An upbeat and humorous account of the hard life under police protection led by Italian writer Roberto Saviano since the publication in 2006 of Gomorrah, his controversial book about the Camorra, the ruthless organization that has dominated the criminal underground in Naples for centuries.

Biopic about Italian actor Nino Manfredi, focusing on the period between 1939 and 1959, depicting his difficult beginnings, his passion for acting and the encounter with the love of his life, Erminia.

A dramatization of one man's rescue of Jewish refugees in the Nazi-occupied Polish city of Lvov. In Darkness tells the true story of Leopold Soha who risks his own life to save a dozen people from certain death. Initially only interested in his own good, the thief and burglar hides Jewish refugees for 14 months in the sewers of the Nazi-occupied town of Lvov (formerly Poland).

Katarina is 20 years old. With a troubled past in a dreary suburb, her life seems to be already set in stone - until she discovers music. Everything changes when she hears a performance of Mozart’s 'Requiem' at the Gothenburg Concert Hall that sends her reeling and opens up a beautiful new world. She feels that she has to change her life and get as far away from her ugly reality as possible. But the path she has to follow proves to be a treacherous one, filled with lies, betrayal and a dangerous liaison with the married conductor Adam. Yet Katarina is ready to do anything to gain her new identity.

A high-school teacher is arrested for having sexual relations with a minor. Young Hiromi finds herself in the eye of the storm when she is suspected of featuring in her teacher’s leaked sex video and her innocence is questioned by everyone around her.

Three years later Michele (The Invisible boy) meets his mother and his twin sister. Both have stories and superpowers but their intentions may not be what Michele thinks.

A daughter torn between two mothers, one who raised her with love and her biological mother, who instinctively claims her back.

Giant robots appear out of the mist and attack the city of Montevideo, Uruguay.

The true story of Jimmy Adams, a V.P. of a $30 billion hedge fund, who loses his job and winds up working as a waiter at a waffle shop. Amidst the greasy madness of the 24-hour diner, Jimmy befriends Edward, an ex-con grill master who serves up hard lessons about life, finance, and grits.

Filmen handler om en smuk, skilt kvinde ved navn Kristin og hendes lille datter. Kristin er en begavet tøjdesigner. Da de flytter tilbage til Kristens hjemby, står hun pludselig ansigt til ansigt med Melissa, hendes værste rival fra high school. Musikkens gave fører dem tilbage til en anden tid og sted, hvor der er plads til, at de kan finde deres sande følelser.

The first animated picture made by Jiří Trnka for adults. It is a comic story of a legendary chimney-cleaner who, with the help of a spring from an old lounge-chair, became the terror of the Prague-occupying SS troops in World War II.

Gery makes the leap from the youth soccer team to the testosterone-overloaded combat team. He is pushed into desired futures from all sides - he tries to meet all of them without knowing what he actually wants himself.

A wealthy broker, his loyal butler, and a poor street seller all see their social positions change in a twist of fate.

Mandrake and his new friends still continue to bet (and lose a lot of money) on horse races. What will they invent for cheating money?

In Abruzzo, Giulio, Veronica and their young son Marzio live a happy life. Giulio loves the countryside, Veronica enjoys the quiet life of the city and Marzio wants a little brother. Giulio, however, discovers that he is infertile. His friends are trying to keep the family together.

Den håbløse nisse Bernard drømmer om at blive opfinder. Men han er til grin blandt alle de andre nisser, fordi hans opfindelser altid mislykkes. En dag bliver Julemanden kidnappet, og Bernard får nu den perfekte mulighed for at vise sit værd. Han må redde Julemanden fra den onde Neville Baddington og hans onde mor Vera, der er fast besluttet på at afsløre Julemandens store hemmelighed: hvordan han leverer gaver over hele verden på blot en nat. Bernard ved, at Julemanden bruger et tidsrejse-instrument til at rejse tilbage i tiden, så han kan nå at lægge alle gaver klar til alle verdens børn inden de vågner. Bernard beslutter sig for at bruge tidsrejse-instrumentet til sin fordel, ved at rejse tilbage i tiden og forhindre kidnapningen af Julemanden, og derved redde julen.

Da en gruppe online gamere får en mystisk invitation til at teste et avanceret virtual reality spil, kan de naturligvis ikke sige nej. De ankommer til stedet, hvor testen skal udføres, de bliver sat ind i det avancerede udstyr, og snart er de klar til den mest revolutionerende og realistiske spilleoplevelse nogensinde. Det viser sig dog, at dette spil er lidt for realistisk. Pludselig opdager gruppen, at hvis de dør i spillet, dør de også i virkeligheden!