Follows a woman as she becomes fully awake.

France, 1963. Anne is a bright young student with a promising future ahead of her. But when she falls pregnant, she sees the opportunity to finish her studies and escape the constraints of her social background disappearing. With her final exams fast approaching and her belly growing, Anne resolves to act, even if she has to confront shame and pain, even if she must risk prison to do so.

An Okinawan prophecy that foretells the destruction of the Earth is seeming fulfilled when Godzilla emerges to return to his destructive roots. But not all is what it seems after Godzilla breaks his ally Anguirus's jaw. Matters are further complicated when a second Godzilla emerges, revealing the doppelgänger as a mechanical weapon.

While under the guise of taking his family on a weekend winter getaway, Loid's attempt to make progress on his current mission Operation Strix proves difficult when Anya mistakenly gets involved and triggers events that threaten world peace.

Four lives intersect along the Ganges: a low caste boy in hopeless love, a daughter ridden with guilt of a sexual encounter ending in a tragedy, a hapless father with fading morality, and a spirited child yearning for a family, long to escape the moral constructs of a small-town.

Den menneskesky trøffeljæger Rob bor alene langt ude i Oregons vildnis. Da hans højtelskede trøffelgris bliver kidnappet, må han modvilligt alliere sig med sin mellemmand Amir i jagten på gerningsmændene. En jagt, der tvinger Rob tilbage til storbyen og ned i gourmetrestauranternes underverden, hvor han må konfrontere sin fortid.

En professionel gnaverdræber indtager scenen i denne mindre kendte Roald Dahl-novelle, filmatiseret af Wes Anderson.

To år efter at hun undslap et voldeligt angreb på sin familie, forsøger 16-årige Becky at genopbygge sit liv i pleje af en ældre kvinde - en åndsslægt ved navn Elena. Men da en voldelig gruppe kendt som Noble Men bryder ind i deres hjem, angriber dem og tager deres elskede hund, må Becky vende tilbage til sine gamle måder for at beskytte sig selv og sine kære.

Benjamin is a PhD student without scholarship support. Under the pressure of his parents, and in need of money, he becomes a substitute teacher in a middle school. Without training nor experience, and facing a declining public educational system, he discovers how tough this job can be. Hopefully, his supportive and committed colleagues will lead him to take a fresh look at the profession.

A charming romance develops between a boy with one eye and an overweight girl, though when she loses weight after going to college, their relationship is tested in devastating ways they never dreamed would happen.

Set in the mid sixties and shot with more black than white, ‘SAD?’ is a dark ten minute film that explores the time that we spend alone watching television, and the good and sad effects it can have on you. The film has a timeless, forgotten feel about it, a study of a world and time detached from the norm, a life filled with both laughter and loneliness, escapism and escapees...

Patrick er en underlig og ensom mand, der bor i sin husvogn længst tilbage i en trailerpark. Radioen spiller, og det stormer udenfor. Pludselig banker det på døren, og da han overrasket åbner døren, står der en ung kvinde udenfor. Hvad vil hun ham? Eller hvad vil han hende? You’ll Never Find Me er en intens skrækhistorie fyldt med paranoia og spænding.

Sadako er en ung japansk kvinde med overnaturlige evner. Kort efter, at hun bliver ansat i et lille teater, dør indehaveren af den kvindelige hovedrolle under mystiske omstændigheder. Sadoka får derefter hovedrollen, men uhygge og død fortsætter på teateret. De andre er bange for Sadoka og frygter, at hun er besat af onde kræfter.

Da en tech-blogger lander et interview med en tech-guru og stopper et angreb på ham, finder han en mystisk ring, der fører ham 57 sekunder tilbage i fortiden.

Baseret på sande begivenheder og romanen af samme navn. Vicedetektiv Bob Hightower finder sin ekskone myrdet og datter kidnappet af en sekt. Frustreret over de forkludrede officielle undersøgelser forlader han styrken og infiltrerer sekten for at jage lederen med hjælp fra sektens eneste kvindelige offer, Case Hardin.

Three years have passed, Antonio and Luca are seeing each other for the first time since Denis's death. Luca, who has hit rock bottom after the death of his friend, was lucky enough to meet Tancredi, his current boyfriend, ...while Antonio has focused on his work, so much so that he is now a well-known chef in a pastry shop. It is clear that there is still a special relationship between the two, but Antonio mistakes Luca's affection for something more and does everything he can to ruin his relationship with Tancredi, even though Cristina does not approve of his behavior. Will Antonio learn to leave the past behind in order to fully experience what the future has to offer him?

I år 2670 trues det harmoniske samliv mellem mennesker og aber af både den militante Gorilla, General Aldo og en voldelig gruppe af endnu intelligente menneskelige mutanter. Den stigende spænding mellem de to grupper eksploderer i en apokalyptisk konfrontation, der lægger hele civilisationen i ruiner. Da dødens stilhed indfinder sig og ødelæggelsernes omfang bliver synlige, er alt tilsyneladende forbi. Men der er stadig et spinkelt håb for de overlevende.

Jamie, an uninhibited free spirit bemoaning yet another breakup with a girlfriend, and her demure friend Marian desperately needs to loosen up. In search of a fresh start, the two embark on an impromptu road trip to Tallahassee, but things quickly go awry when they cross paths with a group of inept criminals along the way.

As the Lino Vartan shelter, which takes orphans and seniors in, has to shut down for health issues, Milann has no choice but to accept the invitation of a retirement home in the south of France.

A comedy set on New Year’s Eve 1999 in a luxurious hotel in the Swiss Alps where the lives of various guests and those who work for them intersect.