A chronicle of the life of infamous classical composer Ludwig van Beethoven and his painful struggle with hearing loss. Following Beethoven's death in 1827, his assistant, Schindler, searches for an elusive woman referred to in the composer's love letters as "immortal beloved." As Schindler solves the mystery, a series of flashbacks reveal Beethoven's transformation from passionate young man to troubled musical genius.

A Beirut les vides de cinc dones es creuen. El saló de bellesa és un microcosmos acolorit i sensual on comparteixen i es confien les seves esperances, temors i expectatives.

Pel·lícula de gàngsters protagonitzada enterament per nens. La història explica com el jove Bugsy Malone acabarà sent un gran capo de la Màfia al Nova York dels anys 20. En aquesta divertida pel·lícula les pistoles no disparen bales sinó nata.

The life and tragic death of Whitney Houston.

After fifteen years of marriage, an affluent couple divorce and take up with new partners.

Francois always despised the textile barons who ruled his local town. But he fell in love with the family heiress Gilberte. Ten years ago, he would have married her. Now only hatred holds them together. Francois is accused of murder. A hooker and a football star lie slaughtered. He thinks he has been framed by the mob. Going underground, he finds that the trail leads all the way to the top - to Gilberte's family. He needs friends. And friends are hard to come by in his town.

When June Buckridge arrives at her London flat and announces 'They are going to murder me', her long-time lover and doll-cuddling flat mate Alice 'Childie' McNaught realizes that things are going to change. For June is referring to her character 'Sister George', a lovable nurse she portrays in a popular daytime serial. To make matters worse, the widowed executive at the BBC responsible for the decision to kill off Sister George - Mercy Croft is also a predatory lesbian who is after Childie and will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

Un centenar de ballarins i ballarines han de fer unes proves a l'escenari d'un teatre per demostrar si són aptes per a la comèdia musical que prepara el prestigiós i estricte Zach. De manera implacable es va desenvolupant la selecció fins que només quedin els elegits. Entre les candidates hi ha Cassie, que va ser l'amant de Zach i que el va deixar per provar sort a Hollywood. Només vuit artistes superaran aquesta despietada competició.

A young musician travels to Burning Man, a psychedelic festival in the middle of the Nevada desert, in an attempt to get the impetuous girl he has fallen in love with.

Katie, a college freshman, has been groomed from birth to continue her mother’s legacy with the Deltas. When Katie decides to pledge another house instead, an all-out sorority war commences.

After an American family moves to an old country manor in rural England, one of the daughters is tormented by the spirit of the owner's long lost daughter, who mysteriously disappeared 30 years ago during a solar eclipse.

Després de morir el seu marit a la nit de noces, Judy decideix allistar-se a l'exèrcit americà. Per a una noia fina com ella no serà fàcil acostumar-se als durs entrenaments ia la fèrria disciplina castrense, però la Judy intentarà no ensorrar-se i aconseguir passar el període d'instrucció. Una comèdia protagonitzada per Goldie Hawn -en aquells anys una de les estrelles femenines més grans de Hollywood-, que va obtenir un gran èxit de taquilla.

Mike and Danny fly a cropduster, but because of Danny's gambling debts, a local sheriff takes custody of it. Trying to earn money, they hitch-hike to the World's Fair in Seattle and, while Danny tries to earn money playing poker, Mike takes care of a small girl whose father has disappeared. Being a ladies' man, he also finds the time to court a young nurse.

Un grup de joves de l'Escola Superior d'Arts Escèniques de Nova York intenta fer-se camí en el món de l'espectacle. A poc a poc descobriran que per aconseguir el seu somni de convertir-se en estrelles hauran de treballar de valent.

Allan Quatermain, un famós caçador, emprèn un safari pel cor d'Àfrica. Alhora, Elizabeth Curtis, acompanyada del seu germà John, s'interna a la zona més inhòspita del continent per buscar el seu marit, desaparegut mentre buscava les mines del Rei.

When she takes a job babysitting a young boy for a night at his family's remote farmhouse, sweet college co-ed Angie Albright becomes the target of a scar-covered creep making mysterious phone calls and prowling outside the windows. Angie gets the drop on the would-be killer, but quickly discovers that her nightmare has just begun.

When a college piano prodigy tries to check his mother into rehab, he is taken hostage by her drug dealer and swept along on a wild adventure.

La pel·lícula s'inscriu a la tradició de les obres crítiques i denses de Robert Altman. El director es pregunta en aquesta pel·lícula per la salut moral i física dels americans del Nord.

Scott James, a veteran martial arts expert, is recruited as the protector of the wealthy and beautiful Justine after she becomes the target of a ninja clan. When Scott finds out that his ruthless arch-nemesis, McCarn , is involved with the stealthy and dangerous criminals, he is eager to settle old scores. Soon Scott is facing off against McCarn and the entire ninja horde in an effort to take them all down.

Cameron, a Police Officer with psychic abilities, is called upon to interview an accused teen in hopes of finding the whereabouts of the teen's missing gay lover. His investigation immediately spirals into sordid tales of drug abuse, sexual obsessions, and a mysterious man living on a deserted mountain road.