Mystery Inc. is summoned to investigate occurrences in a haunted villa, where a black knight terrorizes anybody who tries to get close to treasure hidden by the former owner of the building.

Ciel learns of a "Aurora Society", that is rumored to be researching how to bring the dead back to life. Their next meeting is scheduled to be conducted on the ship Campania, voyaging across the Atlantic Ocean. Much to Ciel's dismay, Elizabeth "Lizzy" Midford, is taking the same ship, thus leaving him with no choice but to get aboard as well.

On the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, Irene has only a few days to overcome her anxiety and renew her strength before sending her eldest son out into the world.

Ægteparret Ed og Lorraine Warren, der har specialiseret sig i at uddrive paranormale fænomener, rejser i 1977 fra USA til det nordlige London. Her bor Peggy Hodgson, der er enlig mor til fire og skræmt fra vid og sans af de dæmoner, der hjemsøger det sociale boligbyggeri.

When Sanlian's ex-husband passes away, she discovers he has altered his insurance policy, cutting out their son in favor of a stranger named Jay.

Da den sociopatiske Tom Ripley igennem sit arbejde som videresælger af amerikansk kunst i Berlin bliver ven med kuratoren Jonathan Zimmermann, opdager han, at Jonathan lider af en uhelbredelig blodsygdom. Han tager ikke synderlig notits af det, men da han en dag af en lyssky ven bliver presset til at finde en ikke-professionel lejemorder til at udføre et mord, falder hans tanker hurtigt på den dødsyge Jonathan, der ikke har noget at miste.

La Vie normale est un spectacle de Gad Elmaleh sorti en 2001 où sont dépeints les caractères de plusieurs personnages et où il joue son propre rôle.

In southern France, a Franco-Arabic shipyard worker along with his partner's daughter pursues his dream of opening a restaurant.

Five years after their summer together in Barcelona, Xavier, William, Wendy, Martine and Isabelle reunite.

Jonah vokser op med sine to uadskillelige brødre og forældrene, der slås, elsker og slås med hinanden på skift, mens de forsøger at forlige sig med den fattige arbejderklasses håbløshed. Flasket op med kærlighed, vold og en vrede, hans sind har svært ved at håndtere, forsvinder Jonah lejlighedsvis ind under sengen med sit kladdehæfte og tegner sig til en anden verden.

Eks-agenten Johnny Worricker og hans gamle flamme Margot er på flugt gennem Europa, skarpt forfulgt af MI5. Det er hårdt at leve i eksil, og Worricker indser, at han kun har én chance for at få sit liv tilbage. Nemlig at vende hjem til Storbritannien for at tage et opgør med landets magtfulde premierminister, Alec Beasley.

During a high profile Mafia testimony case, a contract killer checks-in a hotel room near the courthouse while his next door depressed neighbor wants to commit suicide due to marital problems.

I 1991 tager en mystisk sygdom livet af alle jordens hunde og katte. I stedet bliver aber de fortrukne kæledyr og senere tjenere. I modsætning til sine artsfæller kan aben Caesar tale, og han har ikke tænkt sig at se stiltiende til, mens hele hans race bliver underlagt menneskeheden som slaver. En revolution ulmer.

During the evaluation of a plot of land, surveyor and distressed single mother Lucia meets a woman who claims to be Mary, the Mother of God.

Two women retreat to a lake house to get a break from the pressures of the outside world, only to realize how disconnected from each other they have become, allowing their suspicions to bleed into reality.

Eliseo is ugly, lame and single. He hasn't met the woman of his life and has never known love. Nati is ugly, missing a breast and separated. She found the man of her life but, even so, has never experienced true love. Eliseo thinks that the worst of his life is still to come. Nati thinks that the best of her life is still to come. The death of Eliseo's mother reunites them twenty years on in a last chance to find happiness and love. But what happens when the woman of your life is married to your brother

Sequel to 2002's "Summer Things" (Embrassez qui vous voudrez). This French comedy follows various people in two families. Bertrand and his wife, Elizabeth, are a wealthy couple who plan to vacation near the same coastal town as their friends, Jerome and Veronique, who are secretly struggling with financial problems. Meanwhile, Bertrand and his daughter, Emilie, have each been hiding a secret, and these deceptions are bound to have repercussions.

„Un peuple et son roi" crosses the destinies of the men and women of the population, and those of historical figures. Their meeting place is the newly founded National Assembly. At the heart of the story lie the fate of the king and the birth of the French Republic.

Lynch's first film project consists of a loop of six people vomiting projected on to a special sculptured screen featuring twisted three-dimensional faces.

In 2008, Sami Benboudaoud discovered the hell of Neuilly-sur-Seine. Ten years later, now that everything is for the best for Sami who brilliantly completes his studies of political science, nothing will go for his cousin Charles of Chazelle.