Five men are hired to paint the yellow line the road between two villages in Mexico forgotten. Aboard an old pickup truck, initiated the work of more than two hundred kilometers of asphalt and yellow paint to be completed in less than a fortnight

La India María must find at all costs in the recesses of a mountain the Magic Black Mirror of Tezcatlipoca, since the spirit of his great-grandfather Moctezuma II ordered her to find it in to prevent the destruction of Mexico. Alonso, a handsome Spanish archaeologist, Bianchi, an antiquities dealer and Brigida Troncoso - an ambitious governor, are aware of the existence of such mirror, of the mysterious treasure of Moctezuma and of María, so all undertake a frantic chase after her to seize the magic glass and the gold.

The autobiography of a Somalian nomad who was sold in marriage at 13, fled from Africa a while later to become finally an American supermodel and is now at the age of 38, the UN spokeswoman against female genital mutilation.

Javier se ha casado con María, el amor de su vida, y ahora lo único que desea es estar feliz con ella el resto de su vida, pero el destino se la quita poco después de la boda. Ahora Javier está enredado en sus emociones: ¿cómo aceptará la muerte de su mujer para encontrar nuevamente el amor?

Una jove creix en una família disfuncional de nòmades inconformistes, amb una mare excèntrica i un pare alcohòlic que distreu als nens amb la seva imaginació perquè ignorin la seva pobresa. Basada en les memòries de Jeanette Walls.

Un viatge de Londres a la Riviera francesa farà que Joanna i el seu marit Mark revisquin els romàntics començaments de la seva relació, els primers anys del matrimoni i les respectives infidelitats. Amb el pas del temps tots dos han canviat, per la qual cosa hauran d'enfrontar-se a un dilema: separar-se o acceptar-se mútuament tal com són.

The story of the breakout of the German battleship Bismarck—accompanied by the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen—during the early days of World War II. The Bismarck and her sister ship, Tirpitz, were the most powerful battleships in the European theater of World War II. The British Navy must find and destroy Bismarck before it can escape into the convoy lanes to inflict severe damage on the cargo shipping which was the lifeblood of the British Isles. With eight 15 inch guns, it was capable of destroying every ship in a convoy while remaining beyond the range of all Royal Navy warships.

This is the story of 23-year-old Laura who lives in the largest city in the world and yet feels alone. She also knows the exact date in which she'll die: April 30. What Laura doesn't know is what she'll do from now till then, and thus she enrolls in a group of optimists, which she finds pathetic but fun. In that group she writes a list of 10 things she wants to do before she dies, some that mean a lot and some that are a lot of fun. The first thing on her list is to save a life.

Pil, a little vagabond girl, lives on the streets of the medieval city of Roc-en-Brume, along with her three tame weasels. She survives of food stolen from the castle of the sinister Regent Tristain. One day, to escape his guards, Pil disguises herself as a princess. Thus she embarks upon a mad, delirious adventure, together with Crobar, a big clumsy guard who thinks she's a noble, and Rigolin, a young crackpot jester. Pil is going to have to save Roland, rightful heir to the throne under the curse of a spell. This adventure will turn the entire kingdom upside down, and teach Pil that nobility can be found in all of us.

Boy, el fill de Tarzan i Jane, que creu que els seus pares han mort, és raptat per uns homes que volen portar-lo als Estats Units perquè actuï en un espectacle amb un elefant. Els seus pares no dubtaran a viatjar a la Gran Poma per rescatar el seu fill. Una de les pel·lícules més populars del mític Tarzan, que canvia aquesta vegada la jungla africana per la selva de ciment novaiorquesa.

Gloria finds a power she never knew she had when she is drawn into a dangerous world of cross-border crime. Surviving will require all of her cunning, inventiveness, and strength.

Chanticleer is a foolhardy farm rooster who believes his crows can actually make the sun come up and shine. When the sun rises one morning without Chanticleer's crow, he leaves the farm in disgrace and runs off to become a rock 'n' roll singer. But in his absence, a sinister, sunshine-hating owl prepares to take over.

Alex Belli is a 37 year old advertising executive whose fiancée Elena has just left him, and who is having difficulty at work trying to think of a good advertising campaign for a new Japanese product. Niki is a bubbly 17 year old student. She has three best friends with whom she shares all her problems, and an annoying ex-boyfriend Fabio who is set on getting her back, but Niki's not interested. One day on his way to work, Alex collides with Niki on a city street. They soon begin a romance, despite their 20-year age gap.

Although Jason works as a department store clerk, he is also a reincarnated prince. Long ago, his beloved Jessie was snatched away from him by an evil wizard who used his powers to transform her into wooden statue. Now Jessie is in Jason's department store as a mannequin. When he encounters her, she awakens from her thousand-year sleep. They quickly revive their romance, but the evil wizard has been reincarnated as well, and he's up to no good.

By day, Richard Haig is a successful and well-respected English professor at renowned Trinity College in Cambridge. By night, Richard indulges his own romantic fantasies with a steady stream of beautiful undergraduates. But Richard has grown tired of the game and is looking for something more meaningful and lasting. So when Kate, Richard’s tanned, athletic, 25-year-old American girlfriend tells him that she is pregnant, Richard is thrilled. He looks forward to having a family of his own, being a father his children could be proud of, not some sex-fueled bobcat. There is only one problem. Richard’s not in love with Kate. Richard is in love with Kate’s sister, Olivia. He had been in love with her ever since he first saw her.

When a couple of American young adults fly to Israel to visit the city of Jerusalem, a biblical nightmare falls upon the city.

A boy's life is turned upside down when he learns that he is the last of a group of immortal warriors who have dedicated their lives to fighting the forces of the dark.

The 21st successor to the role of Bengalla's resident superhero must travel to New York to prevent a rich madman from obtaining three magic skulls that would give him the secret to ultimate power.

Courtney Snow, an author with writer's block, still haunted by the suicide of her best friend while they were in prep school, finds herself teaching at the very same school while trying to get back on her feet. She encounters a young student, Laurel, who seems in every way to be the reincarnation of her best friend from years ago. Laurel seems to know things about Courtney that only dead friend would have known. Is she losing her mind or is it all a cruel hoax?

A biology professor discovers a deadly species of vampire bats are responsible for a series of bizarre murders and now she must find a way to stop them before they are completely out of control.