Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey threw himself into the race for Minnesota governor on January 13, 2006. His "coming out" to the media as a Hecate Witch, Satanic Dark Priest and Sanguinary Vampire grabbed international attention, and his candidacy marked the beginning of the largest amount of media coverage ever given to an unknown third party candidate running for governor in American history.

How did Sarah and Victor get along for more than 45 years? Who was this enigmatic woman living in the shadow of her husband? Love, ambition, betrayals and secrets feed the story of this extraordinary couple, as they experience both the large and small moments of the last century's history.

On February 7th, 2003, renowned artists across multiple music genres and generations commandeered the stage at New York City's Radio City Music Hall to pay tribute to their common heritage and passion - the blues. Shared with thousands of fans in attendance, legendary performers from roots, rock, jazz and rap joined forces for a once-in-a-lifetime "Salute To The Blues" benefit concert whose proceeds went to musical education.

With the aid of a fellow Auschwitz survivor and a hand-written letter, an elderly man with dementia goes in search of the person responsible for the death of his family.

Lara på 15 er fast besluttet på at blive professionel ballerina. Hun forfølger sin drøm med sin fars støtte og med et enormt engagement. Men Lara blev født som en dreng, og det skaber frustrationer og utålmodighed, at hendes krop ikke altid har så let ved at bøje sig for balletdansens strenge disciplin.

A story about the life of a young girl living with her mother in the slums of Manila, which becomes unbearable when her mother's young boyfriend moves in with them.

In-depth look at the life of John McCain, from his time as a POW in Vietnam to his three decades of service in the US Senate.

Hugo Archibald is a doctor and brings home a wide variety of exotic animal species. The latest animal he brings home is a chimpanzee named Jennie. Dr. Archibald is not home very much, and Andrew feels he does not care about him. And Lea his wife does not want Jennie, and says she makes trouble. But the children take an instant liking to her. Jennie is unique in that she is learning to use and understand sign language. Jennie becomes an important part of Archibald family and Dr. Archibald's son, Andrew develops a close relationship with her. Jennie loves the things Andrew does, such as baseball and comic books. Jennie is also there for Andrew when he and his father disagree. A doctor Pamela Prentiss starts training with Jennie. She does not agree with the way Jennie is being cared for, and is seen as being rude to the Archibald family. She teaches Jennie sign language in a way that Jennie does not understand, but Lea finds a way she understands.

Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio must compete for the lead role in Martin Scorsese's next film.

The story of the final seven months in the life of German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.

Brandon Lane har været god til at spille amerikansk fodbold, men en dag knuser en skade hans karrieredrømme. Brandon har samtidig en fantastisk evne til at forudsige resultater og bliver defor hurtigt nøglemedarbejder i Walter Abrahams bookmakervirksomhed. Brandon og Walters samarbejde udvikler sig til et far-søn forhold, men kan det stå distancen, når der er millioner af kroner indblandet?

De er fjollede med fugle. Entreprenøren Kenny, programmøren Brad og direktøren Stu smider gerne alt, de har i hænderne, hvis der er håb om at få øje på en sjælden fugl. Kenny har rekorden i at se flest arter i Nordamerika på et år, men i år er der seriøs konkurrence. Både Brad og Stu drømmer nemlig om at blive verdens bedste fuglespotter - og snart går den vilde jagt på tværs af kontinentet.

A teenager wakes up in a subway car with no memory of how he got there or who he is.

Hestehandleren Michael Kohlhaas lever et fredeligt familieliv i 1700-tallets Frankrig. På sin vej fra markedet i Leipzig når Kohlhaas en grænsepost, hvor en grisk baron konfiskerer hans nyindkøbte heste. Den uretfærdige behandling får den stolte Kohlhaas til at gribe til våben. Han samler sin egen hær for at gøre oprør mod den dekadente og arrogante adelsstand.

Samfundet er kollapset og søstrene Nell og Eva lades alene tilbage i et afsidesliggende hus i skoven. De to må nu tilpasse sig de nye livsvilkår og kæmpe mod overgreb, sult og sygdom.

I et sidste forsøg på at undgå personlig konkurs rejser Alan Clay til Saudi-Arabien for at præsentere en ny teknologi for landets konge. Kongen dukker aldrig op, men mødet med den fremmede kultur gør dybt indtryk på Alan. Det bliver en rejse, hvor Alan ikke bare udfordres på sin evne til at tilpasse sig lokale skikke, men tvinges til at stille spørgsmål ved det liv, han indtil nu har levet.

To umage individer slår sig sammen for at stoppe den onde Chariman Drek og derved afholde ham fra at ødelægge en planet. Sammen med et hold kaldet The Galactic Rangers forsøger Ratchet og Clank at redde galaksen.

U.S. marshal Britt MacMasters returns from a mission to find his father wounded and his son kidnapped by the outlaw Jed Blake. Hot on their trail, Britt forms a posse with a gunslinging deputy and a stoic Pawnee tracker. But Jed and Britt tread dangerously close to the Red Desert’s Sioux territory.

During the reign of King Zhou, an official enters his bedchamber, and is devoured by the monstrous tails of Daji, his concubine. Outside their city, several warriors within a metal wagon discuss their strategies to free the Invisible People and their Chief, when Jiang Ziya appears to them. He tells them that when King Zhou was younger, he let himself become possessed by the Black Dragon for his quest for power.

Malu plays a woman held up in their criminal cases boyfriend. Film in the lungs traditions of the genre tells the story of suffering and the sexual outrages innocent girl in jail.