



アトレイデス家の後継者、ポール。彼には”未来が視える”能力があった。 宇宙帝国の皇帝からの命令で、その惑星を制する者が全宇宙を制すると言われる、 過酷な《砂の惑星デューン》へと移住するが、それは罠だった…。 そこで宇宙支配を狙う宿敵ハルコンネン家の壮絶な戦いが勃発!! 父を殺され、巨大なサンドワームが襲い来るその惑星で、全宇宙のために立ち上がるー


Paulete, the star of a daring theater group, is visited by his military brother-in-law, the young Fininha. A torrid relationship arises between the two, and now the soldier must deal with the prevailing repression during the Brazilian military dictatorship.

全米トラック運転組合のリーダー:ジミー・ホッファの失踪、殺人に関与した容疑をかけられた実在の凄腕ヒットマン:フランク“The Irishman”・シーランの半生を描いた物語。全米トラック運転手組合「チームスター」のリーダー、ジミー・ホッファの不審な失踪と殺人事件。その容疑は、彼の右腕で友人の凄腕のヒットマンであり、伝説的な裏社会のボス:ラッセル・ブファリーノに仕えていたシーランにかけられる。第2次世界大戦後の混沌とし たアメリカ裏社会で、ある殺し屋が見た無法者たちの壮絶な生き様が描かれる。

18世紀初頭、フランスとの戦争状態にあるイングランド。 虚弱な女王、アン が王位にあり、彼女 の幼馴染、レディ・サラ が病身で気まぐれな女王を動かし、絶大な権力を振るっ ていた。 そんな中、没落したサラの従妹アビゲイル が召 使いとして参内し、その魅力がレディ・サラとアン女王を引きつけ る。 レディ・サラはアビゲイルを支配下に置くが、一方でアビゲイルは 再び貴族の地位に返り咲く機会を伺っていた。 戦争の継続をめぐる政治的駆け引きが続く中、急速に育まれるサラ との友情がアビゲイルにチャンスをもたらすが、 その行く手には数々の試練が待ち受けていた。


なぜ、エルサに力は与えられたのか――。 命がけの妹アナによって、閉ざした心を開き、“触れるものすべてを凍らせてしまう力”をコントロールできるようになったエルサは、雪と氷に覆われたアレンデール王国に温かな陽光を取り戻した。そして再び城門を閉じることはないと約束した。それから3年――。 深い絆で結ばれたアナとエルサの姉妹は、王国を治めながら、失われた少女時代を取り戻すかのように、気の置けない仲間たちと平穏で幸せな日々を送っていた。しかしある日、エルサだけが“不思議な歌声”を聴く。その歌声に導かれ、仲間のクリストフやオラフと共に旅に出たアナとエルサは、エルサの持つ“力”の秘密を解き明かすため、数々の試練に立ち向かう。果たしてなぜ力はエルサだけに与えられたのか。そして姉妹の知られざる過去の“謎”とは? 旅の終わりに、待ち受けるすべての答えとは――。


Set in China's underworld, this tale of love and betrayal follows a dancer who fired a gun to protect her mobster boyfriend during a fight. On release from prison 5 years later, she sets out to find him.


A picture-perfect family is torn apart after Tyler finds a cache of disturbing images in his father's possession. He begins to suspect that the man he trusts most in the world may be responsible for the murder of 13 women ten years prior.

Sergio is a brooding, alienated man who works as a trash collector in Lisbon by day and roams the city streets by night seeking rough, anonymous sex with men. One night he meets a man who seems to be the embodiment of his tormented fantasies, and he becomes obsessed with the stranger until loneliness and unfulfilled desire propel him finally into a dark and dangerous animalistic state.

The mayor of Lyon, Paul Théraneau, is in a delicate position. After 30 years in politics, he is running out of ideas and is faced with a feeling of existential emptiness. To overcome this, Paul hires a young and brilliant philosopher, Alice Heimann. Then follows a dialogue between two diametrically opposed personalities who will turn their certainties upside down.

A playboy learns to love, while a virgin learns to live -- a queer romantic comedy set inside the restaurant industry... 'John Apple Jack' brings East and West together to create one sumptuously heart-warming dish. When John discovers his sister's fiance is Jack, his childhood crush, passions ignite and his life spirals out of control... losing his job, his playboy reputation and his underwear, all while rushing to the altar to finally confess his love!

The Seminarian is a story about Ryan, a closeted gay student in his final semester of seminary studies. Despite his school's hostile stance towards homosexuality, Ryan has two gay classmates - Gerald and Anthony - in whom he secretly confides. He is also close to his religiously devout mother who, as things stand, is unaware of his sexual orientation. Ryan needs to complete a solid theological thesis in order to continue doctoral work at the university of his dreams. As he works on his thesis 'The Divine Gift of Love,' Ryan begins a relationship with Bradley - a guy he has met on the Internet who seems perpetually unable to commit himself. Ryan confides in Gerald and Anthony, only to learn about their romantic struggles as well. Consequently, Ryan questions his views on God's gift of love.

The Pursuit of Normality tells the story of William Baxter, a 17-year-old aspiring writer who lands a cutthroat internship at a prestigious publishing house. With the promise of a full-time placement for the most impressive novel, Will faces fierce competition against his rival interns. While pushing the boundaries of morality as he writes his first novel, Will is led on an exploration of his sexuality alongside hallucinatory visions of his older self.