El planeta Terra s'acosta poc a poc al final dels seus dies a causa de la contaminació i del mal estat en què estan les terres, cosa que provoca una escassetat de cultius i, per tant, de menjar. Cooper ha d'escollir entre quedar-se amb la seva família o liderar una expedició d'astronautes que viatjaran a l'espai buscant una nova llar per a la raça humana. L'equip aprofitarà els últims descobriments de l'astrofísica per abandonar el sistema solar i trobar un altre planeta lliure de contaminació, que pugui albergar el futur de la humanitat.

Una conilleta arriba a la ciutat de Zootròpolis, on conviuen tota mena d'animals mamífers, per formar part d'un cos policial format per animals durs i enormes. Decidida a demostrar la seva vàlua, es lliura en cos i ànima a un cas, malgrat que ha de treballar amb un guillot xerraire i estafador per resoldre el misteri.

The mystery begins when Shaggy and Scooby win tickets to "WrestleMania" and convince the crew to go with them to WWE City. But this city harbors a spooky secret - a ghastly Ghost Bear holds the town in his terrifying grip! To protect the coveted WWE Championship Title, the gang gets help from WWE Superstars like John Cena, Triple H, Sin Cara, Brodus Clay, AJ Lee, The Miz and Kane. Watch Scooby and the gang grapple with solving this case before it's too late.

"Selma," as in Alabama, the place where segregation in the South was at its worst, leading to a march that ended in violence, forcing a famous statement by President Lyndon B. Johnson that ultimately led to the signing of the Voting Rights Act.

Es tracta d'un especial i crossover pel tercer any de l'anime Toriko. Tracta d'una carrera en que participen els personatges dels animes en qüestió. Versió original subtitulat a castellà.

Fa 30 anys de la caiguda de l’Imperi Galàctic i un misteriós guerrer amenaça la pau. Alhora uns fugitius travessen el planeta desert Jakku, un d’ells enviat per Leila.

Des que Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker) i Mia Toretto (Jordana Brewster) van treure Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel) de la presó, s'han vist obligats a fugir i travessar moltes fronteres per evitar la policia. Atrapats a Rio de Janeiro, una vegada més s'han de fugir si volen conservar la llibertat. Però tots tres saben molt bé que l'única possibilitat que tenen de posar fi a aquesta situació és enfrontar-se d'una vegada per totes a l'empresari corrupte que els vol veure morts. Però no és l'únic que els segueix la pista.

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

The chilling and relentless Jigsaw killer returns to terrorize the city once again. When a gruesome murder victim emerges with unmistakable traces of Jigsaw's sinister methods, Detective Eric Matthews is thrust into a high-stakes investigation. To his surprise, apprehending Jigsaw seems almost too easy, but what he doesn't realize is that being caught is merely another piece of Jigsaw's intricate puzzle.

What starts as a poignant medical documentary about Deborah Logan's descent into Alzheimer's disease and her daughter's struggles as caregiver degenerates into a maddening portrayal of dementia at its most frightening, as hair-raising events begin to plague the family and crew and an unspeakable malevolence threatens to tear the very fabric of sanity from them all.

Vlad Tepes is a great hero, but when he learns the Sultan is preparing for battle and needs to form an army of 1,000 boys, he vows to find a way to protect his family. Vlad turns to dark forces in order to get the power to destroy his enemies and agrees to go from hero to monster as he's turned into the mythological vampire, Dracula.

L'Agent Especial Strahm és mort, i el Detectiu Hoffman és el successor de Jigsaw i el seu joc macabre. No obstant això, quan la Brigada d'Investigació Criminal comença a estrènyer el setge a Hoffman, el forçaran a engegar el joc complex de Jigsaw... i per fi a entendre-ho per complet...

Despite Jigsaw's death, and in order to save the lives of two of his colleagues, Lieutenant Rigg is forced to take part in a new game, which promises to test him to the limit.

After his revival in a hospital morgue, Jason fixes his vengeful attention on the Jarvis family and a group of hitherto carefree teenagers.

After reading an article about hypnotic regression, a woman whose maternal grandfather died when she was only three years old contacts the hypnotic subject named in the article believing that he is the reincarnation of her grandfather, and hoping that she can learn the truth about how he died.

Mentre esclata una mortal lluita pel llegat de Jigsaw, un grup de supervivents busca el suport de Bobby Dagen, guru de l'auto-ajuda, un home amb foscos secrets que desfermara una nova onada de terror.

Rahul and Riana meet each other for the first time, get drunk, and awake the next morning to find that they have gotten legally married to each other.

La història parteix de l'enllaç matrimonial entre Koldo i Clara. Tots dos estan fets l'un per l'altre i han decidit celebrar el seu casament en companyia de familiars i amics. Però el que no preveuen és que, el dia més feliç de les seves

Set in Las Vegas, the film centers on a man who attends his best friend's bachelor party, unaware of an insidious agenda that plays into hunting humans.

A group of heroic warriors has only six days to save the planet in "Mortal Kombat Annihilation." To succeed they must survive the most spectacular series of challenges any human, or god, has ever encountered as they battle an evil warlord bent on taking control of Earth.