A collection of stories about and images of our world, offering an immersion to the core of what it means to be human. Through these stories full of love and happiness, as well as hatred and violence, it brings us face to face with the Other, making us reflect on our lives. From stories of everyday experiences to accounts of the most unbelievable lives, these poignant encounters share a rare sincerity and underline who we are – our darker side, but also what is most noble in us, and what is universal. Our Earth is shown at its most sublime through never-before-seen aerial images accompanied by soaring music, resulting in an ode to the beauty of the world, providing a moment to draw breath and for introspection. This film is a politically engaged work which allows us to embrace the human condition and to reflect on the meaning of our existence.
Any 2029. En una enorme ciutat asiàtica, una dona robot policia cíborg investiga les sinistres activitats d'un misteriós hacker, un supercriminal que està envaint les autopistes de la informació. Ghost in the shell 2.0 és una remasterització/remake del clàssic original dirigit per Mamoru Oshii el 1995, basat al seu torn en el manga de Masamune Shinow.
Josey Aimes (Charlize Theron), una mare soltera, torna al seu poble natal al nord de Minnesota i, per tirar endavant, busca feina a les mines de ferro. No s'imagina a quina mena d'humiliacions es veuen sotmeses les dones a la feina.
A man with a troubled past is released on parole. He finds work as a church organist and develops a rewarding relationship with a priest and her young son. However, his past soon catches up with him.
A Pennsylvania band scores a hit in 1964 and rides the star-making machinery as long as it can, with lots of help from its manager.
Wealthy socialite Charlotte Cartwright and her dear friend Alice Pratt, a working class woman of high ideals, have enjoyed a lasting friendship throughout several decades. Recently, their lives have become mired in turmoil as their adult children’s extramarital affairs, unethical business practices, and a dark secret threaten to derail family fortunes and unravel the lives of all involved. Charlotte and Alice decide to take a breather from it all by making a cross-country road trip in which they rediscover themselves and possibly find a way to save their families from ruin.
After the death of her mother, Sara moves to the South Side of Chicago to live with her father and gets transferred to a majority-black school. Her life takes a turn for the better when befriends Chenille and her brother Derek, who helps her with her dancing skills.
Any 1939. Daniel McCormick (Mel Gibson), pilot de proves, és un home a qui tot li va bé a la vida. Tot canvia un matí en què la seva núvia, Helen, té un desgraciat accident. Desolat, s'ofereix voluntari per a un experiment secret: El cos de Daniel queda congelat a una càpsula experimental. El 1992, més de cinquanta anys després, dos nens descobreixen la càpsula i descongelen el cos, portant Daniel a casa d'un d'ells, que viu amb la seva mare Claire (Jamie Lee Curtis).
Victor Maynard is a middle-aged, solitary assassin who lives to please his formidable mother, despite his own peerless reputation for lethal efficiency. His professional routine is interrupted when he finds himself drawn to one of his intended victims. After sparing her life, he unexpectedly acquires a young apprentice. Believing Victor to be a private detective, his two new companions tag along, while he attempts to thwart the murderous attentions of his unhappy client.
El president dels Estats Units viatja a Salamanca per fer una conferència. Durant l'acte, algú intenta atemptar contra la seva vida. En aquell moment, hi ha vuit persones. Vuit punts de vista, cadascun amb un relat diferent dels fets. Què ha passat, realment?
David i Amy Fox són una parella de noucasats que es veuen obligats a passar la nit en un aïllat hotel després d'una avaria al seu cotxe. A la seva habitació descobreixen unes càmeres de vídeo ocultes, i es donen compte que, a menys que escapin d'allà, seran els següents a protagonitzar una snuff movie...
Singer and songwriter Hank Williams rises to fame in the 1940s, but alcohol abuse and infidelity take a toll on his career and marriage to fellow musician Audrey Mae Williams.
A veteran soldier returns from his completed tour of duty in Iraq, only to find his life turned upside down when he is arbitrarily ordered to return to field duty by the Army.
An inseparable couple Saira and Shiva find themselves in a complicated situation when a stranger claims to be her reincarnated lover from their previous lifetime, hellbent on destroying their relationship and winning her back.
While her mother is away from home, 12-year-old Adar's role-playing games with her stepfather move into dangerous territory. Seeking an escape, Adar finds Alan, an ethereal boy that accompanies her on a dark journey between reality and fantasy.
Turmentat per l'estrany suïcidi d'una pacient, un prestigiós psicòleg abandona la seva consulta i s'instal·la a Los Angeles a la recerca del suport del seu amic Jim que, al seu torn, està molt alterat per les incessants amenaces de mort de què està sent objecte . Poc abans de ser assassinat, Jim confessa que sospita de cinc pacients que està tractant en una teràpia de grup.
Relat dels dos últims anys de vida de Diana. Quan la princesa Diana va volar a Pakistan el maig de 1997, va anar a conèixer a la família del Dr. Hasnat Khan, l'home amb el qual volia casar-se. Una de les dones més famoses i belles del món, esperava persuadir a la mare del Dr. Khan fent-li veure que seria l'esposa adequada per al seu fill. En cas d'haver tingut èxit, els esdeveniments d'aquell estiu podrien haver estat molt diferents.
Four friends lose themselves in a carefree South-East Asian holiday. Only three come back. Dave and Alice return home to their young family desperate for answers about Jeremy's mysterious disappearance. When Alice's sister Steph returns not long after, a nasty secret is revealed about the night her boyfriend went missing. But it is only the first of many. Who amongst them knows what happened on that fateful night when they were dancing under a full moon in Cambodia?
A seventeen year old girl forms a co-dependent relationship with an artificial intelligence on her phone and goes on a murderous rampage.
The film tells the story of a woman who loves her husband very much, but after a while she learns of her husband's strange behavior, and so on.