Tant Gi Taek com la seva família estan sense feina. Quan el seu fill gran, Gi Woo, comença a rebre classes particulars a casa de Park, les dues famílies, que tenen molt en comú malgrat pertànyer a dos mons totalment diferents, comencen una interrelació de resultats imprevisibles.

Shouya Ishida starts bullying the new girl in class, Shouko Nishimiya, because she is deaf. But as the teasing continues, the rest of the class starts to turn on Shouya for his lack of compassion. When they leave elementary school, Shouko and Shouya do not speak to each other again... until an older, wiser Shouya, tormented by his past behaviour, decides he must see Shouko once more. He wants to atone for his sins, but is it already too late...?

Three and a half years of Jesus' ministry, as told in the Gospel of Luke.

A principis dels anys noranta, el jove i idealista Christopher McCandless adopta el nom d'Alexander Supertramp, deixa les seves possessions i els seus estalvis a la beneficència i abandona el món civilitzat amb rumb a la salvatge Alaska per entrar en contacte amb la Natura i descobrir el veritable sentit de la vida. Adaptació del best-seller de Jon Krakauer, basat en les notes del diari de McCandless.

En Donnie Darko és un noi que de cop comença a tenir al·lucinacions en la forma d'un gran conill de pelutx que el predisposa a cometre actes delictius. A poc a poc anem veient que els actes tenen un sentit, i les al·lucinacions potser no són tot el que semblen.

Cleo, una cantant jove, espera impacient els resultats d'un examen mèdic. Quan una endevina que llegeix les cartes revela que té càncer i que pot morir, la seva inquietud augmenta. Tractant d'ocupar el seu temps en espera dels resultats, Cleo coneix un jove soldat, a punt de sortir per fer el servei militar a Algèria, a qui confia el seu temor a la mort.

Seqüela de ‘Del revés’ (2015). La Riley acaba d’entrar a l’adolescència i, ara, la seva ment ha de fer lloc a noves emocions. Quan apareix l'Angoixa, les velles emocions (la Joia, la Tristesa, la Ira, la Por, el Fàstic...) no saben què fer ni què sentir. I a més, sembla que la intrusa no ha vingut tota sola.

Los Angeles, 1969. L'estrella de televisió Rick Dalton, un actor en hores baixes especialitzat en westerns, i el doble d'acció Cliff Booth, el seu millor amic, intenten sobreviure a una indústria cinematogràfica en canvi constant. Dalton és veí de la jove i prometedora actriu i model Sharon Tate, que acaba de casar-se amb el prestigiós director polonès Roman Polanski…

Rachel is an intelligent, modern-day woman constantly on the move. Primarily focused on her career as a diplomatic consul for the U.S. embassy, she's literally lived her life on the move, globe-trotting from city to city. Currently working in Mexico City and set to leave for London, Rachel's world turns upside down on the eve of her own goodbye party when she gets drunk and passes out on the street. Saved by Alejandro, a handsome Mariachi singer and single father, Rachel wakes up in his apartment with no recollection of how she got there. Nor does she remember that she rejected his visa the day before, which he desperately needs for his daughter. Romance unexpectedly blossoms between the two, but either sparks or fists will fly after she finds out his secret.

1959, Anglaterra. Al galliner de la Granja Tweedy, la gallina Ginger somia amb un espai més ampli i amb la llibertat. Cada dia, intenta sense èxit escapar-se del corral.

Ron Burgundy és el presentador de notícies més famós de San Diego als anys setanta. Quan s'assabenta que Veronica Corningstone, una reportera feminista i ambiciosa, hi treballarà, Ron està d'acord mentre la nova s'ocupi de les exposicions de gats, cuina i altres especialitats "femenines". Però Veronica no està disposada a ser un gerro: vol asseure's darrere de la taula del presentador. A partir d'aquell moment, ja no és un enfrontament, sinó una guerra oberta entre tots dos.

Kyla is a skilled genealogy researcher who’s made a thriving business of putting together family trees. When she comes across new information regarding her mother’s mysterious extended family, she and her sister travel to the charming town of Conifer, hoping to piece together their ancestry. The search leads Kyla to a generations-old Christmas tree farm, its stubborn but handsome owner… and, possibly, love.

When their plane crashes, 25 schoolboys find themselves trapped on a tropical island, miles from civilization.

David Rice ha crescut amb el misteriós poder que gairebé tots somien posseir: teletransportar-se a qualsevol lloc del món que imagini. Fins ara ha utilitzat els seus poders per escapar-se del seu passat, alimentar la seva immensa fortuna i romandre completament independent. Mai no ha conegut límits, fronteres ni conseqüències. Però quan David descobreix un altre jove igual que ell, un exaltat rodamón rebel anomenat Griffin, la veritat de la seva existència es revela. Ja no és un curiós fenomen singular de la natura, sinó part d'una llarga línia d'anomalies genètiques conegudes com a "saltadors", que a més mai no estan fora de perill.

Based on the 1930's comic strip, puts the hero up against his arch enemy, Shiwan Khan, who plans to take over the world by holding a city to ransom using an atom bomb. Using his powers of invisibility and "The power to cloud men's minds", the Shadow comes blazing to the city's rescue with explosive results.

Ben Cooper and his family are struggling to get a grip on household chores, school and work. So when Ben sees that a Smart House is being given away, he enters the competition as often as he can, until they eventually win the house (named Pat). After moving in, Pat's personality radically begins to change, turning the Coopers against her.

On Christmas Eve, ten strangers board a bus traveling across Texas and are forced off the road by a motorcycle gang. The passengers then take refuge in an abandoned scrap yard. When their defense against the gang weakens and their numbers dwindle they must do the unthinkable go on the offense.

Brasília. Vital is a Brazilian federal police deputy who leads a special investigation group that aims to capture the international drug trafficker Beque Batista. Three other officers make up the group: Dani, Rock and Lua. In parallel, Vital need to take care of Leila, his pregnant wife, and does everything so she does not participate in the violent world in which he lives.

After millions vanish, a group of people must band together to form the Tribulation Force and prepare themselves for the worst seven years the planet has ever seen.

A year and a half ago the world was hit with the biggest catastrophe it had ever seen. Without warning and without explanation, hundreds of millions of people simply vanished off the face of the earth. The world was in chaos like it had never been before. Yet somehow one man seemed to rise to the challenge. One man had the strength and conviction to unite a shattered world. One man gave the world hope. That man was NICOLAE CARPATHIA. He now rules the entire world.