Kolya and Alice live in different worlds. Kolya lives in modern-day Moscow, while Alice lives 100 years in the future. Kolya likes playing video games, writing rap songs and hanging out with his friends. He doesn’t think about the future at all. Alice knows everything about alien animal life, martial arts, and the history of the galaxy. The past holds a painful memory for Alice - her mother was killed in a battle between earthlings and space pirates. The defeated forces of evil will one day return, and worlds will collide. Kolya and Alice will meet, and their meeting will shape the future of our universe.

A documentary film about three cases of rape, that includes the stories of two American high school students, Audrie Pott and Daisy Coleman. At the time of the sexual assaults, Pott was 15 and Coleman was 14 years old. After the assaults, the victims and their families were subjected to abuse and cyberbullying.

A dramatization of one man's rescue of Jewish refugees in the Nazi-occupied Polish city of Lvov. In Darkness tells the true story of Leopold Soha who risks his own life to save a dozen people from certain death. Initially only interested in his own good, the thief and burglar hides Jewish refugees for 14 months in the sewers of the Nazi-occupied town of Lvov (formerly Poland).

A violent, guitar-playing, electrically charged boxer faces off against an electronic wizard half-merged with a metallic Buddha.

Dette er historien om Butch Cassidys skæbne efter han og The Sundance Kid stødte ind i den bolivianske hær i 1908, i slutningen af Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Nu går han under navnet James Blackthorn. Han er blevet gammel og drømmer bare om at se sit hjem en sidste gang. Derfor bevæger han sig ud på en lang rejse, og undervejs møder han en ung bankrøver, der får trukket ham med på et sidste eventyr.

Når en escape room-attraktion forvandles fra en sjov bonding-aktivitet til en farlig paranormal oplevelse, må en far og datter flygte fra en vred ånd.

Composer Steven Lauddem is plagued by a creative block which leaves him unable to finish the score for his big comeback opera. When his former therapist-turned-wife Patricia suggests he rekindle his creativity by getting lost in the city, Steven sets out in search of inspiration. His epiphany comes after he meets a spirited woman named Katrina and discovers his life has much more potential than he bargained for, or ever could have imagined.

Efter at være blevet skudt vågner teenageren Tom op af sin koma og opdager, at stykker af hans smartphone er indlejret i hans hjerne. Han opdager også, at han har udviklet underlige superkræfter, der hjælper ham til at få hævn over dem, der skød ham.

Budapest International Chess Tournament. The most likely winner: Cal Fournier (22), French champion, immature genius, socially awkward, compulsive player. But this time, an unusual 9-years-old Hungarian opponent disrupts this smooth-running routine.

When Hollywood star Helena Harris (Diane Neal) films her newest movie, “This Magic Moment,” in the small town of Stone’s Throw, she strikes up an unlikely friendship with local video store owner Clark Gable (Travis Schuldt). Helena, who recently broke up with “This Magic Moment” co-star Roberto Molinez (Vincent Spano), asks her new friend Clark to pretend to be her love interest in order to make Roberto jealous. Clark agrees and in exchange, Helena helps him pursue his screenwriting career. While this agreement benefits both Clark and Helena, it also complicates the relationship between Clark and his newly single ex-girlfriend, Emily McIntyre (Alaina Huffman). As the director Doyle Duncan (Charles Shaughnessy) begins to wrap production, Clark finds himself caught between his admiration for the famous beauty and his feelings for former high school sweetheart. With whom will he find his happy ending?

Sammen med sin søster Amber (Alexa Vega) og en narkoafhængig onkel lever den unge Hannah Lee (Abigail Breslin) i en verden af vold, våben og motorcykelbander, og hun søger tilflugt i glæden ved at spille skak. Alle lever i frygt for Onkel Frank (Sean Bean), som driver familiens kriminelle forretninger med hård hånd. Da Amber forelsker sig i Wild Bill (James Purefoy), som har et mellemværende med Onkel Frank, tilspidses situationen.

When theater major Leah, brings home the special someone in her life to meet her mom, Julie, the family is met with a surprise when Pearl comes to the door. Julie tries to embrace the idea of Leah’s new love interest, but she can’t shake the feeling that something is very wrong. Julie’s suspicions lead to a startling discovery about Pearl that puts Leah in serious danger. Will Julie be able to save her daughter from an eternity of heartache before it’s too late?

Anna tilbragte hele sin barndom låst ind på loftet af en mystisk mand, hun kun kendte som Daddy. Anna er dødsensangst for et væsen, han kalder Wildling – et børnespisende monster, der lever udenfor. Efter sheriffen Ellen Cooper frigiver Anna og hjælper hende med starten på et nyt liv, vender Annas barndoms-mareridt om Wildling dog tilbage, og ødelægger hendes chancer for et nyt, normalt liv.

A nasty virus has spread throughout the human race turning the population into something ...else. After a brief setup (and a messy hit and run) we’re introduced to an ambulance and its four occupants. Sonia and Marco are together and riding with two police officers. Tensions rise between them as they head for a mythical research facility called NOAH that is reportedly infection free and working on a cure, and circumstances lead to Sonia and Marco holing up alone in an abandoned building. She’s pregnant, in love, and apparently immune to the virus… and she realizes that he’s been infected. He slowly transforms but her love for him refuses to give up on a cure, so she sets out to survive the onslaught of infected, attacks from still-human marauders, and the growing threat from her baby’s daddy.

White hunter Allan Quartermain and his enigmatic guide help a young Irish woman locate her missing father in unexplored Darkest Africa.

Filmen foregår i slutningen af 70’erne i den lille schweiziske by Vevey ved Geneve-søen. Eddy – en 40-årig belgisk småforbryder – løslades fra fængslet og hentes af sin ven Osman. De har lavet en aftale: Osman vil lade Eddy bo i hans hus og til gengæld vil Eddy tage sig af Osmans 7-årige datter Samira, mens hendes mor er på hospitalet. Det er juletid, og deres fælles trange kår har gjort Eddy ganske bitter. Så bliver Charlie Chaplins død annonceret på tv, og hermed det sande omfang af hans fabelagtige rigdom. Eddy begynder at dagdrømme … og kommer op med en skør idé: Hvad hvis han stjal skuespillerens lig og forlangte en løsesum af familien?

Set i den futuristiske landskab i Los Angeles den 4. juli 2008, da det står på randen af ​​social, økonomisk og miljømæssig katastrofe. Boxer Santaros er en action-stjerne, der er ramt af hukommelsestab. Hans liv flettes med Krysta Now, en voksen filmstjerne udvikle sit eget reality tv-projekt, og Ronald Taverner, en Hermosa Beach politimand, som har nøglen til en enorm sammensværgelse.

Centuries ago, under the sands of ancient Egypt, a Prince was buried and his tomb eternally cursed so that no man would ever again suffer from his evil ways. But hundreds of years later on a greedy search for treasure, a group of archaeologists break the cursed seal of the tomb. Every man vanishes without a trace, leaving behind only a log book, and a deadly warning of the legend of the bloodthirsty Talos.

Sam and Anna are part of the hip, vegan, green, eco-friendly, upper-class subculture of Berlin. Anna is a successful doctor, and Nick works in advertising. However, life in Germany's capital is fast-paced and stressful, so the two of them decide to take the next step towards the ideal "eco lifestyle" and move out to the country. As they arrive, they find that life in the country is much less relaxing than they expected, as the rather eccentric locals keep them on their toes.

Sometimes you can live your whole life in a few days... A high school graduation trip in which love, friendship, desire, illusion, innocence and the forbidden are all part of the adventure. Charm and disillusionment shine through teenage friendships as the characters try to understand what is happening to them and what they should do with their future.