A collection of stories about and images of our world, offering an immersion to the core of what it means to be human. Through these stories full of love and happiness, as well as hatred and violence, it brings us face to face with the Other, making us reflect on our lives. From stories of everyday experiences to accounts of the most unbelievable lives, these poignant encounters share a rare sincerity and underline who we are – our darker side, but also what is most noble in us, and what is universal. Our Earth is shown at its most sublime through never-before-seen aerial images accompanied by soaring music, resulting in an ode to the beauty of the world, providing a moment to draw breath and for introspection. This film is a politically engaged work which allows us to embrace the human condition and to reflect on the meaning of our existence.
Història d'una trobada inesperada entre alguns dels habitants d'un immoble del carrer Eugàne Manuel, a París: Paloma Josse, una nena d'onze anys tremendament intel·ligent i amb un pla secret; Renée Michel, portera discreta i solitària que sota la seva aparença d'inculta i esquerpa amaga en realitat una personalitat intel·ligent i conreada; i l'enigmàtic senyor Kakuro Ozu, un japonès que acaba de mudar-se a l'edifici…
Testament of Youth is a powerful story of love, war and remembrance, based on the First World War memoir by Vera Brittain, which has become the classic testimony of that war from a woman’s point of view. A searing journey from youthful hopes and dreams to the edge of despair and back again, it’s a film about young love, the futility of war and how to make sense of the darkest times.
Mohammed Assaf, an aspiring musician living in Gaza, sets a seemingly impossible goal: to compete on the program "Arab Idol."
Tony is admitted to a rehabilitation center after a serious ski accident. Dependent on the medical staff and pain relievers, she takes time to look back on a turbulent relationship that she experienced with Georgio.
In 1931, three Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from their homes to be trained as domestic staff, and set off on a trek across the Outback.
Dane Jensen és un caça-talents de Chicago amb molt d'èxit a la seva feina i poc temps per a la seva família. Amb la jubilació del seu cap, creu que finalment ha arribat el moment d'estar al càrrec de l'empresa on treballa però, amb el diagnòstic de leucèmia del seu fill de deu anys, la seva vida i les seves prioritats canvien radicalment.
En la preparació de les proves d’accés a la facultat de medicina, l’Antoine i en Benjamin trobaran un món competitiu, ple de nits d’estudi intens... Però l’objectiu és encoratjador: un futur brillant!
Ivan, a writer living in Manila, walks through the city in search of his past.
Els apatxes han accedit, molt a desgrat seu, a viure confinats en una reserva. Però no tots ells són capaços d'adaptar-se a la seva nova forma de vida com a cultivadors de blat de moro; un en particular, Gerónimo, rebutja les condicions de rendició imposades pel Govern dels Estats Units. Un dia, fart de promeses incomplertes, amb el suport de trenta guerrers més, prepara un atac contra els blancs.
A woman suffers from an unusual illness caused by a flower growing in her lungs.
When Nénette discovers the identity of her father in a letter, she quickly goes off in search of him. But instead of finding her father, she is met by her half-brother, Paul. Paul, a bitter man who gave up his dream to take over his father’s pharmacy business, is less than thrilled at the arrival of his ‘embarrassing’ half-sister. After refusing to take her in, he soon gets a taste of his own medicine. Under the influence of a potent drug, for one day Paul is generous, happy and sensitive. The next morning, however, once the drug has worn off, his nasty side comes back...
Després d'un divorci que va ser molt difícil, sembla que el Vincent i la Florence viuen prou bé. Aparentment, cadascun fa la seva vida i tenen molt bona relació entre ells, tot i que amb quatre fills, la logística familiar és complicadíssima. Són veïns, es veuen contínuament i no discuteixen mai per res. Tots dos tornen a tenir parella i, encara que cadascun faci veure que accepta la de l'altre sense cap problema, no paren d'estar-ne pendents. Els fills estan convençuts que els seus pares encara s'estimen i que haurien de tornar a viure junts, però el Vincent i la Florence estan disposats a fer qualsevol cosa per demostrar-los que s'equivoquen.
A social drama about four marginalized prostitutes in Marrakech and their complex relations with their families and society at large.
Kate i Richard porten diversos anys divorciats. L'amant de Richard acaba d'abandonar-lo, i un tauró de les finances l'ha deixat a la ruïna, amb la resta dels seus companys de feina. Desolat, Richard decideix fer un tomb a la seva vida i li proposa a Kate robar a l'empresari que li ha pres tot. Tot i la mala relació que mantenen, Kate accepta aquesta estranya proposició, moguda pel futur econòmic dels seus fills. Els seus veïns i amics decideixen ajudar-los a efectuar aquest singular robatori...
A story is about young teenage girl, with sister and brothers, a pleasant uncle and aunt, an annoying nanny, a young boy interested in kissing her, a close relationship with the imaginary addressee of her daily diary and her parents' disintegrating marriage - all this in a rented house in a summer resort.
Mona, a prisoner on work release, meets Clément, a shy actor. Desperate to impress Mona, Clément recruits his extroverted friend, Abel, to help. When Mona becomes more interested in Abel, it sets off a conflict between the two friends. Meanwhile, Mona attempts to keep her past hidden.
In 1891, the French painter Paul Gauguin leaves Paris and travels to Tahiti to renew his art as a free man, far from the European artistic conventionalism. On his journey of discovery, he faces solitude and disease, but he also knows the beauty of wild nature and the love of Tehura, a young native girl who becomes his wife and model.
Michel dreams of a perfect meeting with the woman of his dreams, entirely due to chance, as his parents and grandparents experienced. Vincent, Michel's contrast, is completely different. He is more the man of the direct approach and he follows his...! The two childhood friends Michel and Vincent, with completely opposite views when it comes to women, soon discover the limits of their respective techniques when they meet Angèle and Nathalie.
Like every summer, our friends, the Pics, Jacky and Laurette, Gatineau, recently divorced from Sopie, and Patrick Chirac, ever true to form, get together at the Blue Waves camping grounds. This year, Patrick has decided to try car sharing. Believing that he'll travel through France alone with Vanessa, he finds himself accompanied by three young Dijon inhabitants: smooth-talking Robert, good-looking Benji and loudmouth José. Of course, after car sharing Patrick is forced to try out bed sharing...