El 1972, el vol 571 de la Força Aèria Uruguaiana, noliejat per portar un equip de rugbi a Xile, es va estavellar al cor dels Andes. Només 29 dels 45 passatgers van sobreviure a l’accident. Atrapats en un dels entorns més hostils i inaccessibles del planeta, hauran de recórrer a mesures extremes per continuar vius.

Downtown Recife’s classic movie palaces from the 20th century are mostly gone. That city area is now an archaeological site of sorts that reveals aspects of life in society which have been lost. And that’s just part of the story.

Després d'eliminar alguns dels membres de la banda que va intentar assassinar-la el dia del seu casament, "Mamba Negra" prossegueix la venjança i intenta acabar amb la resta de la banda, especialment amb el seu antic cap, Bill, que la va donar per morta deixant-la en coma.

Hirayama sembla totalment satisfet amb la seva senzilla vida de netejador de vàters a Tòquio. Fora de la seva estructurada rutina diària, gaudeix de la passió per la música i els llibres. Li encanten els arbres i els fa fotos. Una sèrie de trobades inesperades revelen a poc a poc més del passat.

Una escriptora alemanya viu amb el seu marit i el seu fill cec en un xalet enmig dels Alps francesos. Quan el marit mor en circumstàncies misterioses, la investigació no pot determinar si es tracta d’un suïcidi o d’un homicidi i al dona és arrestada i jutjada per assassinat.

Durant l'Edat Mitjana, la Inquisició russa condemna a mort una parella d'amants que practiquen la bruixeria i els executa posant-los una màscara amb pues al seu interior. Segles després, els seus taüts són trobats i oberts per dos viatgers. En retirar les màscares dels cadàvers, els bruixots tornen a la vida i sembren el pànic entre els habitants del lloc.

A satirical take on the mundane absurdities of life in modern-day Iran, these nine vignettes illuminate the lighter side of enduring under authoritarian rule. Whether choosing a name for a newborn, graduating from grade school, getting a driver’s license, applying for a job, or seeking approval for a film script, if you live in Iran, you best come fluent in Orwellian discourse. Progressing along a rough timeline from birth to death, each story is shot in a static camera angle as a single petitioner negotiates with an authority figure hovering just outside of frame, who is practiced in the language of doublespeak.

Mirko and Manolo are best friends and live in the suburbs of Rome. They both live in poor conditions with their single parents, are still in school and struggle with occasional odd jobs to make ends meet. Together they share dreams of women, of sex and money, of a better life to come. Then, after killing a man in a hit-and-run one night, they get involved with the local mafia and their lives change dramatically.

Set in the city of Uttar Pradesh and based on true events, the plot revolves around Dr. Shrinivas Ramchandra Siras who taught Marathi at Aligarh Muslim University. He was sacked from his position of Reader and Chair of Modern Indian Languages, on charges of homosexuality. A sting operation was conducted by a TV channel which showed him in an embrace with a rickshaw puller, at his house inside the campus.

When Leela is insulted by a group of space-rednecks (like regular rednecks, but in space) she enters the Planet Express ship in a demolition derby. She emerges victorious, but when she brings the damaged ship home and the Professor sees the fuel gauge, he's enraged by the hit he's going to take at the Dark Matter pump. Now the crew have to find a way to break Mom's stranglehold on starship fuel, even if they have to wade through a Lord of the Rings-inspired fantasy-land to do it!

Hayley’s a smart, charming teenage girl. Jeff’s a handsome, smooth fashion photographer. An Internet chat, a coffee shop meet-up, an impromptu fashion shoot back at Jeff’s place. Jeff thinks it’s his lucky night. He’s in for a surprise.

For Anna Maria, paradise lies with Jesus, and she devotes her time to door-to-door missionary work. One day after years of absence, her husband, an Egyptian Muslim confined to a wheelchair, comes home—and soon prayers are replaced by fighting.

Tangled up with blackmail and crooked cops, the son of a former gangster seeks out his father's old friends, who risk everything to save him.

Alana discover the truth about her origin: she’s not an ordinary human being. She may be the gift for humanity and become its protector as Sri Asih. Or a destruction, if she can’t control her anger.

Durant la construcció del metro metropolità, els treballadors fan un descobriment, cosa que prova que existeix la llegendària Biblioteca d'Iván el Terrible. Però la troballa s'oblida durant molts anys, i ja al nostre temps cau en mans del desprevingut Ilya. Ara la seva vida està en perill, perquè forces poderoses busquen un artefacte antic.

Several lonely hearts in a semi-provincial suburb of a town in Denmark use a beginner's course in Italian as the platform to meet the romance of their lives. The film, which unspools the connections and family drama shared between the students, complies with several aesthetic principles of Dogme 95 movement.

Three friends are arrested after committing an accident with their car. After finishing their sentence, they become partners with the owner of a decoration workshop. But he deceives them and spends the money in gambling. They force him to sign a waiver of his workshop but he wants to get it back.

Although she loves Christmas, Santa’s elf Christine (Summer Glau) wonders if there could be more to life than making toys in the North Pole. When Santa receives an emergency wish from a little boy in Los Angeles, he puts Christine on a special assignment, sending her to L.A. to give the VanCamp family—mom Sara (Eva La Rue), dad Scott (Dan Gauthier), and their two kids Ally (Izabela Vidovic) and Will (Mason Cook)—a holiday wake-up call. Will Christine fail her assignment and be sent back to the North Pole for good, or will the VanCamps come to their senses about the meaning of Christmas?

A man claiming to be Carol Brady's long-lost first husband, Roy Martin, shows up at the suburban Brady residence one evening. An impostor, the man is actually determined to steal the Bradys' familiar horse statue, a $20-million ancient Asian artifact.

Eight different people are invited to their 10-year high school reunion at their now-closed down high school where a former student, disfigured from a prank gone wrong, is there to seek revenge.