An average guy of an Estonian high-school decides to defend his bullied classmate. This starts a war between him and the informal leader of the class.

En Ralph, que sempre ha fet el paper de dolent, està decidit a demostrar que pot ser un bon paio. En Ralph somia amb ser tan estimat com Fix-It Felix, l'heroi del videojoc. El problema és que a ningú li agrada un noi dolent, però en canvi tots estimen els herois. Així quan arriba un nou joc amb un personatge dolent, el sergent Calhoun, Ralph ho veu com la seva oportunitat per convertir-se en un heroi i aconseguir la felicitat. Així doncs, Ralph es fica en el joc amb el senzill pla de guanyar medalles en tot, però accidentalment allibera a un enemic mortal que amenaça a tots els jocs.

On a stopover in Moscow, a young writer Volodya makes friends with Kolya, who is returning home from a hard night shift. Just as Kolya is about to take a rest, he is met by his old friend Sasha, who wants help getting a deferral from military service so that he can get married.

It is late spring of 1942, and the Great Patriotic War is in full swing. A long way off from the front-line, at some God-forgotten junction, the Germans make an air landing operation in an attempt to get through to the Kirov railway and the White Sea - the Baltic Sea Canal. These aren't just ordinary paratroopers. This is a team of seasoned and highly trained infiltrators, the elite of the Waffen-SS, superhumans. The only thing in their way is an anti-aircraft artillery unit of corporal Vaskov and five young women in training. It may seem like a fight of local significance, but the countrys main strategic transportation artery is at stake. Can the corporal and his 'petite newbies' prevent Nazi sabotage and at what cost? Television version: An extended version made out of four 45 minute episodes was released on Channel One Russia, on 9 May 2016. Available on PrimeVideo.

La Marisa és una noia jove, neonazi, agressiva, que manifesta contínuament el seu odi als estrangers. Conèixer un jove refugiat afganès al supermercat on treballa la fa començar a canviar.

A hospital nurse becomes an "international girl" — a prostitute who caters to foreigners with hard currency.

Joan Stanley és una encantadora àvia que mai ha aixecat cap mena de sospita… fins que un matí de l'any 2000 agents del MI5 la detenen, acusada de proporcionar informació a la Rússia comunista. Ha sortit a la llum un dels majors casos d'espionatge del KGB i Joan és una de les sospitoses. Durant l'interrogatori Joan torna a recordar l'any 1938, quan estudiava Física a Cambridge i es va enamorar d'un jove comunista, Leo Galich.

Àsia, una noia de 18 anys, està hospitalitzada; l'assisteixen la seva mare i també les seves amistats. Tornem enrere en el temps, i està a l'institut amb les seves amigues Erika i Norah, on coneix en Nat (el noi amb qui acaba sortint), i una noia enigmàtica, l'Eloïse.

After escaping from an Estonian psychiatric facility, Leena Klammer travels to America by impersonating Esther, the missing daughter of a wealthy family. But when her mask starts to slip, she is put against a mother who will protect her family from the murderous “child” at any cost.

The movie XIIa is the sequel of the super successful XIa. In XIIa the journey continues. After two years break, Lina is back to school to teach a new class - a new class, new problems. At home, the situation is also not better. Lina is separated with her cheating husband and her dominating mother is constantly bullying her, Lina's son is maltreated by classmates - at times the tension reaches extreme limits and Lina is about to collapse. Fortunately, she finds support in the sports teacher, a former boxer. The school director is also on her side, so are some of the students. Though the problems with the new class, especially with the beautiful and difficult Megan and between Lina and one of her colleague teachers deepen more and more. The prom is getting closer, the situation is about to escalate

Carlo and Giulia are grappling with new problems regarding the division of their respective tasks within the family. Since Giulia has started working again, it is Carlo who takes care of the children and the household chores. However, he starts to find the role of “Mr. Mom” a bit tight-fitting. Just when he decides to get back into the game and look for a job, Giulia reveals to him that she is up for a promotion that would lead her to move to Sweden. As if that weren’t enough, she will have to take the interview on December 24 in Stockholm. Everything seems to threaten the family unity. What should they do? Carlo comes up with a "brilliant" idea… To recover the old camper and drag the family into an adventure that will lead them on a journey to the North to spend Christmas all together lovingly. Unexpected events along the way and a hilarious encounter/confrontation with a self-styled Santa Claus will make the trip unforgettable.

A priest with a haunted past and a novice on the threshold of her final vows are sent by the Vatican to investigate the death of a young nun in Romania and confront a malevolent force in the form of a demonic nun.

Eight men, eight stories about the morning after party...

High school students Ksenya and Boris are in love but all the world is against them.

When a billionaire gives a group of young scientists unlimited resources to study the science of matter transfer, the scientists unlock the secrets of time travel. But they soon find out that the project is backed by a militant extremist group, and the billionaire plans to go back in time and prove that Jesus never rose from the dead.

It would seem that the life of Lena - girls from the provinces - was a success. She did everything to become a famous TV presenter in her incomplete 30 years. She has a beautiful wealthy husband, she is valued and respected. But behind this prosperous facade lies a deeply unhappy person. Because you can not be happy by abandoning true love and your own child for the sake of career and fame. And now, in order to find herself the same, she needs to go back, win her beloved again and become a real mother. And she will have to find out the truth that has been hidden from her for so many years ...

Investigator Sergey Shumov has a mystery on his hands. On a platform near a Moscow-Sevastopol train station the police have found a young man without documents and no memory. In near perfect detail, he can recall historical dates, songs of his favorite band, but can't recollect his name or say where he’s from. And frustrating Shumov’s search for answers even further are the young man’s personal belongings that offer not one clue to his identity.

Giorgio urgently needs to find a job but his only chance is in a Fashion House in Rome so he to pretend being gay in order to succeed in the fashion industry. But suddenly after meeting a Russian girl and falling in love all his fake universe collapses.

Rafshan and Dzhumzhud, migrant workers from Nubarashen, illegally come to Moscow, where the team leader Leonid received an order for super-expensive repairs from one oligarch. Having lost in the capital the “nationalist”, Rafshan and Dzhumzhud are trying to find and save him, wreaking havoc and destruction everywhere. But in the most hopeless situation, fate turns to guest workers - Rafshan and Dzhumzhud learn a terrible secret that will change everything ...