El gat amb botes descobreix que la seva passió per l’aventura li ha passat factura! Per això, emprèn un viatge èpic per trobar el mític “últim desig”...
A young drug dealer falls in love while facing disruption among the men in his gang, and being offered a career as a Reggaetón singer.
One month after Kayaba Akihiko's game of death began, the death toll continues to rise, two thousand players having already lost their lives to the ultra-difficult VRMMO world of Sword Art Online. On the day of the strategy meeting to plan out the first-floor boss battle, Kirito, a solo player who vows to fight alone to get stronger, runs into a rare, high-level female player. She gracefully dispatches powerful monsters with a single rapier that flashes like a shooting star in the night...
En Shaggy no pot parar de cridar de resultes d'un ensurt que ha tingut quan investigaven una casa encantada amb tota la colla. El metge li diu que no ha de tornar a passar por i li prohibeix pujar a la Màquina del Misteri.
Ido, un compassiu metge de cíborgs, troba Alita abandonada en el desballestament d'Iron City. Quan Alita desperta, no sap qui és, ni reconeix el món on es troba, tot és nou per a ella. Ido intentarà protegir Alita del seu misteriós passat, mentre que el seu nou amic Hugo l'ajudarà a despertar els records. En aquest moment, Alita descobreix que té habilitats de combat extraordinàries, que podria utilitzar per salvar la seva nova família i amics. Decidida a trobar la veritat després dels seus orígens, Alita comença un viatge que l'enfrontarà a les injustícies d'un món fosc i corrupte, descobrint que només pot canviar-la.
A girl wakes up in a huge secret laboratory, then accidentally meets another girl who is trying to protect her house from a gang. The mystery girl overthrows the gang with her unexpected powers, and laboratory staff set out to find her.
La petita Ainbo viu en el lloc més profund de la selva amazònica. Després de perdre la seva mare i barallar-se amb els adults del seu poblet, aquesta jove arquera emprèn un viatge per salvar el seu poble del poder destructor de l’home blanc. L’acompanyen els seus dos guies espirituals, un armadillo eixerit i un tapir trempat.
A woman falls in love with a man who is somewhat unavailable.
Dotze desconeguts es desperten a la clariana d'un bosc. No es coneixen, però tenen alguna cosa en comú: un grup de milionaris els ha triat per divertir-se caçant-los com si fossin animals salvatges. Tot i això, alguns vendran cara la seva pell.
Le Ying has stayed at home for many years doing nothing. After graduating from college and working for a period of time, Le Ying chose to withdraw from society and not held contact with her social circle. This was the best way she believed to "reconcile" with herself. One day, due to several "tricks" of fate, she decided to change her life.She met boxing coach Hao Kun. Just when she thought her life was about to get on the right track, life tests her again.
As the Great Day of the Flyers nears, the Great Valley's flying youngsters are eager to participate in the annual exhibition to show off their skills. Everyone, that is, except free-spirited pterodactyl Petrie, whose individualism causes problems when it comes to staying in formation. Enter his dinosaur pals Littlefoot, Cera, Spike and Ducky, who encourage Petrie to embrace his uniqueness.
Mater, the rusty but trusty tow truck from Cars, spends a day in Radiator Springs playing scary pranks on his fellow townsfolk. That night at Flo's V8 Café, the Sheriff tells the story of the legend of the Ghostlight, and as everyone races home Mater is left alone primed for a good old-fashioned scare.
Cody and Zack are approached to join the Gemini Project, a high-tech research center studying the dynamics between twins. Shockingly, they find themselves interconnected in a whole new way! When one twin experiences something, the other twin feels it too. This newfound revelation helps them see eye to eye for the first time, and it puts them in more danger than they could have imagined.
Els X-Men s'enfronten al seu enemic més poderós: un dels membres, Jean Grey. Durant una missió de rescat a l'espai, Jean gairebé mor en ser aconseguida per una misteriosa força còsmica. Quan torna a casa, aquesta radiació l'ha fet més poderosa però molt més inestable. Mentre lluita amb l'entitat que habita al seu interior, Jean deslliga els seus poders de maneres que no pot controlar ni comprendre. Jean cau en una espiral fora de control fent mal a aquells que més estima i comença a destruir els llaços que mantenen units als X-Men.
Pips wants to see more of the outside world. Batty arrives in a panic, announcing that two human poachers are right behind him. Poachers show up with their dogs and promptly capture the three baby animals. Pips and the Beetle Boys volunteer to follow the humans to town and rescue the babies, convincing Batty to be their guide.
Àngela Vidal, la jove reportera que va entrar a l'edifici amb els bombers, aconsegueix sortir convertint-se en l'única supervivent, però el que l'exèrcit no sap és que a dins duu una estranya infecció. Portaran l'Àngela a un centre de màxima seguretat a vàries milles de la costa, completament aïllat i rodejat d'aigua. Un vell petrolier que ha estat condicionat per a la quarantena.
After Antoine was fired from his job, he became a stay-at-home dad taking care of his four children, while his wife Isabelle restarts her career as a lawyer. For Antoine, the family's upcoming ski vacation is a godsend: he can finally take a break from parenthood and enjoy a luxury ski resort! But just as they are about to step on the train, Isabelle is called back to work for an emergency and Antoine has to deal, on his own, with his four mischievous kids going wild on the slopes and in the fancy hotel, as the trip turns into total chaos…
Students on a camping trip discover something sinister is lurking beyond the trees.
Decades ago, the USSR developed unkillable sharks and launched them to the moon. Today, a team of American astronauts will endure the fight of their lives.