Pel·lícula sobre el físic J. Robert Oppenheimer i el seu paper com a desenvolupador de la bomba atòmica. Basada en el llibre 'American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer' de Kai Bird i Martin J. Sherwin.

En un món post-apocalíptic on tot ha perdut el valor, els pocs supervivents es guien per la llei del més fort. Sense estima per la vida, l'única cosa que desperta un brutal interès és la benzina, sinònim de poder i objectiu de bandes armades fins a les dents i sense escrúpols. En aquest context coneixerem la història de la despietada, salvatge i jove Furiosa, que cau en mans d'una horda de motoristes i ha de sobreviure a moltes proves mentre reuneix els mitjans per trobar el camí de tornada a casa. Preqüela de 'Mad Max: Fúria a la carretera' (2015).

Un nen segrestat fa amistat amb el seu captor: un convicte fugitiu que fuig de la llei, perseguit per un honorable mariscal dels EUA.

Atormentat per haver vist morir els seus pares davant seu, Bruce Wayne s'enfunda cada nit al vestit de Batman, adopta la terrorífica forma d'una ratapinyada i solca les teulades de Gotham City combatent el crim i mantenint a ratlla la corrupció de la seva ciutat. Però aquesta vegada Batman s'haurà d'enfrontar al seu més terrible enemic, El Joker, que pretén sotmetre tota la ciutat sota els desitjos de la seva ment pertorbada.

Dos amics de la infància es fan un petó com a part de la filmació d'un curtmetratge per a la universitat. Després del petó, tots dos comencen a preguntar-se quines són les seves autèntiques preferències sexuals, cosa que posa en perill l'estabilitat dels seus vincles socials.

The advertising director of Pacific Pharmaceuticals, frustrated with the low ratings of their sponsored TV program, seeks a more sensationalist approach. He orders his staff to Faro Island to capture King Kong for exploitation. As Godzilla re-emerges, a media frenzy generates with Pacific looking to capitalize off of the ultimate battle.

A Nova York, un home ha desaparegut sense deixar rastre. Klute (Donald Sutherland), un policia íntim amic seu, troba una pista a les cartes que aquell escrivia a una prostituta anomenada Bree (Jane Fonda). La veurà per interrogar-la i sorgeix entre ells una apassionada relació amorosa. Mentre Klute prossegueix les seves investigacions als baixos fons, comencen a aparèixer prostitutes assassinades; llavors li assalta la sospita que Bree pugui ser la propera víctima.

A seemingly mild mannered man -- who has just murdered his entire family -- quickly adopts a new identity and leaves town. After building a new relationship with a widow and her teenage daughter, he struggles to hide his true identity and maintain a grip on reality.

Two lifelong friends head up to an isolated Scottish Highlands village for a weekend hunting trip that descends into a never-ending nightmare as they attempt to cover up a horrific hunting accident.

Tot just arribat a Nova York, Clark Kellogg, un jove i innocent estudiant de cinema, és atracat per un fals taxista. Però aquest incident el porta a conèixer Carmine Sabatini, mafiós sòsia del Padrí, que li confia una missió insòlita: transportar un misteriós paquet destinat a una assemblea secreta de gurmets...

The scientist father of a teenage girl and boy accidentally shrinks his and two other neighborhood teens to the size of insects. Now the teens must fight diminutive dangers as the father searches for them.

When Hamilton High’s Prom Queen of 1957, Mary Lou Maloney is killed by her jilted boyfriend, she comes back for revenge thirty years later.

Phil and Kate select the winsome young Camilla as a live-in nanny for their newborn child, but the seemingly lovely Camilla is not what she appears to be...

A dangerous, sexy, poignant and at times darkly funny story about two people who desperately want intimacy but have fashioned lives of reclusivity and emotional fracture which ultimately spells the doom of their great love.

On Halloween night at a horror theme park, a costumed killer begins slaying innocent patrons who believe that it's all part of the festivities.

El Dr. Feinstone és un dentista que ho té tot, una dona que l'estima i una gran carrera. De sobte descobreix que la seva dona té una aventura. Això fa que embogeixi, i comença a torturar els seus pacients.

One year later, Michael Myers' traumatized young niece is horrified to discover she has a telepathic bond with her evil uncle... and that he is on the way back to Haddonfield to begin the carnage again.

One evening, in a remote Norwegian mountain-town, two 12 year old girls meet. For the first time in their lives they are thrown into a strong emotional confrontation. The next day, Unn is unable to meet Siss again. Instead, she ventures alone into the cold, lonely winter landscape.

After escaping a Puget Sound institution, "Stepfather" Gene Clifford alters his appearance with plastic surgery and takes on another new identity: Keith Grant. Moving to Deer View, California, Keith falls for a divorced school principal, arousing the suspicions of her wheelchair-bound, computer-savvy son.

A motorcycle gang kidnaps a young woman, Josie, from a diner and brutally kills her. Many years later, the girl's father finds a magic crystal that can bring the life back to dead objects. He uses it to re-animate his daughter. He lets her seduce any young man that comes to visit the small town and then kills them. Four young students, two boys and two girls spend a vacation near the town, Hellgate. They hear about the story and get involved.