A former boxer turned parking lot attendant finds hope in the love of the blind telemarketer who walks into his booth one day.

People is a film shot behind closed doors in a workshop/house on the outskirts of Paris and features a dozen characters. It is based on an interweaving of scenes of moaning and sex. The house is the characters' common space, but the question of ownership is distended, they don't all inhabit it in the same way. As the sequences progress, we don't find the same characters but the same interdependent relationships. Through the alternation between lament and sexuality, physical and verbal communication are put on the same level. The film then deconstructs, through its repetitive structure, our relational myths.

Den sande historie om Vietnamkrigshelten William H. Pitsenbarger, en faldskærmssoldat og paramediciner, som reddede over 60 mand i den amerikanske armés første infanteridivision inden han gjorde det ultimative offer i et af krigens blodigste slag. 32 år senere undersøger Scott Huffman fra Pentagon, en flere årtier lang anmodning om en æresmedalje til Pitsenbarger og afslører en konspiration på højt niveau. Han sætter sin egen karriere på spil for at sørge for retfærdighed til den faldne soldat.

Tag med Scooby-doo, Stubbe og resten af banden på endnu flere eventyr. Selvom de er omringet af sol og sand, finder banden hurtigt ud af, at der ikke er noget der kan ødelægge en ferie hurtigere end spøgelsespirater! Det vil kræve teamwork af Scooby og banden sammen med deres nyfundne venner, hvis de skal løse mysteriet og redde strandfesten.

Anden del af Sissi – den anmelderroste filmserie fra 1950’erne – er en mere eller mindre autentisk beretning om den unge kejserinde Elizabeth af Østrigs første år. Først og fremmest er det konflikterne med hoffets strenge regler og hendes intolerante svigermor, der giver problemer for den unge kvinde, som er vant til at få sin vilje. Da en lille prinsesse kommer til verden, og der stilles krav om, at hendes opdragelse skal lægges i hænderne på fremmede, gennemlever Sissi sin første ægteskabskrise. Og først da begge parter bøjer sig – da Sissi accepterer at følge skik og brug, og hun får lov til at beholde sit barn – bliver der banet vej for forsoning og en lykkelig slutning.

Brian and Jenny are preparing for the grand opening of their bed and breakfast, Emily's Country Inn, when a big storm hits Buck County. Brian agrees to go back to Wall Street to boost their funds, while Jenny scrambles to keep the opening on track.

Crime-solving librarian Aurora Teagarden leaps headfirst into Lawrenceton’s latest murder investigation when her nephew Phillip and his college roommate go missing after the roommate’s girlfriend is found dead. Enlisting the help of her Real Murders pals, and the handsome college professor Nick Miller who just moved in across the street from her, Roe uncovers a kidnapping plot gone awry.

Pining for a lavish life abroad, a lazy but lovable guy next door crafts a scam to avoid a career in nursing and find a wealthy spouse to secure a visa.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

PEOPLE is a new collaboration of riders and filmers from Mack Dawg Productions. Directed by Pierre Minhondo and Justin Eeles. This newly formed collective combines the talents, attitude, and fun-loving folks from such films as kidsKNOW’s “Burning Bridges,” and Neoproto’s “Some Kinda Life”. Learn, watch, and follow these PEOPLE as they show you real snowboarding in their own form. From our cities to yours, look forward to watching: Jon Kooley, Justin Hebbel, Nima Jalali, Jordan Mendenhall, Curtis Woodman, Mitch Nelson, Bryan Fox, Etienne Gilbert, Robbie Sell, Stephen Duke, Pat McCarthy, Shaun McKay, Josh Mills, Marius Otterstad, Jussi Tarvainen, and Ryan Thompson. -Released August 2006.

Den enlige mor Rachel kommer op at skændes med en fremmed mand, mens de holder i et lyskryds. Han viser sig at være den helt forkerte mand at lægge sig ud med. Nu befinder Rachel - og alle hun elsker - sig i en situation, hvor én presset mand har besluttet sig for at sætte et sidste præg på verden ved at give hende og hendes familie en dødbringende lektion!

A young woman thinks she’s found a path to internet stardom when she starts making YouTube videos with a charismatic stranger – until the dark side of viral celebrity threatens to ruin them both.

Massachusetts, 1892. An unmarried woman of 32 and a social outcast, Lizzie lives a claustrophobic life under her father's cold and domineering control. When Bridget Sullivan, a young maid, comes to work for the family, Lizzie finds a sympathetic, kindred spirit, and a secret intimacy soon blossoms into a wicked plan.

The young wizard Marek is forced to lead her band of would-be heroes on a mission for the corrupt Thieves Guild, which has taken her friend hostage. Their journey will take them straight into the wicked clutches of Szorlok, their greatest enemy.

What would happen if two sworn enemies, two opposed women in temperament and lifestyle find out to share the most incredible legacy: the child of their ex-husband?

En efterforsker følger sporet af en uhyggelig sag til et forbandelsesramt hus med en indviklet, gruopvækkende historie – og hæsligt, grænseløst raseri.

A woman is taken to a mysterious clinic whose patients have a mental disorder in which their memories and identities are disintegrating as a result of a strange environmental accident.

At an elite New England university built on the site of a Salem-era gallows hill, two black women strive to find their place. Navigating politics and privilege, they encounter increasingly terrifying manifestations of the school's haunted past… and present.

One evening, when they come home, Mr. and Mrs. Prioux are astounded to find that a certain Patrick has moved into their place. This strange young man has returned home to his parents in order to introduce his wife.

Lou (Natasha Lyonne) mistede sin far for lang tid siden, og siden da har hun været fortabt i en evig tåge af stoffer og alkohol. Alle typer rusmidler tages i brug for at holde den virkelige verden på afstand. En dag begynder Lou at vise tegn på graviditet. Lidt besynderligt, for hun har ikke haft sex i lang tid, så hvar er det helt præcist, der vokser inde i hende? Efterhånden som dagene skrider frem, tager hendes smerter til, men Lou forsøger at lade som alt er okay. Det er det bare ikke. Der er noget helt galt med Lou, og hun begynder at miste grebet om virkeligheden.