Scorsesejev film je posnet po resnični zgodbi profesionalnega zločinca Henryja Hilla, ki si je že od malih nog želel postati član mafije. Ko se mu je želja uresničila, se je skupaj z gangsterjema Tommyjem DeVitom in Jimmyjem Conwayem počasi ujel v svet kriminala, denarja in mamil. Nazadnje je končal kot begunec brez imena pod zaščito ameriške vlade. Svojo zgodbo je zaupal novinarju Nicholasu Pileggiju, ki je o njem napisal knjižno uspešnico. Film je bil nominiran za šest oskarjev. V glavnih vlogah igrajo Robert DeNiro, Ray Liotta in Joe Pesci, ki si je upravičeno prislužil oskarja.

Eden izmed bolj znanih obskurnih ter nenavadnih filmov je gotovo Blade Runner. Mojstrovina Ridleyja Scotta je kategorija zase – znanstvenofantastični noir film, kjer je Los Angeles antiutopično ozadje teme ter mračnosti.

Harry Potter je sirota, ki živi s svojo grdo teto in stricem, Dursleyjem in svojim groznim bratrancem Dudleyem. Bliža se njegov enajsti rojstni dan in ima malo upanja, da bo prejel kakršna koli darila, saj se ga nihče nikoli ne spomni. Vendar pa le nekaj dni pred rojstnim dnem niz skrivnostnih pisem, naslovljenih nanj in napisanih s škrlatno zelenim črnilom, razbije monotonijo njegovega življenja: Harry je čarovnik in tudi njegovi starši

Animirani film temelji na Nintendovi franšizi video iger Mario. Vodovodar po imenu Mario s svojim bratom Luigijem potuje skozi podzemni labirint in poskuša rešiti ujeto princeso.

Nadarjenemu programerju Calebu zmaga na računalniškem tekmovanju prinese srečanje z briljantnim izumiteljem Nathanom v njegovem skrivnostnem laboratoriju sredi divjine. Caleb navdušen spozna, da je Nathan uspel ustvariti prvega robota z umetno inteligenco Avo. Nadobudni mladenič mora preveriti njene sposobnosti, ob analizah in pogovorih pa se nanjo nenadejano naveže, kar zamegli njegovo objektivnost. Toda Nathan nadaljuje s svojimi skrivnimi načrti in Caleb kmalu ne ve več, komu lahko zaupa?

Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween Night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again.

When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are put to the ultimate test as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. As the villainous Ultron emerges, it is up to The Avengers to stop him from enacting his terrible plans, and soon uneasy alliances and unexpected action pave the way for an epic and unique global adventure.

The Z Warriors discover an unopenable music box and are told to open it with the Dragon Balls. The contents turn out to be a warrior named Tapion who had sealed himself inside along with a monster called Hildegarn. Goku must now perfect a new technique to defeat the evil monster.

Grindhouse combines Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror, a horror comedy about a group of survivors who battle zombie-like creatures, and Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, an action thriller about a murderous stuntman who kills young women with modified vehicles. It is presented as a double feature with fictitious exploitation trailers before each segment.

Ko se bacek Jon odloči, da si bo vzel prost dan in se zabaval, se mu zgodi nekaj več, kot je pričakoval. Zmešnjava s kmetom, prikolica in zelo strm klanec vse pripeljejo v veliko mesto, Shaun in čreda pa morajo vse varno vrniti na domačo zeleno travo.

Kingsman: Tajna služba nas vpelje v Kingsmanov svet – neodvisno mednarodno obveščevalno agencijo, katere glavni cilj je varovati svet. V tem novem nadaljevanju se naši junaki soočajo z novimi izzivi. Po uničenju njihovega sedeža jih bo pot popeljala do odkritja sorodne vohunske agencije v ZDA z imenom Statesman, ki izvira iz časov nastanka obeh agencij. V novi pustolovščini, ki preizkuša njihove meje in moči, se bosta morali elitni agenciji združiti, da bi premagali neusmiljenega skupnega sovražnika.

The story of a gang of children growing up in a community of banished criminals, in a forgotten corner of the former Soviet Union. This community rejects the world outside. The only law it obeys… is its own. Against this backdrop two best friends, Kolyma and Gagarin, gradually become fierce enemies as they find themselves on opposite sides of the strict code of honour of the ‘honest criminal’ brotherhood.

It's the 1970s and San Diego anchorman Ron Burgundy is the top dog in local TV, but that's all about to change when ambitious reporter Veronica Corningstone arrives as a new employee at his station.

John Matrix, the former leader of a special commando strike force that always got the toughest jobs done, is forced back into action when his young daughter is kidnapped. To find her, Matrix has to fight his way through an array of punks, killers, one of his former commandos, and a fully equipped private army. With the help of a feisty stewardess and an old friend, Matrix has only a few hours to overcome his greatest challenge: finding his daughter before she's killed.

Confined to a mental hospital, young Kirsty Cotton insists her supposedly dead father is stuck in hell, controlled by sadomasochistic demons after being betrayed by his evil, occult-obsessed wife, Julia. Few believe Kirsty, except the thrill-seeking Dr. Channard, who is intrigued by the young woman's lurid stories. So when Kirsty and fellow patient Tiffany head to hell for a rescue, Channard and Julia are close behind.

Freddy enlists Jason to kill on his behalf on Elm Street, after realizing that he can't haunt dreams because people no longer fear him.

A pool boy and a gardener turn an empty mansion into a home for women who belong to the world's oldest profession.

V prvem filmu smo spoznali nesrečnega znanstvenika Setha Brundlea, ki se je zaradi ponesrečenega eksperimenta, pri katerem so se zamešale njegove molekule z molekulami navadne muhe, spremenil v grotesknega mutanta. Usodne napake ga je rešil strel ljubimke Veronice, ki je kasneje v strahu ugotovila, da je noseča. Njun sin Martin zdaj odrašča na kliniki zlobnega industrialista Antona Bartoka, kjer na njem izvajajo najrazličnejše poskuse. Ko Martin spozna privlačno Beth Logan, se vanjo na mah zaljubi. Njegovi hormoni se prebudijo in preobrazba v muho je neizbežna.

17-year- old Lena falls in love with Eva, her older brother's new girlfriend. With a lot of witty dialogue "Between Summer and Fall" tells the story of how two people slowly grow close to each other even though they were not looking for love. The film paints a picture of two young women caught between their own insecurity and their desire for a connection and a place in the world.

The Flintstones are at it again. The Flintstones and the Rubbles head for Rock Vegas with Fred hoping to court the lovely Wilma. Nothing will stand in the way of love, except for the conniving Chip Rockefeller who is the playboy born in Baysville but who has made it in the cutthroat town of Rock Vegas. Will Fred win Wilma's love?