Outskirts of Moscow. A girl comes to an unfamiliar apartment to look after a dog. After a while, she realizes that the owner of the apartment has disappeared. She finds herself into a series of people that have been taking care of the dog for years in that same apartment, creating a weird community around this strange absence of the owner.

Maikas Lauris ir Markusas Burnetas mėgaujasi ramiu gyvenimu Majamyje. Nuo darbų jau atitolę, jie laiką dažniausiai leidžia savo malonumui. Na, kartais sutramdo ir kokį plėšikėlį, nusprendusį apiplėšti parduotuvę, bet tik tiek. Visgi savo policininkų instinktų jie, žinoma, nėra praradę. Tad kai jų buvęs kapitonas yra nužudomas bei viešai apkaltinamas ilgamečiu bendradarbiavimu su narkotikų karteliais, bičiuliai iš karto supranta, kad geruoju tai nesibaigs niekam. Ir iš tiesų – Maikas su Markusu ir patys nepajunta, kaip yra įtraukiami į apgaulės, melo bei sąmokslo tinklus. O visai netrukus jie save randa ir kitoje įstatymo pusėje ir yra priversti tapti bėgliais.

The Rock returns home to be The World’s Most Electrifying Host of WrestleMania XXVII from Atlanta, GA. The Great One will lay the SmackDown on all of the pomp and festivities that makes WrestleMania the world’s greatest, annual pop culture extravaganza. John Cena looks to dethrone the self-proclaimed “most must see WWE champion in history” the Miz. Undertaker’s legendary 18-0 WrestleMania winning streak has never been in greater peril when Triple H challenges the Phenom. Alberto Del Rio looks to fulfill his destiny and take Edge’s World Heavyweight Championship. A bitter and personal rivalry comes to a head when Randy Orton battles CM Punk.. All this and more when the Superstars of WWE invade the Georgia Dome for WrestleMania XXVII.

Buvęs super-piktadarys Gru, dabar - prieš pasaulio blogį kovojančios Superslaptos organizacijos agentas, kviečia įžengti į naują „Bjaurusis aš“ franšizės ir pakalikų chaoso erą.

A young pilot, fresh out of training, is called to join a Flight while they wait for the call to scramble. Throughout a single day, he witnesses the skies of southern England filled with deadly dog fights, and after every exhausting battle the men return to their dispersal hut, only to find another of their number missing. Unwilling to surrender, the pilot and his comrades unite to take to the skies once more, determined to defend not only the airfield, but their entire country.

Kai jo šeima žūva, kurčias vyras, vardu Boy, pabėga į džiungles, kur paslaptingas mentorius jį išmoko atkeršyti žudikams.

The soldier king Qin Yang's fiancée Ye Qin met with an unknown beast and died tragically. Gu Ping invites him to participate in Ye Qin's scientific research before her death. But Gu Ping is using Ye Qin's research results to combine the genes of unknown beasts to create the "Zero" dragon creature. The intelligent dragon creature, coupled with the extra-terrestrial beast evolved by devouring, an imminent city war is coming...

A matriarch past the point of a nervous breakdown, her two daughters that don't give a damn, and the heat-seeking missiles of resentment they toss at each other.

Elite Bangladeshi CIA agent Masud Rana – codename MR-9 – teams up with an American CIA operative to bring down an international criminal organization headed by a ruthless businessman.

A compilation film featuring the eleventh episode of the Swordsmith Village Arc and the first episode of the Hashira Training Arc.

Michel, the jovial owner of the only café in a small Normandy town, sees his life turned upside down when his teenage daughter is murdered. The community has his back but soon rumor spreads and Michel is singled out. From the ideal father, he becomes the ideal culprit.

A young couple is compelled to leave their Christian missionary station in the Kalahari Desert after being threatened with death by an extremist militant gang. After crashing their aircraft they must battle man and beast for their lives.

A man is painting a landscape. A woman is holding two cups. What can go wrong? A nightmare in pink.

Le Ying has stayed at home for many years doing nothing. After graduating from college and working for a period of time, Le Ying chose to withdraw from society and not held contact with her social circle. This was the best way she believed to "reconcile" with herself. One day, due to several "tricks" of fate, she decided to change her life.She met boxing coach Hao Kun. Just when she thought her life was about to get on the right track, life tests her again.

Ernesto lives in depression and decides to hire a hit-man to end his own life. However, his plan takes an unexpected turn when he meets Rita, whose love gives him a new reason to live.

F, an 18-year-old boy, immerses himself in the world of the Drag Queen where he begins to build his identity despite family and social mandates, which impose on him to be afraid and ashamed of being who he is.

Have you ever felt lonely in a Relationship..., Marriage or Live_In , doesn't matter, when you can't share your feelings with your companion, it is like travelling to an unknown destination with a troublesome partner.

After learning that the death of his wife was not an accident, a former CIA Station Chief is forced back into the espionage underworld, teaming up with an adversary to unravel a conspiracy that challenges everything he thought he knew.

Based on the true story of Louis "Red" Deutsch. A New Jersey bar-owner is plagued with prank phone calls that prompt him to flip into psychotic, profanity-laden rages.

Talentingasis aktorius Antony Mileris nuolat priverstas kovoti su savo asmeninėmis problemomis ir priklausomybėmis, tačiau filmavimo aikštelėje niekas neabejoja jo talentu. Darbas praskaidrina niūrią Antony kasdienybę, bet neilgam.... Ilgos valandos filmavimo aikštelėje, filmuojant siaubo filmą, neatpažįstamai ima keisti Antony asmenybę. Jo elgesys pakinta, jis dažnai praranda sąmonę, mintys tampa nerišlios, o kūnas išsekęs. Tai, kas pradžioje atrodė, kaip geniali aktoriaus vaidyba, greitai virsta nepaaiškinamu siaubu, kuris stumia vyrą į dar gilesnę tamsą. Nebegalėdamas atskirti realybės nuo vaidmens, Antony praranda kontrolę, o jo dukra Lee susiduria su šiurpiu uždaviniu – surasti būdą, kaip išlaisvinti tėvą nuo jo kūną užvaldžiusios agonijos. Gal tik egzorcizmo apeigos išgelbės tėvo sielą, o gal atskleis tiesą, kuri gali būti baisesnė net už demonišką prakeiksmą.