The words that Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, uttered just before his death excited the masses and the world has entered a Great Pirate Era! There is a group of young pirates who are about to set sail on the Grand Line. Monkey D. Luffy, a rubber man. Roronoa Zoro aka “Pirate Hunter.” Usopp, a sniper. Sanji, a seafaring cook. And “Cat Burglar” Nami. They, the Straw Hats, all place a foot upon a barrel and make their vows before their next journey across the great ocean.

Follows Diogenes as he goes about his day as a police officer. He's prone to do things the right way, surrounded by a pretty much corrupt & citizen distant police department, & always resolves his duties with a personal method.

Fidencio Borer, an apothecary in a village on the northern border of Mexico, discovers some old title of a mine in Arizona and decides to claim them. Trying to cross the border is a border guard intercepted by exaggerating in the line of duty. On the way is captured by a tribe of Apaches and is about to be burned alive, but thanks to the Great Head Horse Lying having toothache and learns that the prisoner it can heal, ordered his release on the condition that the cure. Fidencio would take the wheel and gets the eternal friendship of the Chief apache.

Kevin és un policia de Hong Kong que s'enfronta a una difícil missió: ha d'atrapar el capo de la droga del país. Però per condemnar el criminal només hi ha una testimoni que el pot incriminar i Kevin és l'únic que la pot protegir. Evidentment tots els criminals a les ordres del capo intentaran matar la testimoni i el seu guardaespatlles.

Jaded ex-CIA operative John Creasy reluctantly accepts a job as the bodyguard for a 10-year-old girl in Mexico City. They clash at first, but eventually bond, and when she's kidnapped he's consumed by fury and will stop at nothing to save her life.

In Mexico, two teenage boys and an attractive older woman embark on a road trip and learn a thing or two about life, friendship, sex, and each other.

Sarah es queda encarregada de cuidar el seu mig germà Toby. El nen no deixa de plorar i Sarah en un arrencada de ràbia li demana al Rei Goblin, un personatge del seu llibre favorit, que sent porti al seu germà. Finalment el seu desig es compleix i el Rei Goblin, Jareth, es mostra davant ella dient-li que per recuperar el seu germà té 13 hores en què deu resoldre el seu laberint i arribar fins al seu castell per evitar que Toby es converteixi en un goblin. Jareth tracta d'impedir que Sarah arribi a la meta, la posa a prova amb jocs mentals, difícils endevinalles i trampes infinitat al llarg del difícil laberint que canvia constantment. Sarah es troba en un dilema en què ha de decidir el seu camí en la vida, és a dir, enfrontar-se a la realitat que no és més que una nena.

The adventures of two friends, one a chicken vendor in a market and the other a policeman. They have love affairs and capture criminals.

Singing sailor Hannes, who now entertains the crowd at St. Pauli's Hippodrome after years at sea, promises his dying brother that he will take care of his ex-girlfriend Gisa. Taking Gisa to Hamburg to live with him, Hannes quickly falls in love with her, but soon has to face Gisa's affection for another man, Willem.

James Bond, l'agent 007, torna a Rússia encara que ja s'ha acabat la guerra freda. Ara haurà d'enfrontar-se amb un nou enemic: el poder de la màfia. Una ment criminal controla un satèl·lit secret que pot inutilitzar tota mena d'aparells electrònics i James Bond desplega tots els seus recursos per evitar-ho.

Francis, the boss of a small plumbing supply company, is harassed by tax collectors, striking employees, and an impossible wife and daughter. His only joy is sharing lunch with his friend Gerard. Then a TV show called "where are you?" shows a woman from Gers who is searching for her husband who disappeared 28 years ago. The lost husband looks like an identical twin of Francis...

En un intent per encaixar a la nova ciutat, Jack Tyler accepta la invitació de la seva companya Baja per acudir a una festa en la qual acaba immers en una dura baralla. Després de ser vençut i humiliat per Ryan McDonald, un company li parla d'un esport conegut com a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) i li presenta al seu mentor, Jean Roque que l'acull sota la seva tutela. Amb Jean aprendrà a ser disciplinat i pacient, claus que potser li serviran per arribar al més alt i definir-se a si mateix.

Koji Shiraishi interviews the survivors of an indiscriminate attack at a sightseeing resort and starts investigating the strange events that have been happening to them.

Sister Maria is known in the convent for her good works and charity, but, in the secret depths of her sexual fantasies, she is tormented by visions of another world - a world where her forbidden passions are allowed to run free. In this world Satan is her master. As her acts of violence and blasphemy mount, Maria realizes that she has been chosen by the Devil to destroy the convent and lead her sister nuns into hell!

This is the story of an isolated Alaskan town that is plunged into darkness for a month each year when the sun sinks below the horizon. As the last rays of light fade, the town is attacked by a bloodthirsty gang of vampires bent on an uninterrupted orgy of destruction. Only the small town's husband-and-wife Sheriff team stand between the survivors and certain destruction.

When undercover FBI agent Frank Castle's wife and son are slaughtered, he becomes 'the Punisher' -- a ruthless vigilante willing to go to any length to avenge his family.

It's Senior year at East Great Falls. Annie, Kayla, Michelle, and Stephanie decide to harness their girl power and band together to get what they want their last year of high school.

Enfrontant-se a nous i majors perills i desafiaments, Lara Croft mostra els seus poders físics en una altra trepidant aventura. La intrèpida heroïna viatjarà a un temple submergit sota l'aigua a la recerca de la llegendària "Caixa de Pandora", però abans que arribi, una banda de criminals xinesos, liderats per Chen Lo, aconsegueix apoderar-se del preat objecte. La Lara haurà d'aturar-los abans que el facin servir amb fins malèfics.

In some vacant area in the Buenos Aires province, Diego is taking part in a radio contest that consists of answering a series of questions about his beloved team Racing Club. Meanwhile, in the blink of an eye, a man falls from the sky on the hood of his car, another man ends up gagged in the trunk, a secret agent shows up weapon in hand and a plane crashes just meters away.

After waking up from a horrific car accident, April must find a way to work through her trauma and a will to survive a recovery from hell.