The film is set around 1914 when Lebanon was under the Ottoman Empire rule. The empire enslaved men to work for free. Abdou goes to get Adla the engagement ring but he's arrested with others and are taken to cut lumber. Meanwhile the Ottomans prevent the wheat from arriving to certain villages because they want to defuse the ongoing resistance operations led by Abou Ahmed. Adla travels to where some say Abdou is held prisoner and she meets with Abou Ahmed. She along other villagers start helping the resistance get the wheat to the people. When they accomplish their mission, Abou Ahmed, freed Abdou and others escape because now they're wanted, but on a promise to return and to continue fighting.

In 1940, in the immediate aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, a young girl living on the Castilian plain is haunted after attending a screening of James Whale's 1931 film Frankenstein and hearing from her sister that the monster is not dead, instead existing as a spirit inhabiting a nearby barn.

Three penniless artists become friends in modern-day Paris: Rodolfo, an Albanian painter with no visa, Marcel, a playwright and magazine editor with no publisher, and Schaunard, a post-modernist composer of execrable noise.

A postman, S.D. Kluger, decides to answer some of the most common questions about Santa Claus, and tells us about a baby named Kris who is raised by a family of elf toymakers named Kringle. When Kris grows up, he wants to deliver toys to the children of Sombertown. But its Mayor is too mean to let that happen. And to make things worse, the Winter Warlock lives between the Kringles and Sombertown.

Bob Wiley (Bill Murray), un neuròtic ple de manies i fòbies, freqüenta la consulta del psiquiatre Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss). Fart dels seus problemes, el metge se'n va de vacances amb la família al seu xalet d'estiu a la vora d'un llac. Però, de manera inesperada, Bob s'hi presenta. La situació arriba a ser tan desesperant que Leo, completament trasbalsat, trama un pla per desfer-se'n.

To save the family business, two ne’er-do-well traveling salesmen hit the road with disastrously funny consequences.

El pare Sandor, abat de Kleinberg, envia un missatge als membres d'una expedició que es dirigeix ​​a les muntanyes, i els aconsella no seguir endavant. Tot i l'avís, els Kent decideixen continuar el viatge. Al capvespre, el seu aterrit cotxer es nega a continuar avançant i els abandona al mig del bosc. En aquesta circumstància apareix un misteriós carruatge negre que els condueix a un enorme i misteriós castell, on són hospitalàriament rebuts pel comte Dràcula.

Clips from Da Ali G Show with unaired sketches from the show.

Quirky and rebellious April Burns lives with her boyfriend in a low-rent New York City apartment miles away from her emotionally distant family. But when she discovers that her mother has a fatal form of breast cancer, she invites the clan to her place for Thanksgiving. While her father struggles to drive her family into the city, April -- an inexperienced cook -- runs into kitchen trouble and must ask a neighbor for help.

Seducció, traïció, assassinat, qui està estafant qui? Roy Dillon, fill bastard d'una prostituta i estafador de poca muntanya, veu com la seva vida es complica quan després de molts anys reapareix la seva mare, Lilly, una dona, possessiva i autoritària que intenta evadir la justícia. Roy es veurà enmig de l'amor que sent per Myra, la seva atractiva i calculadora xicota, i el domini que Lilly exerceix sobre ell. Hi sorgeix una competència ferotge per guanyar l'atenció de Roy. Myra, com a treta per allunyar-lo de la influència materna, proposa formar un equip per donar cops cada vegada més rendibles i arriscats.

When a devious plot separates CIA agent Peter Sandza from his son, Robin, the distraught father manages to see through the ruse. Taken because of his psychic abilities, Robin is being held by Ben Childress, who is studying people with supernatural powers in hopes of developing their talents as weapons. Soon Peter pairs up with Gillian, a teen who has telekinesis, to find and rescue Robin.

Peggy Sue (Kathleen Turner) és una dona de mitjana edat que està deprimida per la recent separació del seu marit (Nicolas Cage). A la festa del vint-i-cinc aniversari de la graduació escolar es reuneix amb els seus vells companys d'estudis que expliquen com els ha anat la vida. Quan rep el premi de reina de la festa, Peggy pateix un desmai i misteriosament desperta al mateix lloc però 25 anys abans. Servint-se de l'experiència adquirida amb el temps, intentarà canviar els errors comesos.

Locked in a school closet during Halloween 1962, young Frank witnesses the ghost of a young girl and the man who murdered her years ago. Shortly afterward he finds himself stalked by the killer and is soon drawn to an old house where a mysterious Lady In White lives. As he discovers the secret of the woman he soon finds that the killer may be someone close to him.

Centered around a television station which features a 1950s-style sci-fi movie interspersed with a series of wild commercials, wacky shorts and weird specials, this lampoon of contemporary life and pop culture skewers some of the silliest spectacles ever created in the name of entertainment.

A horror comedy centered on a guy who learns that his unusual stomach problems are being caused by a demon living in his intestines.

In this dark tale of revenge, Bruce Lee "returns" as Billy Lo, whose best friend Chin Ku dies of a sudden illness. But suspicion of foul play arises when a gang tries to steal Ku's coffin at the funeral using a helicopter. When Lo's younger brother Lo hears about the incident, he leaves his Buddhist master to investigate the truth. His trail soon leads him to the Castle of Death, the last place Chin Ku was seen alive. There, he meets and befriends an unlikely ally--a cruel and merciless martial arts expert who is also the tower's master. But when the master dies under mysterious circumstances, Lo ends up dueling with someone far more terrifying.

With Earth virtually destroyed, Bran Marshall flees to Rhea, a nearby planet now hostile towards "Earthers". Escaping onto a Rhean supply ship, he finds the crew slaughtered, with the only survivor a female warrior named Ohsha. As the two try to kill one another, the ship is damaged by meteorites. Bran and Ohsha must join forces to salvage the craft before it impacts the planet below — and the humans that live there.

En Mitch viu tranquil·lament a Manhattan amb la seva esposa i els seus dos fills, després d'haver viscut moltes aventures a l'Oest. Però la seva vida canvia radicalment quan troba un mapa que assenyala el lloc on es troba enterrada una quantitat enorme d'or. Empès pel seu irrefrenable esperit aventurer, decideix retornar al salvatge Oest per tal de localitzar el tresor.

The famous Italian football coach Oronzo Canà has retired to a villa in Apulia. Now, old and tired, he is enjoying a quiet life there, cultivating his vineyard, when suddenly he is summoned to Milan, in northern Italy. There the elderly chairman of a great Lombard ("Longobarda") club is suffering from dementia and has lost his powers of judgement, and the club's manager has been fired. He has decided to bring back Oronzo Canà as trainer, remembering him from his great football team of thirty years before, tasking him with bringing the club back to its old winning ways. Oronzo puts his trust in the intervention of a Russian billionaire who has bought the club for promotion. But it is a deception.