A collection of stories about and images of our world, offering an immersion to the core of what it means to be human. Through these stories full of love and happiness, as well as hatred and violence, it brings us face to face with the Other, making us reflect on our lives. From stories of everyday experiences to accounts of the most unbelievable lives, these poignant encounters share a rare sincerity and underline who we are – our darker side, but also what is most noble in us, and what is universal. Our Earth is shown at its most sublime through never-before-seen aerial images accompanied by soaring music, resulting in an ode to the beauty of the world, providing a moment to draw breath and for introspection. This film is a politically engaged work which allows us to embrace the human condition and to reflect on the meaning of our existence.
El Kyuta és un nen solitari que viu a Tòquio i el Kumatetsu és una criatura sobrenatural aïllada en un món imaginari. Un dia el nen travessa la frontera al món imaginari i fa amistat amb el Kumatetsu, que es converteix en el seu amic i guia espiritual.
El fet de créixer pot ser un camí difícil, i no és una excepció per a Riley, que es veu desarrelada de la seva vida al mig-oest quan el seu pare comença una nova feina a San Francisco. Les emocions de Riley (alegria, por, ira, fàstic i tristesa) viuen al centre de control dins de la ment de Riley, on l'ajuden a assessorar-la en la vida quotidiana i intenta mantenir les coses positives, però les emocions entren en conflicte sobre la millor manera de portar-ho a terme.
In Big Time Movie, the guys must tap their inner spy as their adventure finds them driving exotic cars and jumping out of helicopters, while trying to make it to their first world tour concert on time. Hot on their trail are evil henchmen named Maxwell, British secret agents and Swedish spies as well as billionaire businessman, Sir Atticus Moon who wants back his precious device code named: “The Beetle,” an anti-gravitational device with enormous power. Once they learn they’re carrying this precious cargo, the guys get pulled into a madcap mission throughout London, which threatens the onset of their world tour. With the help of teen spy Penny Lane, the guys set out to save Penny’s father MI6 Agent Simon Lane and stop Sir Atticus Moon’s plot to use “The Beetle” to gain world domination.
Film from Andrew Morgan. The True Cost is a documentary film exploring the impact of fashion on people and the planet.
Meru is the electrifying story of three elite American climbers—Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chin, and Renan Ozturk—bent on achieving the impossible.
A father discovers that his son floats, which makes him different from other kids. To keep them both safe from the judgement of the world, Dad hides, covers, and grounds him. But when his son's ability becomes public, Dad must decide whether to run and hide or to accept his son as he is.
Bilal is 17 years old, a Kurdish boy from Iraq. He sets off on an adventure-filled journey across Europe. He wants to get to England to see his love who lives there. Bilal finally reaches Calais, but how do you cover 32 kilometers of the English Channel when you can't swim? The boy soon discovers that his trip won't be as easy as he imagined... The community of struggling illegal aliens in Calais
Felicia és una nena que, després de perdre als seus pares, viu en un orfenat. La seva passió és la dansa i somia amb convertir-se en una ballarina professional.
It’s 1941, but France is trapped in the 19th Century, governed by steam and Napoleon V. Avril, a teenage girl, goes in search of her missing scientist parents.
La Sandra disposa d'un cap de setmana per anar a trobar els seus col·legues i convença'ls que renunciïn a la seva paga extraordinària perquè ella pugui conservar el seu lloc de treball. El seu marit l'acompanya per recolzar-la.
Viatge al món dels dinosaures on un Apatosaurus anomenat Arlo es fa amic d'un humà. L'Arlo aprèn a enfrontar-se a les seves pors i descobreix del que es capaç.
Sebastian has one ambition in life: to do nothing. His horizon is his couch. His life he does not want to live but contemplate. But today, if you do nothing - You are nothing. So driven by his two roommates, that chain internships and odd jobs, decided to Anna and not quite decided Bruno, Sebastien will have to - A little.
Els Mínions no saben conservar malvats, per això ara estan sols i deprimits. En Kevin i dos amics surten a buscar un nou líder i van a parar a la gran trobada de superdolents d'Orlando, on la malvada Scarlet els fa un encàrrec reial.
Needing good PR, a snooty princess orchestrates a brief romance with an ordinary guy. But the schlub she picks proves more resourceful than expected.
In New York, a struggling actress and a successful writer sing about their failed marriage from two perspectives.
A look at the lives of Carlo, Giulia, and their friends some 10 years after the events of L'Ultimo bacio.
Un pare, que es diu obert i tolerant, i lluita contra qualsevol forma de discriminació, resulta ser no tan liberal quan el seu fill anuncia el compromís amb la seva parella. Aclaparat per la notícia, es converteix en l'oponent més ferotge del matrimoni entre persones del mateix sexe, i intenta soscavar la felicitat del seu fill amb una sèrie de situacions enutjoses.
A celebrated military contractor returns to the site of his greatest career triumphs and re-connects with a long-ago love while unexpectedly falling for the hard-charging Air Force watchdog assigned to him.
One day, driving aimlessly around the outskirts of town after a trivial domestic quarrel, a writer named Tomas accidentally hits and kills a child. Will he be able to move on?