One by one, Sailor Moon’s friends and loved ones are targeted by a formidable new enemy who threatens to destroy everything and rule over the cosmos. After devastating losses, Sailor Moon endures her battle against Shadow Galactica. Will despair crush her, or will she find light in the darkness?

Detective Ma Seok-do changes his affiliation from the Geumcheon Police Station to the Metropolitan Investigation Team, in order to eradicate Japanese gangsters who enter Korea to commit heinous crimes.

Shoyo Hinata joins Karasuno High's volleyball club to be like his idol, a former Karasuno player known as the 'Little Giant'. But Hinata soon learns that he must team up with his middle school nemesis, Tobio Kageyama. Their clashing styles form a surprising weapon, but can their newfound teamwork defeat their rival Nekoma High in the highly anticipated 'Dumpster Battle', the long awaited ultimate showdown between two opposing underdog teams?

Laikai, kai studijuodama koledže Keitė Kuper kartu su bendraminčiais vaikydavosi tornadus, jau praeityje – dabar mergina šį gamtos fenomeną tyrinėja iš saugaus atstumo pažangioje Niujorko laboratorijoje. Sugrįžti prie ankstesnio užsiėmimo ją paskatina artimas bičiulis Chavis, su mokslininkų komanda besirengiantis natūraliomis sąlygomis išbandyti itin pažangią tornadų sekimo sistemą. Ruošdamasi savo pirmajai medžioklei po keliolikos metų pertraukos, Keitė susipažįsta su Taileriu Ovensu – tornadus besivaikančiu adrenalino fanatiku, dėl savo nufilmuotų pavojingų nuotykių tapusiu tikra interneto žvaigžde. Vaikinas tornadus medžioja „senoviniu“ būdu – be jokių naujų technologijų ir pažangių sistemų. Iš pradžių su Keite jie yra skirtingose stovyklose, tačiau audroms vis labiau intensyvėjant ir imant grasinti dar nematyto stiprumo viesulais, Keitės ir Tailerio komandoms teks suvienyti jėgas. Ir ne tik dėl to, kad sumedžiotų vieną ar kelis tornadus, tačiau ir tam, kad išliktų gyvi.

Desperate to keep custody of his daughter, a mixed martial arts fighter abandons a big match and races across Berlin to attend her birthday party.

With only 24 hours left to live, a private investigator follows a trail of confounding clues to uncover the disappearance of his childhood friend.

Two newlyweds on their honeymoon discover that they are different in almost every way — but can these opposites attract?

Sustabdytų kadrų animacijos animatorė stengiasi suvaldyti savo demonus po to, kai neteko valdingos motinos.

Fourteen year old Nim, more determined than ever to protect her island and all the wildlife that call it home, faces off against resort developers and animal poachers. Soon she realizes she can’t depend on her animal cohorts alone and must make her first human friend – Edmund, who’s run away to the island from the mainland – to save her home.

On a hot summer day in Oslo, the dead mysteriously awaken, and three families are thrown into chaos when their deceased loved ones come back to them. Who are they, and what do they want?

Liusė ir Džeinė visą gyvenimą buvo geriausios draugės. Jos žino viską apie vieną kitą, ar bent jau taip manė. Džeinei nusprendus persikelti į Londoną, Liusė atskleidžia ilgai saugotą paslaptį.

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, HBO presents a collection of perspectives from a diverse group of Asian Americans.

On her first assignment aboard Air Force One, a rookie Secret Service agent faces the ultimate test when terrorists hijack the plane, intent on derailing a pivotal energy deal. With the President's life on the line and a global crisis at stake, her bravery and skills are pushed to the limit in a relentless battle that could change the course of history.

Babi discovers a betrayal by her long-term partner and decides to embark on a new adventure in life. On this journey, she meets judge Marco and they begin to live a story permeated by a lot of sexual tension.

Rory and Cobby are unlikely partners thrown together for a heist. But when it goes awry, they team up to outrun police, backward bureaucrats, and a vengeful crime boss.

Ekstremalas ir slaptas vyriausybės agentas Ksanderis Keidžas pogrindyje praleido 14 metų. Tačiau galų gale jam šios atostogos nusibosta ir vyras sugrįžta į aktyvią tarnybą. Vadovaujamas viršininko Augusto Gibonso, Ksanderis surenka tokių pat kaip jis išprotėjusių ekstremalų grupelę ir išvyksta vykdyti naujos užduoties.

Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape. But its first practical test goes horribly wrong, leaving the military no choice but to release the imprisoned giant ape to stop the colossal robot before it destroys downtown Chicago.

Once known for his intellectual prowess, a retired professor (Anupam Kher) begins experiencing memory gaps and periods of forgetfulness. But while he tries to laugh it off, it soon becomes clear that the symptoms are a sign of a more serious illness, prompting his grown daughter (Urmila Matondkar) to move in as his caretaker. Meanwhile, as his mind regresses, he recalls a traumatic childhood memory involving the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

Policijos viršininkui aptikus 11 moterų palaikus FTB agentas Petrovickas pasamdomas nustatyti serijinio žudiko tapatybę, bet painus intrigų tinklas kiekvieną paverčia įtariamuoju.