Lucas is a young man who lives with his religious aunt Lourdes in a quiet country town. He helps his aunt by holding religious meetings with the ladies of the area, in the living room, playing biblical songs on the keyboard. This quiet life will end as soon as the charitable aunt communicates the arrival of another nephew, Mario, just out of jail. The clash of reality between the cousins ends up causing unusual situations, and an unexpected attraction among the boys.

A bomb disposal expert becomes bitter and lonely and is unable to fall in love until he is forced to deal with his past.

La pel·lícula explica la història de l'almirall Yi Sun Shin, el militar més venerat pels coreans, i en la batalla de Myeongryang (26 d'octubre de 1597) en què amb només 13 vaixells va vèncer l'armada japonesa composta per 330 embarcacions fortament armades. Una gesta sense precedents a la història militar mundial.

Una remota mina de diamants ha col·lapsat deixant atrapats un grup de miners en una regió llunyana i gelada del Canadà. Com a part d'un equip contractat per rescatar-los, l'experimentat conductor d'una màquina llevaneus emprèn un rescat impossible, havent de lluitar contra una carretera gelada, contra les aigües que es descongelen i contra una amenaça que no veu venir.

The surviving crew of a damaged space harvester has a motion sensor as their only navigation tool leading them to safety, while a creature in the shadows terrorizes them. However, the greatest threat might have been hiding in plain sight.

Following the end of the acclaimed tv series, King Arthur will oppose Lancelot's army to get the throne back after his flee to Rome.

Aliens disguised as clowns crash land on Earth in a rural town to capture unsuspecting victims in cotton candy cocoons for later consumption.

A group of men who were clearing brush for the government arrive back in town, claiming that their friend was abducted by aliens. Nobody believes them, and despite a lack of motive and no evidence of foul play, their friends' disappearance is treated as murder.

Monroe Hutchens is the heavyweight champion of Sweetwater, a maximum security prison. He was convicted to a life sentence due to a passionate crime. Iceman Chambers is the heavyweight champion, who lost his title due to a rape conviction to ten years in Sweetwater. WHen these two giants collide in the same prison, they fight against each other disputing who is the real champion.

Mac Mckussic és un fastiguejat narcotraficant que ha decidit abandonar el negoci. El seu millor amic, Nick Frescia, és ara un agent de policia encarregat d'investigar-lo i portar-lo davant de la justícia. Mac està enamorat de Jo Ann, una restauradora. Per conèixer més sobre els plans de droga de Mac i les seves connexions amb el narcotraficant mexicà Carlos, Nick comença a intimar amb Jo Ann.

London, England, April 1980. Six terrorists assault the Embassy of Iran and take hostages. For six days, tense negotiations are held while the authorities decide whether a military squad should intervene.

Violent crime is routine. Organized drug trade runs rampant in the face of powerless authority. And a vicious street gang holds dominion with a savage reign of terror. Welcome to Lincoln High! Here the cobras rule the school and everyone in it. Everyone except for Jeff Hanna.

When a mysterious animal attack leaves a mutilated body in the forest, a conservative small town detective must enlist the help of an eager wildlife specialist to uncover the dark and disturbing truth that threatens the town.

When a career criminal's plan for revenge is thwarted by unlikely circumstances, he puts his intended victim's son in his place by putting him in prison...and then joining him.

A group of five college graduates rent a cabin in the woods and begin to fall victim to a horrifying flesh-eating virus, which attracts the unwanted attention of the homicidal locals.

A strange envelope is delivered to an architect bureau by mistake. Igor, a driver, gets the task to bring it to the right address. From that moment his life becomes a string of paranormal events. The cursed letter invades Igor's life and leads him to a mysterious addressee.

A high school student falls asleep while sitting in class. When he wakes up, all time is frozen, except for him.

Arthur, el playboy més ric, entranyable i excèntric del món torna en plena forma, gaudint d'una vida de luxe amb la seva dona, el seu xofer lleial i el nou majordom. Però el venjatiu pare de l'ex-promesa d'Arthur l'amenaça de despullar-lo del seu patrimoni si no es divorcia i es casa amb la seva filla.

El ruc Rucio, explica la "veritable" història del Quixot i defensa que no va ser un boig, sinó tot el contrari, un home intel·ligent, apassionat i entusiasta. L'estrany grup compost pel Quixot, el seu "escuder" Sancho, que de fet és el seu millor amic i el més ric del poble, el ruc Rucio, que vol ser un cavall, i el veritable cavall Rocinante, que detesta sortir de la seva tranquil·la quadra, inicien un viatge per combatre en duel amb "El Cavaller de la Lluna". Si Quixot el venç, el Cavaller li revelarà la veritable identitat de Dulcinea.

A volcanic eruption in Iceland sends a glacier towards North America, causing everything in it's path to freeze. A family man struggles to escape the onslaught of the coming ice age.