Continuació de la saga dels Corleone amb dues històries paral·leles: l'elecció de Michael Corleone com a cap dels negocis familiars i els orígens del patriarca, el ja mort Don Vito, primer a Sicília i després als Estats Units, on, començant des de baix, va arribar a ser un poderosíssim cap de la màfia de Nova York.

El Marty McFly, un noi de disset anys, és amic del Doc, un científic que tothom pren per boig. El Doc inventa una màquina per viatjar a través del temps i un accident fortuït fa que el Marty retrocedeixi 30 anys i vagi a parar a l'any 1955, quan els seus futurs pares encara no es coneixien. Després d'impedir el seu primer encontre, el Marty ha d'aconseguir que es coneguin i que s'enamorin, sinó no arribarà a existir.

A card shark and his unwillingly-enlisted friends need to make a lot of cash quick after losing a sketchy poker match. To do this they decide to pull a heist on a small-time gang who happen to be operating out of the flat next door.

Uma Thurman és una assassina que, el dia del seu casament, és atacada pels membres de la banda del seu cap, Bill (David Carradine). Assoleix sobreviure a l'atac, encara que queda en coma. Cinc anys després desperta amb un tros de metall al cap i un gran desig de venjança al seu cor.

The Borg, a relentless race of cyborgs, are on a direct course for Earth. Violating orders to stay away from the battle, Captain Picard and the crew of the newly-commissioned USS Enterprise E pursue the Borg back in time to prevent the invaders from changing Federation history and assimilating the galaxy.

The Driver now carries an arrogant rock star who is visiting a major city (not Pittsburgh as earlier believed). Played by Madonna, this title character wants to get away from her bodyguards in the Driver's BMW. He soon gets tired of her and decides to have a bit of fun.

Biopic de l'actriu Gertrude Lawrence (Julie Andrews), una corista anglesa convertida en diva mundial que va interpretar números i obres de Nöel Coward, Cole Porter i Gershwin, entre altres grans talents del teatre i el musical. El llegendari i enginyós dramaturg Nöel Coward (Daniel Massey) relata la seva vida mentre Gertrude busca inútilment un pretendent l'adoració del qual s'equipara a la que rep en escena. Va obtenir 7 nominacions als Oscars.

Jigsaw has disappeared. Along with his new apprentice Amanda, the puppet-master behind the cruel, intricate games that have terrified a community and baffled police has once again eluded capture and vanished. While city detective scrambles to locate him, Doctor Lynn Denlon and Jeff Reinhart are unaware that they are about to become the latest pawns on his vicious chessboard.

When an alien race and factions within Starfleet attempt to take over a planet that has "regenerative" properties, it falls upon Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise to defend the planet's people as well as the very ideals upon which the Federation itself was founded.

Després de la mort del magnat del petroli Sir Robert King en un atemptat terrorista al quarter general de l'MI6, la seva filla Elektra hereta una enorme fortuna en jaciments petrolífers al mar Caspi. L'agent 007, que se sent culpable per la mort de King, rep la missió de protegir la noia i, al mateix temps, de netejar el nom de l'MI6. El seu principal enemic és Renard, l'assassí del magnat, un psicòpata, exmembre del KGB amb un passat sinistre: fa anys va segrestar l'Elektra, i ara viu obsessionat amb ella. En aquesta entrega de la saga, Bond es veurà immers en una intricada trama d'interessos geopolítics, assassinats i traïcions, on els secrets que guarda la seva protegida podrien ser fins i tot més perillosos que els enemics que els amenacen.

La nau espacial Moonraker, que els nord-americans anaven a lliurar als seus aliats britànics, desapareix en ple vol. James Bond, que s'encarrega del cas, sospita que l'artefacte està en poder de l'organització criminal que dirigeix Drax. Bond li segueix la pista des de Venècia fins a Rio amb l'ajuda de Holly Goodhead, una agent de la CIA.

Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that maybe Jason isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.

When Crystal Wyatt was 16 her father passed away. From that time her life would never be the same. Crystal is banished from the family ranch, and starts a new life as a singer in a San Francisco nightclub.

Star is a young graffiti writer, the best in his city, Paris. His reputation attracts him as much into art galleries than in the police precincts. Accused of vandalism, he faces jail. Despite the threat, he decides to go to Rome with his crew in search of the meaning of his art.

One day during summer vacation, a palm-sized alien named Papi appears from a small rocket that Nobita picks up. He is the president of Pirika, a small planet in outer space, and has come to Earth to escape the rebels. Doraemon and his friends are puzzled by Papi’s small size, but as they play together using the secret tool “Small Light”, they gradually become friends. However, a whale-shaped space battleship comes to earth and attacks Doraemon, Nobita and the others in order to capture Papi. Feeling responsible for getting everyone involved, Papi tries to stand up to the rebels. Doraemon and his friends leave for the planet Pirika to protect their dear friend and his home.

Dev Kumar Verma comes from a middle-class family and must find employment to support his dad and mom. Dev, however, has set his mind upon becoming a music sensation like Elvis Presley. He loses his job because of this, and refuses to work until and unless he gets a job to his liking, much to the dismay of his parents and his brother, Shiv Kumar. Dev does get employment at Charlie's Disco, where he meets with Maya and falls in love with her. When Charlie's Disco's competitor, Rana, finds out about Dev, he wants to hire Dev, but Dev decides to continue to work with Charlie's Disco, as a result Dev and Charlie get a beating by Rana's men, and Dev is unable to sing. After recuperating, Dev is devastated to find out that Maya and Shiv Kumar are in love with each other. What impact will this have on Dev and his brother on one hand, and what of his career in music?

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

Homicidal maniac Jason returns from the grave to cause more bloody mayhem. Young Tommy may have escaped from Crystal Lake, but he’s still haunted by the gruesome events that happened there. When gory murders start happening at the secluded halfway house for troubled teens where he now lives, it seems like his nightmarish nemesis, Jason, is back for more sadistic slaughters.