Based on the biography of Luiz Gama, one of the most important characters in Brazilian history, a black man who used the laws and courts to free more than 500 slaves. Born of a free womb, Gama was sold into slavery at the age of 10 to pay off his father's gambling debts. Even as a slave, he became literate, studied and earned his own freedom, becoming one of the most respected lawyers of his time. An abolitionist and republican who inspired an entire country.

An aimless young troublemaker, Alessandro, squanders his days gambling and getting into fights, and he often spends his nights in jail. With few prospects, he begrudgingly accepts a job as a companion to Giorgio, an elderly poet suffering from Alzheimer’s. On their daily walks, the two banter and become friends, and Alessandro quickly learns more about this forgotten poet as the old man’s memory drifts. After learning a secret from Giorgio’s past, Alessandro and his friends work to uncover the mystery of this tale, an unexpected history lesson and a touching coming-of-age adventure.

After suffering through a long and unsuccessful series of fertility treatments, Satoko and her husband Kiyokazu make the decision to adopt a child. Six years after adopting a boy they named Asato, Satoko has quit her job to concentrate fully on her husband and son. The family lives a peaceful existence until the arrival of a stranger.

Segregationen er netop ophævet i Alabama, og en talentfuld high school football-spiller skal lære at udfolde sine evner og sin tro, mens han kæmper mod racisme både på og uden for fodboldbanen.

Based on the New Testament parables The Prodigal Son and The Good Samaritan, this is the story of two estranged brothers sent on a cross country journey by their father in the hope that they can find common ground while offering gratitude and forgiveness to others.

A woman wakes up in a room with no memory of who she is or how she got there...

Howard Brackett er gymnasielærer og lever et rart og trygt liv. Snart skal han giftes med den smukke Emily Montgomery, da bomben falder. Den tidligere elev Cameron Drake, udnævner i sin Oscar-takketale Howard til at være bøsse. Det sætter selvfølgelig Howard i et gevaldigt bortforklarende dilemma. Men er der noget om snakken?

A wheelchair-bound singer and her best friend embark on a roadtrip to Memphis.

Lefty (Bill Pullman) har reddet side om side med Edward Johnson (Peter Fonda) i 40 år. Nu tager Edward fat på næste kapitel af sit liv; han er blevet valgt til Senatet. Han bliver dog skudt ned, før han kan nå at indtage sin plads, og det bliver op til Lefty at få hævn over sin gamle vens morder, men Edwards hustru har ikke megen tiltro til den gamle, garvede cowboy. Lefty får dog hjælp i form af knægten Jeremiah, der har læst for mange knaldromaner, Jimmy Bierce (Jim Caviezel), der er guvernør af Montana, og den alkoholiserede, tidligere sherif Tom Harrah (Tommy Flanagan). Hvad Lefty ikke er klar over er, at der ligger en grusom sandhed bag mordet på Edward.

A young boy tells three stories of horror to distract a witch who plans to eat him.

Undercover Brother er en ukonventionel helt - hans stil er cool, han kan charmere damerne, og han tørster efter retfærdighed. Denne handlingens mand har levet efter sine regler, siden han først stiftede bekendtskab med 70'ernes musik. I denne afsindigt morsomme komedie skal Undercover Brother sammen med The B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D. forhindre den onde leder af det multinationale konglomerat "The Man" i at hjernevaske hans brødre og søstre...

Tingene går over gevind, da den nørdede Johanna flytter til London og genopfinder sig selv som streng musikanmelder for at redde sin fattige familie.

Anne står ved en korsvej i livet. Hun er gift med en succesrig, men arbejdsgal filmproducer, der har en tendens til at overse hende. Hans partner tilbyder hende et lift fra Cannes til Paris, hvor hun skal møde sin mand. Det bliver en tur med mange lange omveje, med maleriske seværdigheder, skøn mad og vin og gode samtaler - en tur, som vækker hendes livsglæde igen.

The story of the investigation and trial of abortion provider Dr Kermit Gosnell.

A girl's obsession with her brother's disappearance leads her on a nightmarish journey through a small town's Gothic landscape where she is faced with a deadly proposition. How far will she go to save the people she loves?

The film portrays the events on the day King Henri III of France arranged for Duke Henri de Guise to be murdered.

Claire is a beautiful young woman who works at her late father’s hotel, that is now managed by her evil stepmother Maud. Claire unwittingly sparks uncontrollable jealousy in Maud, whose young lover has fallen in love with Claire. Maud decides to get rid of Claire who finds shelter in a farm where she’s allowed to break free from her strict upbringing through encounters with seven “princes.”

On their 2010 tour, an International Pop Star and band mates mysteriously disappear. As past and present merge, they find themselves searching for answers and fighting for more than just their own lives when a concealed industry is revealed.

The lives of a group of teenagers are turned upside down when their town is taken over by sinister forces.