When accused by the townspeople of being in league with the Devil, Hope finds herself in a satanic deal for her life. After refusing the terms of the deal, she transforms into the powerful Lady Death and vows to wrest control of hell from her father.

Based on the true story of a pilot who had to ensure the safety of 128 passengers and crew members on the plane when its windshield became damaged mid-flight. The incident is regarded as one of the miracles in aviation history.

A duo of street performers learns how sound and picture work together to create amazing cinema experiences.

Two parallel stories about people trapped in illogical endless spaces: two brothers and a detective locked on an infinite staircase, and a family locked on an infinite road... for over 35 years.

Sammy Precott, que es va quedar òrfena sent una nena, és una mare soltera que només viu per al seu fill. Continua vivint al seu poble natal, al nord de Nova York, i porta una vida senzilla i tranquil·la: treballa en un banc, assisteix als serveis religiosos i gaudeix de la bellesa del paisatge. No obstant, la seva vida trontolla el dia que torna al poble el seu germà, un jove força problemàtic.

A mockumentary that chronicles the prevalence of doping in the world of professional cycling.

A history of the ill-fated 1994 production of “The Fantastic Four” that was executive produced by Roger Corman.

Chouf: It means “look” in Arabic, but it is also the name of the watchmen in the drug cartels of Marseille. Sofiane is 20. A brilliant student, he comes back to spend his holiday in the Marseille ghetto where he was born. His brother, a dealer, gets shot before his eyes. Sofiane gives up on his studies and gets involved in the drug network, ready to avenge him. He quickly rises to the top and becomes the boss’s right hand. Trapped by the system, Sofiane is dragged into a spiral of violence…

A manicurist predicts that an unlucky-at-love lawyer will meet the love of her life and that he will be a Michael, so the attorney begins a series of dates with men with that name.

When the King Gareth dies, his potential heirs, twin grandchildren who possess the dragon’s unique strengths, use their inherited powers against each other to vie for the throne. When Drago’s source of power – known as the Heartfire – is stolen, more than the throne is at stake; the siblings must end their rivalry with swords and sorcery or the kingdom may fall.

En James Arber, un escriptor prometedor, i la Lara Tyler, una actriu de cinema molt coneguda, estan a punt de casar-se, però no ho aconsegueixen per l'assetjament continu de la premsa. Per això, la Lara decideix fer un casament íntim a Hegg, la remota illa escocesa on se situa la novel·la d'en James. Precisament a aquesta illa acaba de tornar-hi la Katie Nic Aodh, després d'haver tallat amb el seu promès, decidida a viure una vida de soltera amb la seva mare, que està molt malalta. Però la premsa s'hi presenta buscant la foto de la boda dels famosos, i els agents de la Lara contracten la Katie perquè faci de doble de la núvia per tal de despistar els periodistes. I comencen els embolics.

Frankie and Nate are now a couple and are gearing up for Summer Fest, the town's largest event. They can't wait to reveal their new wine and put the vineyard on the map. But when an issue with the wine puts things in jeopardy, both the relationship and the partnership will be put to the test.

Oxford PhD student Ana finds herself unable to build new memories, following an experiment to generate and travel through a wormhole. The story follows her increasingly desperate efforts to understand what happened, and to find out who—or what—is behind the rising horror in her life.

At first glance Maarit looks like any other woman in her early forties. There is, however, something strange under the surface. She radiates sexual energy that is hard to define.

When a young boy finds a message from his late grandfather, his ordinary family discovers an extraordinary secret about themselves — and the universe.

After a sixteen-year absence, married scientists Claire and Matt Thompson reunite with The Jensen Project. The Jensen Project is a secret community of geniuses doing cutting edge research they share anonymously to help the world.

A convict is released from prison in a small town in New Mexico. 18 years ago he killed a deputy. The then-and-now sheriff seeks revenge.

Ja entrada la nit, als afores de Nova Jersey, una dona ensangonada arriba, trontollant-se, a la sala d'urgències del Centre Mèdic de Dempsy. Després de ser atesa pels metges, Brenda Martin (Julianne Moore) explica al comissari de policia Lorenzo Council (Samuel L. Jackson) que un home negre l'ha agredit i li ha robat el cotxe en un lloc situat entre el barri obrer de Gannon , on viu, i el barri residencial de Dempsy. Council sospita que la dona li està ocultant alguna cosa i, després de diverses hores d'interrogatori, Brenda s'esfondra i confessa que Cody, el seu fill de quatre anys, estava dormint al seient del darrere del cotxe robat. L'activista Karen Collucci (Edie Falco) mobilitza la població dels dos barris en una operació de recerca del nen desaparegut. Però quan la investigació del presumpte segrest apunta a un sospitós que resideix a Dempsy, les tensions racials latents esclaten.

A British Special Boat Service commando tracks down an international terrorist cell.

Legendary Lawman and Gunslinger Wild Bill Hickok, is tasked with taming the wildest cow-town in the West, while delivering his own brand of frontier Justice and infamous gunfighter's reputation as the fastest draw in the West is put to the test