En el període de postguerra, un escriptor estatunidenc de novel·les barates anomenat Holly Martins (Joseph Cotten) arriba a Viena, ocupada per les quatre potències aliades, on descobreix que el seu millor amic Harry Lime (Orson Welles) ha mort en un estrany accident de trànsit. El cap de la policia militar britànica li insinua que el seu amic s'havia barrejat en la trama del mercat negre de penicil·lina, per la qual cosa Holly intentarà esbrinar què s'amaga realment darrere de la mort del seu amic.

A peaceful Christmas Eve is interrupted when a thief breaks into a villa. When the family’s little daughter mistakes him for Santa Claus and asks him to fulfill her Christmas wish, he will be forced to perform a miracle that will redeem secrets from the past.

Brian and Jenny are planning their wedding at the Inn where they fell in love. When a distant relative arrives and stakes their claim to the Inn, Brian and Jenny must find a way to save their beloved Inn or risk having to sell.

With their father away as a chaplain in the Civil War, Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy grow up with their mother in somewhat reduced circumstances. They are a close family who inevitably have their squabbles and tragedies. But the bond holds even when, later, male friends start to become a part of the household.

Kate is a young woman who has a habit of making bad decisions, and her last date with disaster occurs after she accepts work as Santa's elf for a department store. However, after she meets Tom there, her life takes a new turn.

When Anne helps her father close the family's toy store, what she finds will help inspire an entire town that is need of some Christmas cheer.

Pop star Christopher Wilde has fame, fortune and a big-budget Hollywood movie awaiting him. But after meeting Jessica Olson, a down-to-earth girl from the Midwest, he is faced with following his heart or doing what's best for his career.

Crime-solving librarian Aurora Teagarden leaps headfirst into Lawrenceton’s latest murder investigation when her nephew Phillip and his college roommate go missing after the roommate’s girlfriend is found dead. Enlisting the help of her Real Murders pals, and the handsome college professor Nick Miller who just moved in across the street from her, Roe uncovers a kidnapping plot gone awry.

While her life is falling apart, single mother Christine finds a magical family heirloom that leads to love and good fortune during Christmas.

A young working girl with a blue-collar background is surprised when her new fiancé announces he is actually a prince of a small sovereign country in Europe. After the couple quickly takes off to spend the holidays at his family’s sprawling, royal castle, she must work hard to win over her disapproving and unaccepting future mother-in-law—the Queen—and find out if love truly can conquer all.

All Lauren Bradley, a single mom and confirmed workaholic, wants this holiday is a much deserved break. Those hopes are dashed when she runs into fellow single dad Ben who enlists her help in taking care of a cute and cuddly christmas present he plans to give his daughter. Through all the chaos and calls from work, Lauren just might get the best gift of all, the holiday spirit.

Los Angeles television producer Maggie Baker unwittingly falls for Danny Wise, the son and former producer of his mother’s popular annual Christmas special Julia Wise Lifestyle. When Maggie’s secret plan to reunite Danny and his two brothers with Julia during the live broadcast in Vermont goes awry, Maggie is reminded that above all, it is the love for family and friends that makes the merriest of Christmas.

Un home pateix un desengany quan descobreix que la noia que vol està casada amb un soldat. Pretén suïcidar-se amb l'ajuda d'un amic, però mentre ho intenta apareix un oficial de la Legió Estrangera que els anima a allistar-se, assegurant-los que en pocs dies oblidaran el succés. Una vegada allà, les aventures se succeiran amb còmics resultats.

Julie, star cyclist, is two races away from winning the World Cup. It is the culmination of years of effort. Julie loves the spotlight. Her entourage too. Encouraged by her coach and doctor, she has been doping since the age of 14. When her doctor denounces her, she manages to hush up the case, but the extent of the mess leads to abuse, lies, and treason. Caught in a gear that goes beyond her, will she succeed in finding a way out?

En Frank Berdsley, almirall del servei de Guardacostes, vidu i amb vuit fills, i la seva antiga xicota de l'institut, la Helen North també vídua i amb deu fills, es retroben i decideixen donar-se una segona oportunitat.

When Prancer injures his hoof Santa’s stable hand, John, must find a fill in to ensure Christmas deliveries go off without a hitch. His mission gets complicated when he discovers that Frankie, the perfect substitute reindeer, belongs to a precocious 8-year-old girl and her mother Annie. As he races to get Frankie up to the North Pole, he realizes that he’s actually falling in love with Annie and has to find a way to win her over and save Christmas at the same time.

Kristin has just had to close her small Manhattan clothing boutique to return to her Ohio home town and live in her parents' former home. It's an adjustment for Kristin and her young daughter— especially when she runs into her former high school rival. Kristen and Emily struggle to find their new normal with the help of the hunky local music teacher.

A prince from Europe meets a charming waitress when he travels to America during the Christmas holiday to escape an arranged marriage.

When Lucy Cullins, a successful but cranky producer at a home shopping network hires an actor named Nick to play Santa Claus on the network, she gets more than she bargained for.

Remake del film de 1939 de George Cukor. La vida de Mary Haines és aparentment perfecta: una casa preciosa, una filla de 12 anys, un marit que té èxit a Wall Street i una feina de dissenyadora de moda. I unes bones amigues: Sylvia Fowler, una soltera molt 'chic', Edie Cohen, una mare ben especial, i Alex Fisher, una dona plena de glamour. Tot es complica quan un dia Sylvia s'assabenta que el marit de Mary li és infidel amb una atractiva venedora de perfums.