Én mand har oplevet mere af verdens natur end nogen anden, og denne enestående dokumentarfilm er hans vidneberetning. I sit 93 år lange liv har David Attenborough besøgt alle verdens kontinenter, udforsket deres vilde natur og dokumenteret vores levende planet i al dens mirakuløse mangfoldighed. Nu reflekterer han for første gang over både de afgørende øjeblikke i sit liv som naturforsker og de ødelæggende forandringer, han har været vidne til. Den ærlige, afslørende og dybt vedkommende film ‘David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet’ er en stærk førstehåndsberetning om menneskets indflydelse på naturen og samtidig et budskab fyldt med håb for nye generationer.

Tyler Perry is America’s consummate multihyphenate. But underneath this entertainment behemoth is a man working humbly to heal his childhood trauma by transforming his pain into promise. This documentary, a nod to his mother’s love, is an intimate portrait of visionary Tyler Perry and his harrowing but faithful road to the top of an industry that didn’t always include him.

Jenna Hudson og Kevin Jenner er polære modsætninger, der arbejder for den samme online publikation i New York City. Da de begge ikke har nogen steder, de ønsker at være til jul, melder de sig frivilligt til en særlig skriveopgave. Efter en snestorm tvinger deres fly til at lande i ingen ringere end julemanden, Indiana, placeres de to i et juleeventyrland, og fokus i deres historie skifter til at redde den historiske bykro, der drives af Carol og Christopher Winters. Efterhånden som de to overvinder deres forskelligheder, genfinder de også julens magi. Men med kroens skæbne i fare og tilbagevenden af en fra Jennas fortid, giver Carol og Christopher en hjælpende hånd for at bringe Jenna og Kevin sammen.

Dodie is a hopeless romantic just like the pieces in her vintage antique shop. When Dodie finds a hidden box full of romantic trinkets, she makes it her mission to deliver it to its rightful owner. Following the address, she manages to persuade the handsome but reluctant new tenant, Edward, to help her with her search.

Et juledrama centreret omkring Whitfield-familiens første ferie sammen i fire år.

Two blue-collar buddies search the underworld for a winning lottery ticket lost in a nightclub holdup.

A slacker switches up his cleaning job by pretending to be a mental coach's assistant and consults an injured ice skater who has lost her confidence.

Maya, a headstrong 28-year-old with artistic ambitions – a strong contrast to what her father Ed wants: a dutiful daughter to run the family store. Ed is shocked when Maya takes her assertions of independence a step further and decides to travel to Africa for inspiration and returns with a fiancé who is not quite what he seems.

Sabrina goes to Rome, with Salem stowaway-ed in her backpack, to free her 16th-century aunt Sophia who was banished for divulging her powers to a non-witch.

Dorothy Gale, a shy kindergarten teacher, is swept away to the magic land of Oz where she embarks on a quest to return home.

To avoid jail, a tax-dodging businessman is sentenced to a year of community service in a homeless shelter.

Single and middle-aged, beautiful Irene (Margarita Buy) is wholly devoted to her job as an inspector of luxury hotels. Constantly on the road, she indulges in expensive pleasures at impeccable resorts, but always incognito and alone, soon escaping to the next exotic destination with her checklist and laptop in tow. When her best friend and ex, Andrea (Stefano Accorsi), who has always been a source of emotional support, suddenly becomes unavailable, Irene is thrown into a deep existential crisis. "Luxury is a form of deceit," she is told by a fellow traveller in the fog of a steam room, and thus begins Irene's quest to bring more meaning into her life.

A quick witted young man from the streets of South Central must rush a lily-white USC fraternity to recover a stash of stolen money.

Victoria Justice spiller en kvik pige, hvis planer om at deltage i årets skolefest forpurres, da hun tvinges til at passe sin lillebror. Og netop som hun tror, at tingene ikke kan blive meget værre, forsvinder han! Hun får nu hjælp af tre ikke helt almindelige venner til at finde den lille bandit, før moderen opdager, at han er forsvundet. Sammen oplever de en nat fuld af eventyrlige begivenheder og "kongelig morskab".

Efter at hun slap ud af Scientologis kløer har Katie Holmes genopfundet sin karriere. Hun har lavet en række små, specielle film, og nu er hun så også trådt bag kameraet for at instruere! Som sin instruktørdebut har Katie Holmes valgt at fortælle denne historie om moderen Rita og hendes 13-årige datter, Ruthie, der lever på randen af fattigdom. Da deres lykke vender, får Rita et job, hun køber et hus, og alt ser ud til at gå godt. Da fattigdommen pludselig truer igen, nægter Rita at overgive sig til omstændighederne og må gribe til hårde midler for at forhindre det.

Stacy er kæreste med Derek (Ron Livingston), de har det fantastisk, men alligevel har Derek svært ved at binde sig. I desperation stjæler Stacy hans Palm Pilot og finder frem til alle hans tidligere kæreste. Hun kalder dem alle ind til en jobsamtale for at få mere at vide om Derek. Dog ender hun i et moralsk dilemma, da hun bliver veninde med en af hans tidligere kærester.

To gode venner med kedelige jobs som kassemedarbejdere gennemgår en utrolig række forhindringer for at komme til deres livs hiphopkoncert.

Ray Livingston is a relationship-blogging hack (“freelance writer, actually”) responsible for Brooklyn’s infamous blog, “Occasionally Dating Black Women.” The well-written, if not controversial, blog has generated some notoriety, but Ray is chafing from an overextended stay in New York, romantic ennui, and a stagnating writing career. After a particularly crappy week, he goes off on a tirade and harasses a gorgeous random passerby, only to discover that it’s Rochelle Marseille, one of New York’s up-and-coming authors. Moving to make amends in an effort to preserve his media clout, Ray is stunned when Rochelle gives him more than he ever thought she would.

Big Earl, the owner of a Christmas tree lot in Compton, California runs into some trouble when his son Derrick crosses the line to prove to his father that he is a success.

Josef and Miluška have been married for what seems like forever. Miluška teaches areobic and cares for her husband and teenage daughter tirelessly. Josef loves his wife, but has a weakness for younger more beautiful women. Their marriage, along with Josef's bankrupt publishing company, is slowly crumbling until aunt Marta - an experienced marital counsellor - comes to the rescue. She has a bold plan to fix not only their marriage, but also Josef’s publishing company. The prescription? Infidelity! They must catch each other out in flagranti.