The Fool is a movie about a simple plumber. An honest man, he is up against an entire system of corrupted bureaucrats. At stake are the lives of 800 inhabitants of an old dorm that is at risk of collapsing within the span of the night.

Twelve episodic tales in the life of a Parisian woman and her slow descent into prostitution.

One day in the life of Anders, a young recovering drug addict, who takes a brief leave from his treatment center to interview for a job and catch up with old friends in Oslo.

Irish Commandant Pat Quinlan leads a stand off with troops against French and Belgian Mercenaries in the Congo during the early 1960s.

A freighter crosses the ocean. The hypnotic rhythm of its gears reveals the continuous movement of machinery devouring its workers: the last gestures of the old sailors’ trade disappearing under the mechanic and impersonal pace of 21st century neo-capitalism. Perhaps it is a boat adrift, or maybe just the last example of an endangered species. Although we don’t know it, the engines are still running, unstoppable.

Daisy and Viola are siamese twin sisters on the verge of turning 18 living in the suburbs of Naples. They are blessed with beautiful voices and thanks to their performances at weddings, communions and baptisms, they get the livelihood for the whole family. Kept isolated from the rest of the world by their own father who just exploits them in order to make money, their life turns upside-down when one of them falls in love for the first time and they discover that they can be separated.

In 19th-century Italy, Giacomo Leopardi channels his debilitating illness and isolation into poetry.

A la població iraniana de Ciutat Dolenta pot passar qualsevol cosa. És un refugi per a éssers marginals, farcit de malfactors, toxicòmans, meuques, camells i un ampli ventall de perdularis. En aquest cau de podriment i desesperació, una esfereïdora criatura de la nit, vestida amb el tradicional hijab, assetja els seus habitants. Tanmateix, tot canvia quan aquest ésser vampíric coneix un noi que l'atrau. Aleshores floreix entre tots dos una insòlita història d'amor, esquitxada de color vermell sang.

In Argentina, between 1982 and 1985, the Puccios, a well-established family of San Isidro, an upper-class suburb of Buenos Aires, kidnap several people and hold them as hostages for a ransom.

Ema is a magnetic and impulsive dancer in a reggaeton troupe. Her toxic marriage to choreographer Gastón is beyond repair, following a decision to give up on their adopted child Polo. She sets out on a mission to get him back, not caring who she’ll need to fight, seduce or destroy to make it happen.

En un poble idíl·lic costaner escocès Macintyre (Peter Riegert), l'enviat d'una companyia petrolífera, negocia la compra de totes les propietats de la zona per construir-hi una refineria. Els habitants del poble veuen una oportunitat per enriquir-se, però l'obstinació del vell Ben (Fulton Mackay), propietari d'una platja, impedeix el tracte. Mac només pot oferir diners i la platja és tot el que Ben ambiciona. Mentrestant, el nouvingut se submergeix en un mode de vida que es mou a un ritme pausat, on el paisatge i la comunitat l'envolten als seus llaços.

Carlos, executiu de banca, comença la seva rutinària demà portant els fills a l'escola. Quan arrenca el cotxe, rep una trucada anònima que li anuncia que té una bomba sota el seu seient. La veu d'un desconegut li comunica que només té unes hores per reunir una elevada quantitat de diners; si no ho aconsegueix, el cotxe volarà pels aires.

Allunyat del seu passat com a llegendari pistoler, Steve Sinclair ha pogut refer la seva vida com a pacífic ranxer d'una petita comunitat. Alhora ha hagut de fer-se càrrec tot sol de la criança del seu germà petit, en Tony. Jove busca-raons i de temperament inestable, les atzagaiades d'en Tony generen conflictes arreu pel seu gallet fàcil. Gràcies a un cop de sort se'n surt d'un duel contra un antic enemic de l'Steve. Malauradament, aquest només serà el principi d'una escalada de violència que farà Tony incontrolable.

Narra la història d'amor d'una jove parella. Ella és una malalta terminal que s'enamora d'un noi al que li agrada assistir a funerals. Tots dos es trobaran a més amb el fantasma d'un pilot kamikaze japonès de la II Guerra Mundial.

Sage Reid, una noia de 16 anys que s'ha quedat embarassada, acudeix a la seva àvia, l'Elle, per demanar-li diners per poder avortar. L'Elle és una lesbiana, feminista de tota la vida, que acaba de trencar la relació amb la seva parella, l'Olivia, i que no té ni cinc. Per aconseguir els diners, la Sage acompanya l'Elle a veure uns quants companys de peripècies de la seva àvia, i comença a entendre molts aspectes de la seva vida que, fins ara, li eren totalment desconeguts. L'última opció, que totes dues volen evitar tant sí com no, és anar a demanar els diners a la mare de la Sage i filla de l'Elle, la Judy.

Returning home from a business trip to discover his wife missing, a man delves deeper and deeper into a surreal kaleidoscope of half-baked leads, seduction, deceit, and murder.

It’s the last weekend together for three men and two women who for years have studied and lived in the same house in Pisa. University is over and each of them is about to embark on a new path: some will stay in Pisa, some will return home to their parents, and some will move to another city or even country. That protected period of their life in which infinite opportunities awaited them, is fading away – now is the time for decisions and responsibility: love or a well-paid job? Have a child or wait for better circumstances? Follow your dreams or be happy with whatever comes your way? Once thing is certain: their carefree university days are over and nothing will ever be the same again.

On his first day of work as a miner, Martin, a cocky teenager, will learn the importance of rituals and respect for ancestors.

Five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an abandoned, Hell-like compound where they are forced to participate in a violent game, the goal of which is to survive twelve hours against a gang of sadistic clowns.

Biarritz. Sixteen-year-old George, the high school hottie, falls in love with Alex. To get his attention, she initiates a group game with Alex, Nikita, Laetitia and Gabriel. They will discover, test, and push the limits of their sexuality.