Erasmus compiled a few thousand Adagia, each exemplifies the classical truths that are our timeless and everyday wisdom. Life is Beautiful shows us just how wondrous life really is, by reflecting, quietly manipulating and exposing every day moments and scenes in 30 short stories.

A film projectionist longs to be a detective, and puts his meagre skills to work when he is framed by a rival for stealing his girlfriend's father's pocketwatch.




ナチス占領下のフランスを舞台に、女優、その夫である演出家、女優の相手役の男優という3人がおりなす愛をめぐる葛藤を、現実と舞台という二重構造の中で描いたトリュフォーの渾身作。セザール賞で作品賞、監督賞、主演男女優賞など主要10部門を独占し、トリュフォーを名実共にフランス映画界のトップの座に押し上げた長編第19作。ヒロインには、トリュフォー作品「暗くなるまでこの恋を」のドヌーヴが久しぶりに起用され、美しさをたっぷりと披露。共演はトリュフォーの次作「隣の女」にも続けて出演したG・ドパルデュー。 1942年、パリ。ユダヤ人の劇場支配人兼舞台演出家のルカは南米に逃亡したと偽装しつつ、劇場の地下でひそかに潜伏し、劇場の看板女優である妻マリオンを主演女優にし、何とか芝居の上演を続ける。そんな事情も知らず、新たに芝居に加わった男優ベルナールは美しいマリオンに夢中になるが、マリオンはそんなベルナールに冷たい素振り。だが通風管から聞こえる2人の芝居から、ルカはマリオンがベルナールを愛していると気づく。


Whatever Works explores the relationship between a crotchety misanthrope, Boris and a naïve, impressionable young runaway from the south, Melody. When Melody's uptight parents arrive in New York to rescue her, they are quickly drawn into wildly unexpected romantic entanglements. Everyone discovers that finding love is just a combination of lucky chance and appreciating the value of "whatever works."

Strana Glukhikh is about an unusual relationship between two women, one of them a deaf-mute dancer and the other on the run from the mafia. Yaya, the deaf girl, offers to hide Rita whose boyfriend, Alyosha owes gambling debts to the mafia, but in return she wants her to leave the young man and run off with her to an imaginary paradise where material values do not exist.

Two babies are switched at birth. When the mistake is discovered 12 years later, it leads to complications in the lives of both families. One family is affluent, with dutiful and (apparently) contented children. The other family is poor, with rambunctious (even delinquent) children, often hungry, but with lots of laughter in the house.

同じ孤児院で育ち、深い絆で結ばれつつも離ればなれになってしまったシュウとミズキ。そして大人になった2人は、それぞれスナイパーとして裏街道を生き続けていた。 前作同様、哀川翔と竹内力の2大スターを主演に据えた、三池崇史監督のバイオレンスアクションである。しかし本作では、話題騒然となった前作のような、とてつもないラストを期待する観客を、あえて落胆させるかのようなノーマルな展開だ。逆に、三池監督らしいひねくれぶりといえよう。とはいえ、今回もキテレツで猥雑な魅力にあふれたバイオレンスシーンはたっぷりある。天使の羽をつけた主人公2人の勇姿や、謎の殺し屋3人組のキャスティングなど、実は前作以上に遊び心満載の快作である。



A group of scientists is sent to the planet Arkanar to help the local civilization, which is in the Medieval phase of its own history, to find the right path to progress. Their task is a difficult one: they cannot interfere violently and in no case can they kill. The scientist Rumata tries to save the local intellectuals from their punishment and cannot avoid taking a position.

Newly released from a mental ward, Jessica hopes to return to life the way it was before her nervous breakdown. But when Jessica moves to a country house with her husband and a close friend, she finds a mysterious girl living in there. Jessica's terror and paranoia resurface as evil forces surround her.

Sylvia's work increasingly takes her away from the three men who help bring up Mary, her daughter. When she decides to move to England and take Mary with her, the three men are heartbroken at losing the two most important females in their lives.

Harry Crumb is a bumbling and inept private investigator who is hired to solve the kidnapping of a young heiress which he's not expected to solve because his employer is the mastermind behind the kidnapping.

One Monday morning Katya, Vika and Zhanna learn that there will be a school disco, their first disco, on the coming Saturday night. The girls feverishly start preparing for the event, which rapidly becomes the most important moment ever in their universe, and looks like the ideal way to escape their daily lives...

As a lone spaceship proceeds on its long voyage across space, the crew are surprised to encounter a strange pyramid form. Surprise turns to horror as one by one, they discover that their darkest nightmares are all starting to become real. The pyramid has to be behind it all somehow, but how can they save themselves from its influence?

Anthony is in the Phillipines visiting his father. He inadvertently interferes with the affairs of local gangster Quino, who also happens to be a champion Karate fighter. After embarrassing Quino near a local tournament, Anthony is beaten up and left for dead. An old monk nurses Anthony back to health and teaches him the ways of martial arts so he may go back and fight Quino again.