El dia del seu cinquè aniversari de casament, Nick Dunne informa que la seva dona Amy ha desaparegut misteriosament. Aviat la pressió policial i mediàtica fa que el retrat de felicitat domèstica que ofereix Nick comenci a trontollar. A més, la seva estranya conducta el converteix en sospitós, i tothom comença a preguntar-se si Nick va matar la seva dona...

On the night of an astronomical anomaly, eight friends at a dinner party experience a troubling chain of reality bending events.

Ambientada el 1980, explica la història de Juan i Pedro, dos policies ideològicament oposats que treballen al departament d'homicidis de Madrid i que, com a sanció, són destinats a un petit poble als aiguamolls del Guadalquivir. Allí tractaran de resoldre el cas de dos adolescents, que van ser brutalment assassinades durant les festes del poble. Els agents hauran de deixar de banda les seves diferències per trobar el perillós assassí de les noies, que fa anys que mata joves dels voltants. Una investigació que als vilatans no els sembla interessar, ja que és un poble ancorat en el passat i les dones estan menyspreades.

Quatre musulmans que viuen a Gran Bretanya prenen la decisió de convertir-se en terroristes. Omar i Waj decideixen viatjar a Pakistan per assistir a un camp d'ensinistrament per a kamikazes, mentre que en Barry i en Fessal es dediquen a ensinistrar corbs perquè transportin bombes a través de les finestres dels edificis.

Vittorio is looking for a woman who matches his ideal. Through a classified ad he meets Sonia, a sweet, pleasant, intelligent girl. However, she weighs 125 pounds -- which according to Vittorio is way too much. A goldsmith by trade, Vittorio is obsessed with the desire to shape Sonia's body and mind as does a fire with gold. Almost imperceptibly Sonia becomes a passive participant and the relationship grows into a reciprocal masochistic game. When the two lovers isolate themselves in a country house in the Veneto hills, they dangerously lose touch with reality and the rest of the world.

A deaf woman is stalked by a psychotic killer in her secluded home.

Després de presenciar un assassinat en un bar, els membres d'una banda de música punk són tancats en una habitació del local pels autors de l'homicidi: una colla esfereïdora de neonazis que reivindiquen la supremacia blanca. El seu líder és el propietari del bar (Patrick Stewart), un paio que no vol deixar testimonis del que ha passat.

Eight talented candidates have reached the final stage of selection to join the ranks of a mysterious and powerful corporation. Entering a windowless room, where an armed guard keeps watch, they are given 80 minutes to answer one simple question.

Una parella es trasllada de Chicago a Califòrnia per començar una nova i tranquil·la vida en una meravellosa casa... però tot es complica quan comencen a rebre misteriosos regals.

A Camorra boss fakes his own death in order to start a new life elsewhere with his family, but a nurse happens to see him alive and well after the funeral. A hitman is promptly sent to get rid of her, only to find out that she's his first and unforgotten love. He decides to protect her, becoming himself a target.

Texas als anys 80. Un home irromp en una casa i el pare de família, Richard, no dubta a disparar-li en defensa pròpia. Convertit en un heroi local, quan sembla que el cas ja s’ha tancat apareix el pare del lladre assassinat, Russel, un home amb un llarg historial delictiu que arriba a la ciutat disposat a venjar-se de l’assassí del seu fill.

Love blossoms for Lily over double Meaty Boy burgers at mid-day when uber-computer nerd Jarrod comes in and leaves with free extra large fries. After gatecrashing Jarrod's party and proving her skills on the game console, Lily goes down to Jarrod's home town with him so he can settle an old score with a past school bully.

Looking for work, Aaron comes across a cryptic online ad: “$1,000 for the day. Filming service. Discretion is appreciated.” Low on cash and full of naiveté, he decides to go for it. He drives to a cabin in a remote mountain town where he meets Josef, his cinematic subject for the day. Josef is sincere and the project seems heartfelt, so Aaron begins to film. But as the day goes on, it becomes clear that Josef is not who he says, and his intentions are not at all pure.

A group of college friends reunite for a trip to the forest, but encounter a menacing presence in the woods that's stalking them.

Two journalists set out to document their friend's journey to reunite with his estranged sister. They track her to an undisclosed location where they are welcomed into the remote world of "Eden Parish," a self-sustained rural utopia composed of nearly two hundred members and overseen by a mysterious leader known only as "Father." It quickly becomes evident to the newcomers that this paradise may not be as it seems. Eden Parish harbors a twisted secret. What started as just another documentary shoot soon becomes a fight for survival.

A former rodeo star, now a motel manager, meets a young man who is responsible for the violence that suddenly has seized his small town.

When up-and-coming District Attorney Mitch Brockden commits a fatal hit-and-run, he feels compelled to throw the case against the accused criminal who was found with the body and blamed for the crime. Following the trial, Mitch's worst fears come true when he realizes that he acquitted a guilty man, and he soon finds himself on the hunt for the killer before more victims pile up.

Four divers are stuck deep underwater in a vessel after a freak storm destroys their ship. Will they survive?

En Casey és un noi amb un passat turbulent als Estats Units que decideix anar-se'n a viure a Colònia, a Alemanya, per començar una vida nova. Allà treballa juntament amb en Matthias per un traficant de droga, en Geran. Un dia coneix una americana, la Juliette, i decideix deixar la delinqüència per començar una nova vida amb ella. La Juliette necessita un trasplantament de ronyó per sobreviure que no li cobreix la sanitat alemanya. Per pagar l'operació, en Casey es planteja tornar a treballar per en Geran i robar un carregament del narcotraficant més important d'Alemanya, en Hagen Kahl, que sota la tapadora d'una empresa de transports es dedica a importar cocaïna des de Xile. La Juliette no vol que en Casey es torni a dedicar al negoci de la droga, però l'amor l'empenyerà a intentar-ho.

A dysfunctional family awake on Christmas morning to discover they’re sealed inside their house by a mysterious black substance. On television, a single line of text reads: “Stay Indoors and Await Further Instructions.”