Wrestle Kingdom 14 Night 1 in Tokyo Dome was a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW). The event took place on January 4, 2020, at the Tokyo Dome, in Tokyo, Japan. It was the 29th January 4 Tokyo Dome Show and the 14th promoted under the Wrestle Kingdom name. The main event of night one saw Kazuchika Okada defend the IWGP Heavyweight Championship against Kota Ibushi. In other prominent matches, Jay White defended the IWGP Intercontinental Championship against Tetsuya Naito, the returning Hiromu Takahashi took on Will Ospreay for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship, Jon Moxley fought Lance Archer in a Texas Death match for the IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship and FinJuice (Juice Robinson and David Finlay) took on the Guerrillas of Destiny (Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa) for the IWGP Tag Team Championship.

Året er 1725. Isaburo Sasahara har gennem hele sit sit liv tjent sin herre Lord Matsudaira. Som en ven og nærmeste våbenbroder har han den ligeledes trofaste Tatewaki Asano. Med disse to samuraier ved sin side har deres herre ingen grund til at frygte angreb og forsøg på snigmord. Da Lord Matsudaira begår den fejltagelse at fryse Lady Ichi - en af sine konkubiner - ud og tvinge Isaburos søn Yogoro til at gifte sig med hende, er han uvidende om de fatale konsekvenser, som hans handlinger kommer til at få. Ichi og Yogoro bliver omstændighederne til trods forelskede i hinanden - en kærlighedshistorie der tvinger Isaburo til for første gang i sit liv til at handle mod sin herres befalinger og forsvare sin søn - en beslutning der leder mod alles undergang....

Kaji is sent to the Japanese army labeled Red and is mistreated by the vets. Along his assignment, Kaji witnesses cruelties in the army and revolts against the abusive treatment against the recruit Obara. He also sees his friend Shinjô Ittôhei defecting to the Russian border, and he ends in the front to fight a lost battle against the Russian tanks division.

A taxidermist decides to murder his wife after having to put up with her after twenty years of hellish marriage.

En forførende bykvinde overtaler en simpel mand fra landet til at slå sin kone ihjel. Men i sidste øjeblik fortryder han og tager i stedet konen med en tur i byen. Filminstruktøren F.W. Murnau fik helt frie hænder til at lave, lige hvad han ville. Resultatet blev "Sunrise", som ved den allerførste Oscar-uddeling fik en aldrig siden givet statuette for "unique and artistique picture".

A woman and her daughter are each forced to contend with an increasing pressure to marry, particularly from three men who knew her late husband.

Simon, a deeply religious man living in the 4th century, wants to be nearer to God so he climbs a column. The Devil wants him come down to Earth and is trying to seduce him.

Kwaidan er japansk for spøgelseshistorie, hvilket afslører indholdet i den anerkendte instruktør Masaki Kobayashis klassiske gyserantologi. Beskrevet af den legendariske filmkritiker Roger Ebert som "en samling spøgelseshistorier, som hører til de smukkeste film, jeg har set", vinder af juryprisen i Cannes samt nomineret til Oscaren for bedste udenlandske film.

Torino 1889. Det tyske filosof Friedrich Nietzsche ser en trækhest blive mishandlet og slår armene om den for at komme den til undsætning. Herefter mister han såvel bevidstheden som sin forstand, og han mæler ikke et ord efter den dag. Dette er historien om, hvad der senere skete med hesten...

A woman returning home falls asleep and has vivid dreams that may or may not be happening in reality. Through repetitive images and complete mismatching of the objective view of time and space, her dark inner desires play out on-screen.

A council case worker looks for the relatives of those found dead and alone.

Set amidst the 1999 student strikes in Mexico City, this coming-of-age tale finds two brothers venturing through the city in a sentimental search for an aging legendary musician. Shot in black-and-white, Güeros brims with youthful exuberance.

Set halfway through the 17th century, a church play is performed for the benefit of the young aristocrat Cosimo. In the play, a grotesque old woman gives birth to a beautiful baby boy. The child's older sister is quick to exploit the situation, selling blessings from the baby, and even claiming she's the true mother by virgin birth. However, when she attempts to seduce the bishop's son, the Church exacts a terrible revenge.

A Man Vanishes examines the concept of Johatsu, tackling the phenomenon of people missing in Japan over the years. It picks one such person from the list, someone who had seemed to disappear from the face of the earth due to embezzlement from his company, and the filmmakers begin an investigative documentary into the reasons behind and attempt at tracking him down.

Bitti Mishra is a bohemian Bareilly girl who falls deeply in love with Pritam Vidrohi, an author because she admires his progressive way of thinking. Finding him though proves to be as hard as looking for a needle in the haystack. So Bitti seeks the help of the local printing press-owner, Chirag Dubey on her journey of love.

En episk beretning om Henry V, der efter at have lagt ungdommens udskejelser bag sig nu fremstår som en målbevidst regent. Han har vist sit værd såvel som aktiv soldat som gennem sine lederevner, og det er lykkedes ham at forene de stridende fraktioner i den engelske hær. Efter en knusende sejr over den enorme franske overmagt i slaget ved Agincourt gør Henry kur til Prinsesse Katarina, da de officielt bliver trolovede som led i fredsaftalen.

I en verden, hvor arbejderne tvinges til at indtage stoffer, der regulerer deres sindstilstand og undertrykker deres sexdrift. To af disse robot mennesker, THX 1138 og LUH 3417, beslutter sig for ikke mere at indtage medicinen, hvorved deres interesse og kærlighed for hinanden vokser. De ender i fængsel og bliver adskilt, og THX drager ud på en farefuld færd for at finde LUH igen.

A London opera house is haunted by tragic events on its opening night, but when its star is kidnapped, a producer tracks down the Phantom who is intent on seeking his revenge.

Inspector Tellini investigates serial crimes where victims are paralyzed while having their bellies ripped open with a sharp knife.

Året er 2016, og den politiske strateg Gary (Steve Carell) arbejder for at få Hillary Clinton valgt. Det lykkedes som bekendt ikke. Mere irriterende er det dog, at han blev slået af sin republikanske modpart, Faith (Rose Byrne). Fire år senere ser Gary chance for at gøre en forskel igen ved at få veteranen Jack (Chris Cooper) valgt som borgmester i Wisconsin. Gary gør klar til den helt store kampagne, og han får lavet så meget støj, at Faith bliver lokket til - for at arbejde for Jacks modstander!