After handing in a report on the treatment of Chinese colonial labor, Kaji is offered the post of labor chief at a large mining operation in Manchuria, which also grants him exemption from military service. He accepts, and moves to Manchuria with his newly-wed wife Michiko, but when he tries to put his ideas of more humane treatment into practice, he finds himself at odds with scheming officials, cruel foremen, and the military police.

A pensioner takes a walk in the park.

Durant la Gran Depressió un pare de família desesperat atraca un banc, matant dues persones. Tot amagant el botí, fa jurar els seus fills petits, John i Pearl, que no diran a ningú on és. Però quan el capturen, ha de compartir cel·la amb Harry Powell, un sinistre predicador que s'assabenta aleshores de l'existència dels diners. Després de l'execució del pare i un cop en llibertat, el predicador maldarà per aconseguir el botí, primer casant-se amb la infortunada vídua i després assetjant els nens.

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

Signe i Thomas mantenen una relació de parella malsana i competitiva, que pren un gir perniciós quan Thomas obté certa notorietat com a artista contemporani. La reacció de Signe consistirà a inventar-se un nou personatge i tractar la desesperada de cridar l?atenció i suscitar la compassió per recuperar el seu estatus.

A San Francisco, un cèlebre mafiós, Rica, és indultat per falta de proves. Tot seguit, quan entrava a casa seva en companyia del seu advocat, el mata un motorista de la policia. L'inspector Callahan, que ha estat tret de la brigada criminal pels seus mètodes brutals, hi fica el nas juntament amb el seu col·lega Early Smith. El tinent Briggs els fa fora sense miraments. L'endemà, novament, un motorista de la policia tira una bomba a la piscina de la casa d'un mafiós i metralla tots els que hi havia. Les execucions continuen i Harry, que sospita que hi ha una organització secreta en el si de la policia, pot tornar a la brigada criminal.

A restauranteur teams up with a police officer and his ex-con brother to avenge the death of a friend's daughter.

Un antic campió de boxa decideix infringir unes quantes regles i entrenar nens orfes de les zones rurals més allunyades de la Xina per tal de donar-los un futur. Aquesta és una història basada en fets reals.

Biopic de Marinette Pichon, primera futbolista francesa a fitxar per la lliga professional estatunidenca, dona rècord en nombre de gols per partit i seleccions per a la selecció francesa.

When five women take part in a corporate hiking retreat and only four come out on the other side, Federal Agents Aaron Falk and Carmen Cooper head deep into the Victorian mountain ranges to investigate in the hopes of finding their whistle-blowing informant, Alice Russell, alive.

Battered, broken and bereaved, a private investigator must muscle his way through a tangle of lies to uncover the truth behind a mansion murder.

Ahmed, de 18 anys, francès d'origen algerià, va créixer a l'extraradi de París. A la universitat coneix la Farah, una jove tunisiana plena d'energia que acaba d'arribar a la capital. Mentre descobreix una col·lecció de literatura àrab sensual i eròtica que mai no va imaginar que existís, Ahmed s'enamora perdudament de Farah i, encara que se sent literalment aclaparat pel desig, intentarà resistir-ho.

A film director fades away from the industry after the failed love with the heroine of his movie. After being rehabilitated, he learns that some people conspired his fall and decides to take revenge.

Master gunslinger Sabata arrives in Hobsonville, a town completely owned by McIntock, a robber baron who is taxing the inhabitants for the cost of future improvements to the town. Or that's what McIntock says he'll do with the money...

When housewife Frances Hannon is abducted and buried alive, detective Madeline Foster is brought in. With only 24 hours before Frances' oxygen runs out, Madeline pursues the trail laid by a killer calling himself Harry Houdini. After capturing him, Madeline brings Harry back to the police station, but is unable to get him to confess where Frances is buried. As time runs down, Harry gets inside the head of unstable, alcoholic Madeline.

Flash Back 2012 is Minmay's farewell concert. Featuring some of her best songs, the music is performed over various scenes and events taken from the first Macross television series as well as Macross: Do You Remember Love film. Also included is a newly animated closing sequence showing the launch of Misa's colony vessel, the Megaroad-01, into space.

Two young women at a prestigious prep school are assailed by an evil, invisible power when they're stranded over winter break.

Five college women buy the old Hokstedter place for their new sorority house. They got it cheap because of the bloody incidents from five years before. They decide to stay in it for the night so they can meet the movers in the morning, but begin to get the creeps when the weird neighbor Orville Ketchum starts poking around. Shortly after the women take showers and consult a Ouija board they begin experiencing an attrition problem.

Hercules, a semi-divine being, squares off against King Minos, who is attempting to use science to gain power and take over the world. With the help of a benevolent sorceress, Circe, Hercules tries to save his beloved Cassiopeia from being sacrificed by Minos, and struggles against laser-breathing creatures and an evil sorceress.

Durant un viatge per Texas, quatre amics s'equivoquen de camí i tenen un accident al mig d'un bosc. Els joves busquen ajuda desesperadament, però es veuran assetjats per una família de psicòpates assassins.