Georgina is a teacher determined to make a difference in the lives of the children she educates in the classroom of a wagon school in rural Mexico.

På plejehjemmet fortæller den aldrende Ninny sin buttede niece historien om Idgie og Ruth. De to veninder kommer sammen til at drive Whistle Stop Cafe, hvor man altid kan få stegte grønne tomater og stegeben med barbecue-sauce. De to veninder har ufortrødent kæmpet mod de ting, der har gjort livet svært - bl.a. en voldelig ægtemand og ku-klux-klan.

After a serious sport accident in a swimming pool, Ben, now an incomplete quadriplegic, arrives in a rehabilitation center. He meets with other handicapped persons (tetraplegics, paraplegics, traumatized crania), all victims of accidents, as well as a handicapped since his early childhood. They go through impotence, despair and resignation, with their daily struggle to learn how to move a finger or to hold a fork. Some of them slowly find a little mobility while others receive the verdict of the handicap for life. Despite everything, hope and friendship help them endure their difficulties.

Humble, unassuming Ma and timid Cao have been cast off by their families and forced into an arranged marriage. They have to combine their strength and build a home to survive. In the face of much adversity, an unexpected bond begins to blossom, as both Ma and Cao, uniting with Earth's cycles, create a haven for themselves in which they can thrive.

Dramaet 'Trumbo' handler om den legendariske manuskriptforfatter Dalton Trumbo, der i 1950erne blev sortlistet for sit kommunistvirke. Historien begynder, mens Trumbos karriere er på toppen, og han leverer det ene succesmanuskript efter det andet. Men problemerne lurer, da førende politikere og Hollywood-folk indleder en hetz mod kommunister i showbiz - heriblandt Trumbo og en håndfuld af hans kolleger. Mens retssagerne ruller, afskriver de store studier manuskriptforfatternes ret til at arbejde. Dalton Trumbo og Co. lader sig dog ikke slå ud, og snart begynder de skrive film under pseudonymer. 'Trumbo' er baseret på de virkelige hændelser omkring kommunistforskrækkelsen i USA, forfølgelsen af alle, der udviste de mindste socialistiske tendenser, og endelig de berygtede "Hollywood Ten". Dalton Trumbo var blandt de mest kendte navne, der blev sortlistet, og under pseudonymet som sin kollega, Ian McLellan Hunter, modtog han en Oscar for manuskriptet til 'Roman Holiday'.

The hunt, capture and trial of Guy Georges, one of France's most notorious serial killers.

January 2011 in Egypt was marked by anti-government demonstrations. While tens of thousands of protesters gathered in Cairo, poor villagers in the country's south followed the tense situation on Tahrir Square on their TV screens and in the daily newspapers. It is from their perspective that this documentary captures the political changes in Egypt, from the toppling of President Mubarak to the election of Mohamed Morsi.

Doctor Knock is a former thug who has become a doctor and arrives in the small village of Saint-Maurice to make his fortune according to a particular method. It will make the villagers believe that they are not as healthy as they might think. It is thus that he will find in each one an imaginary symptom, or not, and thus will be able to exercise his profession lucratively. Under his seductive looks and after gaining the confidence of the village, Knock is on the verge of achieving his ends. But his past catches up with him and an old acquaintance disrupts the doctor's plans.

Lommetyven Michael slår sine folder i Paris. En dag stjæler han en kvindes taske, der springer i luften, da han smider den fra sig. Han bliver taget til fange af CIA-agenten Sean Briar.

Nia og Silas le­ver i et uto­pisk sam­fund, hvor men­ne­ske­li­ge fø­lel­ser er ble­vet eli­mi­ne­ret ved hjælp af gen­ma­ni­pu­la­tion. Li­vet er sim­pelt og trygt, ind­til en syg­dom, som gi­ver folk fø­lel­ser­ne til­ba­ge, bry­der ud. De in­fi­ce­re­de bli­ver sendt væk og må al­drig ven­de til­ba­ge. Da Silas bli­ver smit­tet, ud­stø­des han – men han dra­ges til­ba­ge til Nia og snart må de be­slut­te, om de skal bli­ve og skju­le sig el­ler løbe mod fri­he­den.

When Nénette discovers the identity of her father in a letter, she quickly goes off in search of him. But instead of finding her father, she is met by her half-brother, Paul. Paul, a bitter man who gave up his dream to take over his father’s pharmacy business, is less than thrilled at the arrival of his ‘embarrassing’ half-sister. After refusing to take her in, he soon gets a taste of his own medicine. Under the influence of a potent drug, for one day Paul is generous, happy and sensitive. The next morning, however, once the drug has worn off, his nasty side comes back...

I filmen 'Du kan vente dig' møder vi fem par, der alle venter barn, og som alle møder forskellige udfordringer i deres hverdag, der ændres til det ugenkendelige, alt imens de venter på deres nye familiemedlem. Dagene byder både på glæder og overraskelser undervejs, og hvor meget kan man beholde af sit gamle liv, efter man er blevet forældre? Parrene må indse at ikke alting bliver som ventet - både på godt og ondt, og uanset hvor forberedt man er.

When a group of teenagers goes on a spring break camping trip, an unfortunate accident sets off a race to save their friend’s most prized possession.

Fem venner nyder en uge på havet omkring Great Barrier Reef i Australien. Langt ude til havs sejler de helt bogstaveligt talt på et Great Barrier Reef og havner i vandet. De hager sig chokerede fast på den kæntrede båd og opdager, at en stor bid af skroget er borte. Fire af dem bestemmer sig for at svømme mod fastlandet, mens den femte vælger at blive og vente på hjælp. Snart indser vennerne at de forfølges af en gigantisk og sulten hvidhaj.

Stakkels Wallace Avery (Colin Firth) er træt af sit liv. Midaldrende, skilt og uden forbindelse til sin unge søn, tager han en afgørende beslutning, skifter identitet og kører til en ny by, hvor han vil prøve at slå sig ned som professionel golfspiller. På vejen samler han en pige, Michaela (Emily Blunt), der har lignende problemer, op, og snart er de i gang med en uventet romance. Men er det virkelig muligt at starte på en frisk, at lægge fortiden bag sig?

Michel, who's crazy about jazz, has just found a rare album that he dreams of quietly listening to in his living room. But the world seems to have conspired against him: his wife chooses this moment to divulge an ill-timed revelation, his adult son makes a surprise visit, one of his friends knocks on the door, while his mother keeps calling him on his smartphone. Not to mention that today the residents in his apartment building are holding their annual House Party. Manipulative and a liar, Michel is ready to do anything to have a moment of peace and quiet. Is it still possible, in this day and age, to just have one hour of peace?

Two couples, Pierre and Aimée, Éric and Pénélope, all share four years of friendship without cloud. Only concern, Penelope and Pierre have become lovers ... The situation becoming untenable, they decide to break. But after a final night of passionate love, fate plays a trick on them: Peter and Penelope each wake up in the body of the other! To protect their secrecy, they each find themselves having to live the life of the other. This is the beginning of the complications ...

Stéphane, Cathy and Thierry are the best employees of the Employment Agency of their city. But their results are so good that the agency will have to close because of a lack of unemployed. The three colleagues then have the crazy idea of creating unemployment to save their job.