A grumpy old woman befriends a young civil servant and learns English from him. She then reveals to him her shocking past.

Andrew's brave front convinces his father that he is unaffected by his mother's death. Playmate and protector of his little brother Miles, he is often blamed when mischief goes wrong. Only when tragedy strikes does his father recognize Andrew's true qualities.

Monty Python perform many of their greatest sketches at the Hollywood Bowl, including several from pre-Python days.

A young and successful copywriter Alan Despot, after trying in vain to renew a broken relationship with his girlfriend, goes to the island of Vis and finds himself torn between his eccentric father, another ex-girlfriend and her fiancé. New situations and circumstances help Alan to view his own life from a new perspective.

When his girlfriend is forced to marry another man, a troubled young surgeon begins to self-destruct.

Marx Dixon (Dana Andrews) és un conflictiu policia marcat pel fort caràcter del seu pare. En el transcurs d'una investigació, fereix de mort un sospitós i amaga el crim. Un taxista (Tom Tully) és acusat com a presumpte autor de l'assassinat. I, mentrestant, Mark s'enamora de la seva bella filla (Gene Tierney).

After being dumped by her live-in boyfriend, an unemployed dancer and her 10-year-old daughter are reluctantly forced to live with a struggling off-Broadway actor.

This war drama depicts the U.S. and Japanese forces in the naval Battle of Midway, which became a turning point for Americans during World War II.

After crossing the border illegally for work, Miguel, a hard-working father and devoted husband, finds himself wrongfully accused of murdering a former sheriff’s wife. After learning of his imprisonment, Miguel’s pregnant wife tries to come to his aid and lands in the hands of corrupt coyotes who hold her for ransom. Dissatisfied with the police department’s investigation, the former sheriff tries to uncover the truth about his wife’s death and discovers disturbing evidence that will destroy one family’s future, or tear another’s apart.

A finals del segle XIX, a la colònia espanyola de Filipines, un destacament espanyol va ser assetjat al poble de Baler, a l'illa filipina de Luzón, per insurrectes filipins revolucionaris, durant 337 dies. Al desembre de 1898, amb la signatura del Tractat de París entre Espanya i els Estats Units, es posava fi formalment a la guerra entre ambdós països i Espanya cedia la sobirania sobre les Filipines als Estats Units. A causa d'això, els assetjats a Baler són coneguts com "els últims de les Filipines".

Biopic del legendiari músic de jazz Miles Davis.

The film is dedicated to the first steps of mankind on the path of space exploration and direct the fate of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. The main motif - the fight for the right to be first: the competition in the first cosmonaut, competition in missile technology, the confrontation of superpowers - the USSR and the USA. In the first group of astronauts were selected from three thousand fighter pilots across the country. In twenty of the legendary got the best of the best. Which of them will fly first, no one knew. In this way, had to contend not only with the pull of the earth ...

An inseparable couple Saira and Shiva find themselves in a complicated situation when a stranger claims to be her reincarnated lover from their previous lifetime, hellbent on destroying their relationship and winning her back.

L'escriptor Émile Zola i el pintor Paul Cézanne inicien la seva amistat en una escola de la Provença. Els seus camins segueixen units a París, on exerceixen la seva tasca professional.

Hopeless romantic Stensland thinks he's found true love with an older woman, Morgan, only to learn that she's married and that their fling is merely an instrument of revenge against her neglectful husband, Grady. Initially out for blood, Grady finds himself strangely sympathetic to Stensland's plight and decides to get revenge on his wife instead.

Stephanie Patrick va sofrir la pèrdua de la seua família en un accident d'avió. Quan descobreix que l'accident no va ser tal, la seua ràbia trobarà un nou sentit a la seua vida i s'endinsarà en una perillosa missió per a intentar descobrir la veritat i venjar la seua família.

A recent college graduate decides to sell marijuana on the streets of Manhattan after losing his job at a consulting firm. He soon meets the girl of his dreams. With an unsupportive girlfriend, an increase of clienteles, and the growing threats of being caught or killed, he soon realizes he is in way over his head.

A group of 7 youngsters-4 guys and 3 girls decide to spend a night at a reportedly haunted hotel to celebrate the farewell of one of them leaving for the USA. Despite people's warnings and other "signs" trying to ward them off from there, they enter the hotel, and then the truth dawns on them. Seven friends - Sam alias Samrat, Magesh, Achint, Neel, Neena, Sonia and Magi reunite after several years apart to celebrate the farewell of one of their friends, who is going abroad in order to pursue his career and fulfill his goals. The group soon learns about an abandoned hotel with strange stories around it. Much against warnings, they decide to spend a night at the hotel, and soon realize the mistake of their lives