Zoinks! Get ready to shake and shiver with Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang as they collect clues and capture crooks as only they can! Those teenage super-sleuths have the villains on the run in four mysterious adventures. So grab your Scooby snacks, gather your courage and make like a detective because - jinkies - there's a mystery to solve. Compilation of four episodes from the Scooby-Doo franchise: Vampires, Bats, and Scaredy Cats; A Gaggle of Galloping Ghosts; That's Snow Ghost; and Which Witch is Which.

Payton becomes the caretaker of Gregory Devereaux, a wealthy man facing his final months. As they become close, Gregory's past sins force Payton to decide between his dreams and a pregnancy that could squander them all.

Després d'anys de guerra, la Federació i l'imperi Klingon es disposen per a una conferència de pau. Però el panorama d'una negociació intergalàctica amb implacables enemics, preocupa a l'Almirall Kirk. “Són animals!”, adverteix. Quan una nau Klingon és atacada i responsabilitzen a l'Enterprise, els gossos de la guerra tornen a ser alliberats: ambdós mons es preparen per al que pot ser la seva trobada definitiva.

Un grup d'automobilistes viatja per un paisatge agrest del sud de Califòrnia. De sobte, un cotxe els avança a gran velocitat però, en agafar un revolt, es precipita per un barranc. Els automobilistes s'aturen i intenten ajudar els ocupants del vehicle sinistrat, però arriben tard, i el conductor moribund confessa que té amagat un botí de tres-cents mil dòlars al parc de Santa Rosita.

The remarkable true story of the early life of Ip Man, the formidable kung fu genius who would become Bruce Lee's mentor; beginning at the start of his journey from his initial training through to the ultimate battle to become supreme master of the art of Wing Chun.

A young girl suffers a terrifying nightmare of a vampire with blazing golden eyes. Eighteen years later, it is revealed to be a hellish prophecy when a strange package containing an empty coffin mysteriously turns up at a nearby lake.

The Author, i.e. J. R. R. Tolkien himself (played by Zinovij Gerdt), tells "his" story: the life of Bilbo Baggins, a quiet and enjoyable hobbit, is turned upside down when he decides to join the wizard Gandalf and a company of thirteen dwarves in an attempt to regain a treasure stolen from the latter. [Soviet television movie adaptation of "The Hobbit"]

Ja fa dos anys des que la Enterprise acabés la seva missió. La majoria de la tripulació resta a la Enterprise millorant-la sota la supervisió del nou capità en funcions William Decker. En James T. Kirk ha estat ascendit a almirall, el Dr. McCoi ara és un metge civil, l'Spock resta a Vulcà practicant el Kolinahr. Un misteriós núvol d'energia és detectat en espai Kinglon i sembla dirigir-se a la Terra, destruint pel camí tres naus Klingon classe K't'inga i l'estació Epsilon 9. Un cop més, la nau estel·lar Enterprise salparà a la recerca del desconegut, aquest cop per a intentar salvar la Terra.

En Frank Martin és un antic membre de les forces especials que es guanya la vida com a transportista de persones i mercaderies. Un amic li encarrega de fer de xofer per a una família rica, els Billing, i portar el fill a escola. Sembla que es tracta d’una feina senzilla, però tot es complica quan algú segresta el nen.

Elisabeth and Charles search for a link between three very different murders.

A Broadway actress uses her sex appeal to ruin a marriage only to dump her lover for a richer prospect.

Working in a Boston homeless shelter, Nick Flynn re-encounters his father, a con man and self-proclaimed poet. Sensing trouble in his own life, Nick wrestles with the notion of reaching out yet again to his dad.

Dooley and his K-9 partner Jerry Lee are ready to retire from the police force. But before he can retire with his pension he must work as a P.I. to find a set of high tech computer chips.

The very first movie adaptation of J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit. Made in just 30 days so that the producer could keep the rights to Tolkien's books.

In hustle and bustle of urban life, we sometimes don't know our neighbors next door. And in the village, everyone knows each other and lives with the joys, troubles, and worries of a neighbor, like one big family. That's why a person is pulled to their small homeland, to their roots. The one who forgets their roots experiences a burdensome emptiness and dissatisfaction with their achievements in life.

Two mismatched personal trainers' lives are upended by the actions of a new, wealthy client.

Un expert en sistemes de seguretat és detingut durant un robatori. Quan surt de la presó és contractat per un banquer perquè dissenyi un sistema a prova de robatoris durant la renovació d'un banc, però poc després d'acabar li fan xantatge perquè sabotegi la seguretat.