Star-Lord, encara recuperant-se de la pèrdua de Gamora, ha de reunir el seu equip per defensar l'univers juntament amb la protecció d'un dels seus. Una missió que, si no es completa, podria portar al final dels Guardians tal com els coneixem.

An unemployed man learns that his ex-girlfriend was murdered. He suddenly finds himself travelling through time to his middle school years and has chance to change the future and save the girl. He aims to rise to the top of the most brutal delinquent gang.

The arrogant, third most-wanted criminal in Taiwan, decides to get rid of the top two competitors and crowns himself the most-wanted criminal before dying.

França, 1963. Anne és una jove estudiant brillant amb un futur prometedor per davant. Però quan es queda embarassada, veu com desapareix l'oportunitat d'acabar els seus estudis i escapar de les limitacions del seu entorn social. Davant la proximitat dels seus exàmens finals i conforme va creixent el seu ventre, Anne decideix actuar, encara que hagi d'enfrontar-se a la vergonya i al dolor, encara que hagi d'arriscar-se a anar a la presó per a fer-ho.

This raucous journey into the heart of democracy captures an unusual rite of passage: 1,100 teenage boys from across Texas coming together to build a representative government from the ground up.

A tailor gains special powers after being struck by lightning but must take down an unexpected foe if he is to become the superhero his hometown in Kerala needs.

Després d'haver sobreviscut la guerra entre les famílies Sanno i Hanabishi, l'antic cap Otomo viu a Corea del Sud treballant per a Txang, un important home de negocis amb interessos al Japó. Un incident menor provoca que la tensió augmenti entre Txang i els Hanabishi, fins que el conflicte esclata posant en perill la vida del propi Txang. És en aquest moment que Otomo pren la decisió de tornar al Japó per resoldre el problema com només un yakuza de la vella escola sap fer.

“2048: Nowhere to Run” takes place one year before the events of Blade Runner 2049. The short film focuses on Sapper, a man who is trying to make it through life day-by-day without turning back to his old ways. We’re introduced to both the gentle nature of Sapper and the violence he’s capable of when set off.

En el fons de la muntanya Dovre, alguna cosa gegantina es desperta després de mil anys de captiveri. La criatura destrueix tot al seu pas i s'acosta ràpidament a Oslo.

This comedy has everyone's favorite 6 Swedish gals enjoying their stay in the alps. When the girls aren't enjoying the pleasure of their own company they're out having a good time with nearly everyone else in town.

Told entirely through social media and smartphone screens, this bold adaptation of Romeo and Juliet reinvents the world’s most enduring love story with style and lyricism, with black and brown youth at the heart of it all.

Emmi would like to cancel her subscription to "Like" magazine via e-mail. But due to a typo, her messages land in Leo Leike’s inbox. When Emmi repeatedly sends mails to the wrong address, Leo decides to inform her of her mistake. This marks the beginning of an extraordinary e-mail exchange, which can only be held between two strangers. Treading the fine line between complete strangeness and noncommittal intimacy, the two are soon sharing their innermost secrets and longings – until they need to face the unavoidable question: Will their feelings, sent and received virtually, survive the test of a real-life encounter? And what will happen if they do?

A group of travelers are forced to seek shelter inside an abandoned jail where a notorious nun named Sister Monday had once been assigned and was suspected of murdering prisoners.

Unable to remember anything about his life, a man begins regaining consciousness in a new body every 12 hours. Now, he must piece together his identity, all while evading attacks from pursuing agents and dangerous criminals alike.

What if you could answer any question and eliminate all doubts before making the most important decision of your life? What if, by some sort of magic, you could live your life pursuing your wildest and deepest desires? That’s what’s about to happen to Andrea, a thirty-year-old man on the eve of his wedding with Laura, the girl he met in college and with whom he built a life together. Andrea starts waking up everyday in a different life and a different self, in realities where he and Laura never got together in the first place. Exploring the many paths his life could have lead him on to, from unapologetic womanizer to acclaimed musician, Andrea will have to face the void Laura’s absence left in his many different “iterations”. Will he try to break the spell?

La Cort Imperial de la Xina del segle XII, durant la dinastia Song, es va enfrontar a una rebel·lió del poble Jin. Dues hores abans d'una reunió crucial entre el primer ministre Song, Qin Hui, i una delegació d'alt nivell dels Jin, l'ambaixador dels Jin és assassinat. Se li roba una important carta destinada a l'emperador. Durant la recerca de la carta, es formen aliances, es revelen secrets i ningú no pot aturar una veritat destinada a deixar empremta a la història.

A game show where Jo Firestone sets up a cookie tasting in a parking lot to try to make friends. Contestants must ultimately decide between a friendship and $50 cash.

Ex-military specialist Clair Hamilton returns home from her tour in the Middle East due to her father's passing and to claim her inheritance. Her son is then kidnapped and held for ransom by a gang led by a mysterious figure known only as “Father”.

After having resigned from his post as President of the Republic, Jeff and his family are happy to be back in their village of Bouzolles. As the end of the year holidays approach, Cathy asks for a unique gift: to reconnect with her sister Maguy, and her husband Jean-Yves, with whom Jeff has been angry for 10 years. The reconciliation could have gone smoothly, except that during a lunch, Jeff and Jean-Yves, will once again find a subject of contention: CHRISTMAS. This family feud, which should never have left Bouzolles, will turn into a standoff between Jeff and a giant of Internet distribution.