntar-li la raó per la qual ho ha de fer.

Adaptació de la novel·la homònima de Leon Tolstoi. L'any 1805 Napoleó amenaça d'envair Rússia. Pierre Bezukhov és un intel·lectual pacifista i ociós, fill natural d´un noble. Quan esclata la guerra, es manté al marge de la contesa i freqüenta la casa dels seus amics els Rostov, una acollidora família aristocràtica, en què brilla pel seu encant i generositat Natasha.

Mary and her friend, Rachel, are new students at St. Francis Academy, a boarding school run by the iron fist of Mother Superior. The immature teens grow bored and begin playing pranks on both the unsuspecting nuns and their unpleasant classmates, becoming a constant thorn in Mother Superior's side. However, as the years pass, Mary and Rachel slowly mature and begin to see the nuns in a different light.

Several pillars of society have robbed an Army safe containing $100,000 so they can buy the land upon which the coming railroad will be built. But they haven't reckoned on the presence of the master gunslinger, Sabata.

The day begins like a nightmare: Sybille Thalheim wakes up in a strange hotel room with a bloodstained knife in her hand.

A beautiful orphan of mysterious parentage is asked by her adoptive family to help find a husband for their niece, but when two suitors both fall for the orphan girl, the niece instigates a scheme to discredit her in the eyes of her guardians. Based on the novel by Louisa May Alcott.

It's about the lonely garbage detective Hansjörg Stähli, who's looking for a garbage criminal and true love.

A biology professor, Adam enters a hospital for observation. He is a loner and a serious-minded man, who dislikes any display of emotions. He spends three months in the hospital while being tested. After observing patients and hospital routines around him from a distance, he learns that he will need a kidney transplant. Meanwhile his personal and professional life is falling apart: he refuses his wife's offer to donate the kidney for him; the scientific problem he was working on has been solved elsewhere. In the end Adam cracks under the prolonged pressure, waiting for the sound of an ambulance bringing a moribund patient whose kidney may be used for the transplant.

Whilst King Gros Pif I amuses himself at debauched banquets, his musketeers pursue their tax-collecting duties with a malicious zeal. Goaded by the court jester (who is also the Queen’s lover), the ministers decide to put an end to this regime and have the King locked up. Hearing the news, the famous Chevalier Blanc comes to his rescue. Aided by the knight and his cousin Lucienne, the King flees to Flanders, where he devises a scheme to win him back the throne of France...