

1980年、スペインのアンダルシア。湿地帯にある小さな町で、2人の少女の行方がわからなくなる。やがて彼女らは激しい拷問を加えられた果てに殺される。ベテラン刑事のフアンとマドリードから左遷されてきたペドロは、これまでにも似た事件が起きていたことを知る。調べを進めていくうちに、貧困、汚職、麻薬密売、小児性愛といった町と住人が抱える闇を目の当たりにするフアンたち。そんな中、新たな少女失踪事件が起きてしまう。<スペインの映画賞の最高峰であるゴヤ賞で、作品賞や監督賞などを受賞したミステリー。1980年のスペインを舞台に、少女強姦殺人事件を追い掛ける2人の刑事が事件の背後にあるさまざまな闇を目の当たりにする。メガホンを取るのは、『UNIT 7 ユニット7/麻薬取締第七班』のアルベルト・ロドリゲス。『アイム・ソー・エキサイテッド!』などのラウール・アレバロとアントニオ・デ・ラ・トレらが結集する。緊張感に満ちあふれた物語とタッチに圧倒される。>

Four Lions tells the story of a group of British jihadists who push their abstract dreams of glory to the breaking point. As the wheels fly off, and their competing ideologies clash, what emerges is an emotionally engaging (and entirely plausible) farce.

Vittorio is looking for a woman who matches his ideal. Through a classified ad he meets Sonia, a sweet, pleasant, intelligent girl. However, she weighs 125 pounds -- which according to Vittorio is way too much. A goldsmith by trade, Vittorio is obsessed with the desire to shape Sonia's body and mind as does a fire with gold. Almost imperceptibly Sonia becomes a passive participant and the relationship grows into a reciprocal masochistic game. When the two lovers isolate themselves in a country house in the Veneto hills, they dangerously lose touch with reality and the rest of the world.




情報セキュリティ会社に勤めるサイモンは、妻ロビンとともに新しい街に引っ越してきた。仕事は順調で、ふたりは豪華な自宅を購入し、順風満帆の人生に思えた。 そんなある日、学生時代の同級生ゴードン・モズリーに出会う。そして後日、ゴードンから引越祝いとして豪華なワインが届けられた。ロビンはワインの返礼として、彼を自宅の夕食に招いた。食事の間、ゴードンはまるで親友だったかのように語り、実は高校時代彼とはあまり親しくなかったサイモンは不快感をおぼえる。ロビンには、彼は見かけよりいい人には違いないと思えた。 後日、二人が仕事仲間のパーティーから帰ると、ゴードンから「ギフト」として、庭の池に鯉が泳いでいた。また、サイモンの留守中にロビンに家に入れてもらいテレビの設定を手伝うなどしていた事で、サイモンは不快感を友人たちに語り始める。

A Camorra boss fakes his own death in order to start a new life elsewhere with his family, but a nurse happens to see him alive and well after the funeral. A hitman is promptly sent to get rid of her, only to find out that she's his first and unforgotten love. He decides to protect her, becoming himself a target.

While investigating noises in his house one balmy Texas night in 1989, Richard Dane puts a bullet in the brain of a low-life burglar. Although he’s hailed as a small-town hero, Dane soon finds himself fearing for his family’s safety when Freddy’s ex-con father rolls into town, hell-bent on revenge.

Love blossoms for Lily over double Meaty Boy burgers at mid-day when uber-computer nerd Jarrod comes in and leaves with free extra large fries. After gatecrashing Jarrod's party and proving her skills on the game console, Lily goes down to Jarrod's home town with him so he can settle an old score with a past school bully.

Looking for work, Aaron comes across a cryptic online ad: “$1,000 for the day. Filming service. Discretion is appreciated.” Low on cash and full of naiveté, he decides to go for it. He drives to a cabin in a remote mountain town where he meets Josef, his cinematic subject for the day. Josef is sincere and the project seems heartfelt, so Aaron begins to film. But as the day goes on, it becomes clear that Josef is not who he says, and his intentions are not at all pure.

A group of college friends reunite for a trip to the forest, but encounter a menacing presence in the woods that's stalking them.


A former rodeo star, now a motel manager, meets a young man who is responsible for the violence that suddenly has seized his small town.




A dysfunctional family awake on Christmas morning to discover they’re sealed inside their house by a mysterious black substance. On television, a single line of text reads: “Stay Indoors and Await Further Instructions.”