Tant Gi Taek com la seva família estan sense feina. Quan el seu fill gran, Gi Woo, comença a rebre classes particulars a casa de Park, les dues famílies, que tenen molt en comú malgrat pertànyer a dos mons totalment diferents, comencen una interrelació de resultats imprevisibles.

Edmond Dantes becomes the target of a sinister plot and is arrested on his wedding day for a crime he did not commit. After 14 years in the island prison of Château d’If, he manages a daring escape. Now rich beyond his dreams, he assumes the identity of the Count of Monte-Cristo and exacts his revenge on the three men who betrayed him.

George Carlin's first ever comedy special, filmed live at the University of Southern California. Here, he talks about monopoly, flying on planes, random thoughts, walking, and other things.

Un any després de l’assassinat de la seva mare, la Sidney es torna a trobar en una situació angoixant: un terrible psicòpata emmascarat terroritza el seu barri perseguint les víctimes amb inquietants trucades telefòniques.

A lone drifter stumbles upon a harrowing discovery -- a unique pair of sunglasses that reveals that aliens are systematically gaining control of the Earth by masquerading as humans and lulling the public into submission.

On a cold night in Milwaukee high art meets pop culture as award winning choreographer Margo Sappington (OH! CALCUTTA!, BILLBOARDS) premieres her latest ballet, "Common People", set to the music of William Shatner and Ben Folds from their album, Has Been. GONZO BALLET explores the genesis of this unique artistic collaboration by fusing the music, poetry, and dance of "Common People" with interviews of the creators, dancers, and audience members.

Els germans Gecko roben un banc, segresten la família Fuller, i s'amaguen en un bar de la frontera mexicana. En el bar succeeixen estranyes coses.

Overburdened and stuck in a greying marriage, Giovanna takes to caring for a Jewish Holocaust survivor her husband brings home. As she begins to reflect on her life, she turns to the man who lives across from her.

Kid (Dev Patel) és un delinqüent que acaba de sortir de la presó i viu a l'Índia, intentant adaptar-se a un món marcat per l'avarícia i sense valors espirituals. Allà lluitarà per buscar venjança per la mort de la seva mare i defensar les classes més desafavorides.

Mick O'Brien is a young Chicago street thug torn between a life of petty crime and the love of his girlfriend. But when the heist of a local drug dealer goes tragically wrong Mick is sentenced to a brutal juvenile prison where violence is a rite of passage and respect is measured in vengeance.

Gary Johnson és l'assassí professional més buscat de Nova Orleans. Per als seus clients és com un personatge sortit d'una pel·lícula: un misteriós pistoler a sou. Però qui el contracti per eliminar un cònjuge infidel o un cap abusiu, serà millor que es cuidi bé l'esquena: en realitat, Gary treballa per a la policia.

When a young American woman is sent to Rome to begin a life of service to the church, she encounters a darkness that causes her to question her own faith and uncovers a terrifying conspiracy that hopes to bring about the birth of evil incarnate.

Un vaixell espia britànic camuflat s'enfonsa després de xocar contra una mina davant les costes d'Albània. James Bond ha de recuperar l'ATAC, un dispositiu secret de control dels submarins nuclears molt cobejat pels russos que els tripulants no han tingut temps de destruir. La parella d'arqueòlegs submarins que ha localitzat les restes del vaixell per encàrrec de l'MI6 és assassinada i la seva filla, Melina, decideix col·laborar amb Bond per venjar el crim. La recerca els porta a Espanya, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Corfú i, finalment, Grècia, on hauran d'arribar a un inaccessible monestir dels Meteors.

Tres adolescents britàniques se’n van de vacances per celebrar els típics ritus d’iniciació: beure, sortir de festa i lligar, en el que hauria de ser el millor estiu de les seves vides.

Una jove periodista francesa es reuneix en diverses ocasions amb l’icònic artista surrealista Salvador Dalí per a un projecte documental que mai arriba a rodar-se.

Just retired from the Drug Enforcement Agency, John Hatcher returns to his hometown and quickly discovers that drugs have infiltrated his old neighborhood. Determined to drive the dealers out, Hatcher crosses paths with a ferocious Jamaican drug lord who vows that Hatcher and his family are now marked for death.

While Sidney Prescott and her friends visit the Hollywood set of Stab 3, the third film based on the Woodsboro murders, another Ghostface killer rises to terrorize them.

Tom loves Sophie and Sophie loves Tom. But Tom and Sophie are of differering classes. Can they find a way through the mayhem to be true to love?

A hitman, his boss, an art dealer and a money-laundering scheme that accidentally turns the assassin into an overnight avant-garde sensation, one that forces her to play the art world against the underworld.

A rash of bizarre murders in New York City seems to point to a group of grotesquely deformed vagrants living in the sewers. A courageous policeman, a photojournalist and his girlfriend, and a nutty bum, who seems to know a lot about the creatures, band together to try and determine what the creatures are and how to stop them.