The story of Joy Division’s lead singer Ian Curtis, from his schoolboy days in 1973 to his suicide on the eve of the band's first American tour in 1980.

The life and career of an actor, artist, and icon. His own journey through his own camera.



犯罪組織の殺し屋として育てられたスクヒは、いつしか育ての親ジュンサンに恋心を抱き、やがて2人は結婚するが、ジュンサンが敵対組織に殺害される。怒りにかられたスクヒは復讐を果たすが、国家組織に拘束されてしまい、国家の下すミッションを10年間こなせば自由の身になるという条件をのみ、国家直属の暗殺者として第2の人生を歩み始める。やがて、新たな運命の男性と出会い、幸せを誓ったスクヒだったが、結婚式当日に新たなミッションが下され……。<「渇き」のキム・オクビンが女暗殺者を熱演したスタイリッシュアクション。日本で「22年目の告白 私が殺人犯です」としてリメイクされた映画「殺人の告白」で知られるチョン・ビョンギル監督が手がけた。>


When the naked body of a teenage girl is found on the banks of the River Baztán, it is quickly linked to a similar murder one month before. Soon, rumours are flying in the nearby village of Elizondo. Is this the work of a ritualistic killer or is it the basajaun, the ‘invisible guardian’ of Basque mythology? Inspector Amaia Salazar leads the investigation, taking her back to the heart of the Basque country where she was born, and where she hoped never to return. Shrouded in mist and surrounded by impenetrable forests, it is a place of unresolved conflicts and a terrible secret from Amaia’s childhood that will come back to haunt her. Faced with the superstitions of the village, Amaia must fight the demons of her past to confront the reality of a serial killer on the loose. But as she is drawn deeper into the investigation, she feels the presence of something darker lurking in the shadows…

Greg founded a company called that creates any type of alibi. With his associate, Augustin, and Medhi his new employee, they devise unstoppable stratagems and stagings to cover their clients. But meeting Flo, a pretty blonde who hates men who lie, will complicate Greg's life, which begins by hiding the true nature of his activity. During the presentation to parents, Greg understands that Gérard, the father of Flo, is also one of their clients.



A determined young woman and a damaged occultist risk their lives and souls to perform a dangerous ritual that will grant them what they want.

Lucas and Clementine live peacefully in their isolated country house, but one night they wake up to strange noise. They're not alone... and a group of hooded assailants begin to terrorize them throughout the night.


Two young women at a prestigious prep school are assailed by an evil, invisible power when they're stranded over winter break.

A fatal plane crash changes the lives of Roman and Jake forever. Roman loses his wife and daughter in the accident, while Jake loses his mind—as he happens to be the air traffic controller who failed to avert the nightmare. Rage and revenge engulfs Roman and Jake finds himself swamped with guilt and regret.

ニューヨークに住む離婚調停中のダリアと幼い娘セシリアは、マンハッタンから離れたルーズベルト島のアパートに引っ越す。ところが、その部屋の天井からは水が漏れ、周囲で奇妙な出来事が起こる。これは離婚や転居、新たな仕事のストレスを抱えるダリアの妄想なのか? 鈴木光司の小説「仄暗い水の底から」を、オスカー女優ジェニファー・コネリーを主演に「モーターサイクル・ダイアリーズ」のウォルター・サレス監督が映画化。音楽はデビッド・リンチ映画の常連アンジェロ・バダラメンティ。

A black police detective must solve a strange case of a kidnapped boy and deal with a big racial protest.

When three college students move into an old house off campus, they unwittingly unleash a supernatural entity known as The Bye Bye Man, who comes to prey upon them once they discover his name. The friends must try to save each other, all the while keeping The Bye Bye Man's existence a secret to save others from the same deadly fate.

After a small earthquake in a small and quiet town, local citizens start to have a bizarre, violent and self-destructive behavior...
