Zgodba o levjem princu Simbi, nasledniku kralja živali, katerega zahrbtno umori njegov oportunistični brat. Medtem ko stric vlada z železno šapo, princ odrašča onkraj savane in živi po filozofiji »brez skrbi do konca svojih dni«. Toda ko ga njegova preteklost začne preganjati, se mora mladi princ odločiti o svoji usodi: ali bo ostal izobčenec ali pa se bo soočil s svojimi demoni in postal to, kar mora biti?

Evelyn Wang je zaskrbljena lastnica propadajoče pralnice. Zdravje njenega očeta je v slabem stanju, mož Waymond ji vroči ločitvene dokumente, hčerka Joy je zelo razočarana z življenjem. Na koncu se pojavi še neusmiljena delavka davčne uprave Deirdre. Potem, ko Evelyn poskuša še zadnjič rešiti svoj posel, Waymondovo telo nenadoma obsede dvojnik iz ene od skoraj neskončnih alternativnih resničnosti. Pove ji, da je edina oseba, ki lahko reši multiverzum pred grožnjo, ki uničuje resničnost. Evelyn pa mora še vedno plačati davke.

Film pripoveduje zgodbo o bivšem agentu Wadeu Wilsonu, ki po rigoroznem eksperimentu pridobi nadnaravno moč celjenja in se preobrazi v svoj alterego, Deadpool. Oborožen s svojo novo sposobnostjo ter temačnim smislom za humor se Deadpool odpravi iskati moža, ki mu je uničil življenje.

Set in the changing world of the late 1960s, Susanna Kaysen's prescribed "short rest" from a psychiatrist she had met only once becomes a strange, unknown journey into Alice's Wonderland, where she struggles with the thin line between normal and crazy. Susanna soon realizes how hard it is to get out once she has been committed, and she ultimately has to choose between the world of people who belong inside or the difficult world of reality outside.

Na Victorjevi turneji Katniss Everdeen odkrije nove grožnje, ki jih čakajo pri naslednjih igrah. Tekmovanje bi lahko za vedno spremenilo Panem.

Bicentennial Man je ameriški znanstvenofantastični družinsko komično-dramski film iz leta 1999 z Robinom Williamsom. Zasnovan na romanu Pozitronski človek, ki sta ga napisala Isaac Asimov in Robert Silverberg, sam pa temelji na Asimovem izvirnem romanu z naslovom Dvoletni človek, zaplet raziskuje vprašanja človečnosti, suženjstva, predsodkov, zrelosti, intelektualne svobode, skladnosti, seksa , ljubezen in smrtnost. Film, koprodukcija med Touchstone Pictures in Columbia Pictures, je režiral Chris Columbus. Naslov izhaja iz glavnega junaka, ki je doživel dvesto let.

In a countryside town bordering on a magical land, a young man makes a promise to his beloved that he'll retrieve a fallen star by venturing into the magical realm. His journey takes him into a world beyond his wildest dreams and reveals his true identity.

A Coca-Cola bottle dropped from an airplane raises havoc among a normally peaceful tribe of African bushmen who believe it to be a utensil of the gods.

When siblings Judy and Peter discover an enchanted board game that opens the door to a magical world, they unwittingly invite Alan -- an adult who's been trapped inside the game for 26 years -- into their living room. Alan's only hope for freedom is to finish the game, which proves risky as all three find themselves running from giant rhinoceroses, evil monkeys and other terrifying creatures.

Dave Lizewski is an unnoticed high school student and comic book fan who one day decides to become a super-hero, even though he has no powers, training or meaningful reason to do so.

Having conquered the Asian underworld, crime boss Don sets in motion a plan that will give him dominion over Europe.

When a band of brutal gangsters led by a crooked property developer make a play to take over the city, Master Ip is forced to take a stand.

Mikael Blomkvist, publisher of Millennium magazine, has made his living exposing the crooked and corrupt practices of establishment Swedish figures. So when a young journalist approaches him with a meticulously researched thesis about sex trafficking in Sweden and those in high office who abuse underage girls, Blomkvist immediately throws himself into the investigation.

V svetu, ki ga je opustošila apokalipsa, se samotni bojevnik Eli poda na pot odrešitve človeštva. S sabo nosi knjigo znanj, s katero lahko znova zgradi civilizacijo, toda njegova pot je posejana s številnimi ovirami. Na vsakem koraku ga pričaka nezaupanje ljudi in krvoločni roparji, simbol moči, ki ga nosi, pa zamika tudi tirana manjšega mesta. Da bi se dokopal do knjige, nad Elija pošlje vse svoje sile, a ne računa na njegovo odločnost in mojstrsko znanje vihtenja orožja.

V bližnji prihodnosti nad zločinom drži roko represivna mehanizirana policijska sila. A ljudje se ji začnejo upirati. Ko ukradejo policijskega droida Chappieja in ga na novo programirajo, ta postane prvi robot, ki je sposoben samostojnega razmišljanja in čutenja. Ko mogočna, destruktivna sila na Chappieja začne gledati kot nevarnega za človeštvo in za red, jo prav nič ne more zaustaviti v želji ohraniti status quo in zagotoviti, da bo Chappie zadnji svoje vrste.

Tommy Lee Jones in Will Smith se vračata v drugem delu akcijske komedije, kjer možje v črnem lovijo uporne Nezemljane. Človeštvo ogroža čedna zapeljivka, v resnici vesoljska pošast, ki hoče uničiti Zemljo. K in J morata spet v akcijo.

A tough Russian policeman is forced to partner up with a cocky Chicago police detective when he is sent to Chicago to apprehend a Georgian drug lord who killed his partner and fled the country.

After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.

The four-inch-tall Clock family secretly share a house with the normal-sized Lender family, "borrowing" such items as thread, safety pins, batteries and scraps of food. However, their peaceful co-existence is disturbed when evil lawyer Ocious P. Potter steals the will granting title to the house, which he plans to demolish in order to build apartments. The Lenders are forced to move, and the Clocks face the risk of being exposed to the normal-sized world.

A young programmer whose job is to watch over the reality-warping Cube defies orders to rescue an innocent mother trapped in one of its rooms.