A documentary film about three cases of rape, that includes the stories of two American high school students, Audrie Pott and Daisy Coleman. At the time of the sexual assaults, Pott was 15 and Coleman was 14 years old. After the assaults, the victims and their families were subjected to abuse and cyberbullying.

12-årige Stella står på tærsklen til puberteten og ser meget op til sin storesøster, Katja, som er en lovende kunstskøjteløber. Men da Stella finder ud af, at Katja lider af spiseforstyrrelser, tvinger Katja hende til at holde tand for tunge. Hemmeligheden vejer tungt på Stellas skuldre, og hun gruer for, hvad der vil ske, hvis hun trodser Katjas trusler og vælger at dele sin viden med forældrene

A high school senior must choose between enrolling at the college of her dreams and remaining at home to take care of her bipolar mother.

Based a on a true story about two sisters who came out on top of a man's sport. The story is based on Erica and Courtney Enders, two sisters who get in to junior drag racing and make it all the way to the top. The two sisters fight a battle of fellow racers who are against having girls race with them therefore it pushes them harder to compete against their competition. Erica becomes stressed when her racing life becomes mixed with her social life and academic goals, and decided to quit racing, until she realizes racing is what she truly wants to do. Finally towards the end of their teen years the Enders sisters come out on top to win the junior drag racing national title. They continue to race throughout high school and college, and still do so today.

It's a love story between a fashion blogger and a video game blogger. The beauty and the nerd.

En forstadsfamilie bliver flået i stykker da den 14-årige Annie møder sin første kæreste online. Efter at have kommunikeret over online chat og telefon i flere måneder opdager Annie at hendes ven ikke er hvad han giver sig ud for. Hendes far (Clive Owen) og mor (Catherine Keener) er knust over deres datters handlinger og prøver at støtte hende imens hun indser hvad der er sket med hendes liv som indtil nu har været beskyttet og uskyldigt.

A younger sister wishes to switch places with her popular older sister and the two bickering siblings awaken to find the wish has come true.

A beautiful and naive college freshman discovers that her entire life is a lie and sets out on a road trip with a host of misfits to discover herself and the answers she craves.

A teenager pretends to be dying from cancer as a way to cope with the realities of his daily existence and his father's terminal illness.

Den akavede Ed flytter til en ny by med sin mor og opdager hurtigt, at han får brug for hjælp, hvis han skal passe ind i sin nye skole. Da han får til opgave at skrive en stil om en person fra en ældre generation, henvender Ed sig til sin nabo Ashby (Mickey Rourke), der viser sig at være lige den gode indflydelse, han har brug for! Deres venskab bliver dog en anelse kompliceret, da Ed opdager, at Ashby er en falleret CIA lejemorder!

Miles Montego has it all - cars, boats, good looks, mansion, money, women, but more importantly, he has a past.

Hun begynder at føle sig ensom da hendes venner lukker hende ude af fællesskabet og pludselig er hun offer for cyber-mobning. Teenagepigen Taylor Hillridge får en bærbar computer i fødselsdagsgave og melder sig til et socialt netværk. Hun begynder at føle sig ensom da hendes venner lukker hende ude af fællesskabet og pludselig er hun offer for cyber-mobning.

Molly and Terry Donahue, plus their three children, are The Five Donahues. Youngest son Tim meets hat-check girl Vicky and the family act begins to fall apart.

When a prince, and heir to the throne, finds himself in some hot water for his partying ways, the royal family decides to hire a top notch PR consultant to work with him.

Da Saras chef stjæler hendes gode ide, beder hun Julemanden om mod til at forsvare sig selv. Men kan 48 timers magi gøre en varig forskel?

A seductive teen becomes vindictive when her boyfriend tries to end the relationship.

Da en gruppe turister i en New Orleans hjemsøgt sumptur strander i ørkenen, bliver deres aften med sjov og uhygge til et forfærdeligt mareridt.

I ‘The Duel’ spiller Woody Harrelson en karismatisk præst og åndelige leder af en lille by, hvor en serie mord bliver begået. Texas Ranger David Kingston skal efterforske dem, men finder den lille by – og ikke mindst præsten – særdeles ildevarslende. Han forsøger hastigt at opklare sagen, så han kan forlade den farlige flække.

A mother and her son plan a surprise visit to Los Angeles to see her husband/his father. Halfway there they get into a terrible accident in the middle of nowhere and now must fight to survive.

After being diagnosed with dementia, an elderly war veteran is forced by his estranged family to hire a live-in nurse, only to find she harbors a sinister secret.