The picaresque and touching story of the politically incorrect, fully lived life of the impulsive, irascible and fearlessly blunt Barney Panofsky.

A lawyer who is a drug addict fights a medical-supplies corporation in court while battling his personal demons.

12-year-old Florian and his beloved dog Lassie live in an idyllic village in the German countryside. When Florian's father loses his job, the family have to move into a small apartment where there are no dogs allowed. Lassie is given away to another family, but Florian and Lassie yearn to be reunited again so Florian sets out on an adventure to find his best friend.

The story of Steve Harmon, a 17-year-old honor student whose world comes crashing down around him when he is charged with felony murder.

While serving life in prison, a young man looks back at the people, the circumstances and the system that set him on the path toward his crime.

Tripp is a high school senior with a knack for building trucks who makes an incredible discovery - a gas-guzzling creature named Creech. To protect his mischievous new friend, Tripp hides Creech under the hood of his latest creation, turning it into a real-life super-powered Monster Truck. Together, this unlikely duo with a shared taste for speed team up on a wild and unforgettable journey to reunite Creech with his family.

A murderous, flesh-eating undead young girl haunting the remote stretch of woods where she was murdered decades earlier, discovers a kidnapped and abused boy hiding in the trunk of one of her victim’s cars. Her decision to let the boy live throws her aggressively solitary existence into upheaval, and ultimately forces her to re-examine just how much of her humanity her murderer was able to destroy.

La directora d'origen danès Susanne Bier ('En un món millor') després de guanyar l'Oscar a la Millor Pel·lícula de Parla no anglesa, aborda aquesta comèdia romàntica centrada en el xoc entre dues de molt diferents que es trobaran en una bonica finca italiana, enmig d'una arbreda per celebrar un romàntic casament, meticulosament planejat fins al més mínim detall. Per descomptat, res no sortirà com els organitzadors havien pensat, perquè explotaran tots els secrets que els participants mantenien guardats. Enmig d'aquest desastre, alguns dels participants intentaran buscar l'amor, com és el cas d'Ida (Trine Dyrholm, 'Celebració'), que acaba de ser víctima d'una infidelitat per part de la seva parella, i Philip (Pierce Brosnan , 'Mor un altre dia'), amb qui es trobarà casualment. Entre rialles i plors, música i ball, alcohol i convits... tot pot passar!

Shaun Russell takes her son and daughter on a weekend getaway to her late father's secluded, high-tech vacation home in the countryside. The family soon gets an unwelcome surprise when four men break into the house to find hidden money. After managing to escape, Shaun must now figure out a way to turn the tables on the desperate thieves and save her captive children.

Middle-aged and divorced, Wilson finds himself lonely, smug, and obsessed with his past.

Frenètic thriller de robatoris que actualitza la clàssica història d'Oliver Twist. L'orfe Twist és un vividor que, juntament amb la banda de joves estafadors liderats per Fagin (Michael Caine), planegen donar el cop del segle: una cursa a contrarellotge per aconseguir una valuosa obra d'art.

Un guionista de pel·lícules d'acció rep l'encàrrec d'escriure una comèdia romàntica. El problema és que no creu en l'amor i no s'ha enamorat mai, per la qual cosa està totalment bloquejat. Però tot comença a canviar quan coneix una noia especial que li desmuntarà els esquemes. La seva peculiar colla d'amics l'aconsellaran sobre el que ha de fer per resoldre els dubtes existencials que li genera la relació amb aquesta noia.

Rico ha estat degradat i enviat a una estació satèl·lit de Mart, on s'ocuparà d'entrenar un grup de reclutes. Per descomptat no trigaran a aparèixer els coneguts bestioles. Seqüela de Starship Troopers: Invasió

En Casey és un noi amb un passat turbulent als Estats Units que decideix anar-se'n a viure a Colònia, a Alemanya, per començar una vida nova. Allà treballa juntament amb en Matthias per un traficant de droga, en Geran. Un dia coneix una americana, la Juliette, i decideix deixar la delinqüència per començar una nova vida amb ella. La Juliette necessita un trasplantament de ronyó per sobreviure que no li cobreix la sanitat alemanya. Per pagar l'operació, en Casey es planteja tornar a treballar per en Geran i robar un carregament del narcotraficant més important d'Alemanya, en Hagen Kahl, que sota la tapadora d'una empresa de transports es dedica a importar cocaïna des de Xile. La Juliette no vol que en Casey es torni a dedicar al negoci de la droga, però l'amor l'empenyerà a intentar-ho.

A consumer affair rep who works from her apartment decides to play hooky one day, and spends her time calling random people, looking for new connections

Guillaume and his friends have planned to attend the biggest electronic music festical to celebrate their passing school… but Guillaume has to take the test once again and has to go over everything over the weekend.

After learning of his brother's death during a mission in Romania, a former soldier joins two allies to hunt down a mysterious enemy and take his revenge.

Victoria is a young mother trying to put her dark past as a Russian drug courier behind her, but retired cop Damon forces Victoria to do his bidding by holding her daughter hostage. Now, Victoria must use guns, guts and a motorcycle to take out a series of violent gangsters—or she may never see her child again.

Three college friends hit the biggest party of the year, where a mysterious phenomenon disrupts the night, quickly descending into a chaos that challenges their friendships - and whether they can stay alive.

A pilot battles to save his family and the planet after an experiment for unlimited energy goes wrong.