The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists

A few years after the Anshi Rebellion, the Tibetan army invaded the southwest and the Tang dynasty military commander Gao Shi suffered a defeat in battle. Chang'an was in imminent danger. Gao Shi, who was trapped in the besieged city, recalled his past experiences with Li Bai to the eunuch who served as the military supervisor.

Following the roguish terrorist attacks at Uri Army Base camp in Kashmir, India takes the fight to the enemy, in its most successful covert operation till date with one and only one objective of avenging their fallen heroes.

Against the darkening backdrop of New Delhi's apocalyptic air and escalating violence, two brothers devote their lives to protecting one casualty of the turbulent times: the bird known as the black kite.

Two brothers reunite at their father’s funeral after many years apart. Between bitterness from the past and forgotten affection they will embark on a trip onboard their motorbikes which they built when they were children.

Dues dones solteres que s'han quedat embarassades per accident i que estan a punt de donar a llum coincideixen en una habitació d'hospital: la Janis, de mitjana edat, no se'n penedeix i és feliç; Anna, una adolescent, se sent penedida i espantada.

Fantomas torna a actuar extorsionant milionaris escocesos, als quals amenaça de mort si no li paguen. Quan el comissari Juve se n'assabenta, es trasllada a Escòcia a investigar el cas. S'allotja en un castell medieval per protegir el seu ric propietari i tractar de capturar Fantomas. Tanmateix, els problemes i la confusió que regna al castell no faciliten la feina del comissari.

Re is a Kannada comedy drama starring Ramesh Aravind and Anant Nag. A rich man arrives at an old palatial house to find that his ancestors are cursed to an afterlife in the house. Now it becomes his responsibility to undo the curse.

A man suffering from alopecia copes with his lack of self-confidence and the societal pressure that comes with being bald.

El 1864, amb el suport dels conservadors mexicans, Napoleó III de França (1852-1871) imposa com a emperador de Mèxic Maximilià d'Àustria, cosa que provoca la rebel·lió dels juaristes. En plena guerra civil, dos mercenaris americans (Gary Cooper i Burt Lancaster), intentant treure partit de la situació, ofereixen els seus serveis al millor postor. Així és com coneixen una bella juarista (Sara Montiel) i una comtessa francesa (Denise Darcel).

While Rena and Maki recover from their injuries, the other SORD members jet off overseas for a school trip. Within moments of their arrival, though, the Mihama gang are pulled into a manhunt for a SORD deserter, assisted by student Sylvia and Velvet of St. Aile's International School. Tohka's the star of the show this time round, but she's wrestling with her own issues - old memories of her parents, and a promise to a friend that she wasn't able to keep...

After her girlfriend is imprisoned on fraud charges, Chela is forced to face a new reality. Driving for the first time in years, she begins to provide a local taxi service to a group of elderly wealthy ladies. As Chela settles into her new life, she encounters the much younger Angy, forging a fresh and invigorating new connection.

L'Helena és una dona feliçment casada i amb una filla a qui adora. Tot i que la seva vida sembla ideal, amaga un passat terrorífic: la seva mare va ser segrestada quan era adolescent i ella és producte de la relació que va mantenir amb el seu captor. Quan el seu pare escapa de presó, l'Helena decideix enfrontar-se al seu passat secret i buscar venjança contra l'home que va segrestar la mare.

Un grup de dones ultraconservadores busquen dur a terme el gran mantra de l'era Trump: "Make America Great Again". Rodada en un asfixiant pla seqüència, aquesta és una nova producció del segell Blumhouse, reconeguda productora d'èxits com a "Paranormal Activity", "Insidious" o la recent "M3ghan" que a poc a poc, s'ha anat convertit en una de les favorites de la crítica nord-americana. Rodada en temps real, segueix una sola tarda en la vida d'una professora de primària mentre organitza una reunió de dones amb idees afins. Quan el grup es dirigeix a casa, la professora es troba amb una dona del seu passat, la qual cosa donarà lloc a una volàtil cadena d'esdeveniments.

Fanny and Jean have everything of an ideal couple: fulfilled in their professional life, they live in a magnificent apartment in the beautiful districts of Paris and seem to be in love as on the first day. But when Fanny crosses, by chance, Alain, a former high school friend, she is immediately capsized. They see each other again very quickly and get closer and closer.

Un gàngster anomenat Omar ha estat condemnat a 20 anys de presó per les autoritats franceses. La seva única opció és quedar-se a Algèria i mantenir en perfil sota la resta de la seva vida al seu còmplice, Roger. Abandonant a contracor les seves activitats criminals i la seva vida a França, Omar aconsegueix un treball en una fàbrica de rebosteria. Així, intenta adaptar-se a una vida normal, però ell i Roger segueixen aferrats als seus vells hàbits. Aviat, s'uneixen a un grup de joves pinxos, i es diverteixen en el submon dels infames barris d'Alger. Però els problemes sempre estan molt a la vora.

When a man's daughter is suddenly taken during a championship hockey game – with the captors demanding a billion dollars by game's end – he frantically sets a plan in motion to rescue her and abort an impending explosion before the final buzzer.

Una adolescent índia-americana lluita amb la seva identitat cultural. Té una baralla amb la seva millor amiga i, en el procés, allibera sense voler una entitat demoníaca, que es fa més forta alimentant-se de la seva solitud.

Near the end of WW2, prisoners of war are used in experiments to perfect the Arian race.

A solo trip aboard a yacht takes a terrifying turn when a woman encounters three drug traffickers clinging to the shattered remains of a boat. They soon force her to dive into shark-infested waters to retrieve kilos of cocaine from the sunken wreck.