A woman lies dead in a Nottingham flat, her terrified sister barricaded in the bathroom. At 2am a young man in a bloodstained shirt is pulled over for speeding. The three only met that afternoon – what happened in those fatal hours? All there is to go on is what the two survivors say.

Luksusvanerne driver levemanden Roger, som er Norges mest succesrige headhunter, ud i en indbringende sideforretning som kunsttyv. Og da han introduceres for den dansk-hollandske elitebusinessmand Clas Greve og hans uvurderlige Rubens-maleri, øjner Roger chancen for at gøre sit største og sidste kup. Men det går dog ikke som planlagt

In this sequel, Kazuma Kujo returns as he transitions from entertainment manager to an "apprentice chef", who now works in a food truck! He helps a girl named Akane Yuzuki achieves her dream to become a first class chef, thus forming this new comical, but fiery duo!

When a childless couple learn that they cannot have children, it causes great distress. To ease his wife's pain, the man finds a piece of root in the backyard and chops it and varnishes it into the shape of a child. However the woman takes the root as her baby and starts to pretend that it is real.

In a distant planetoid, an industrious but hapless old farmer strives to make his vegetables flourish, however, to no avail.

I en by i det østlige Tyrkiet banker friere på døren til borgmesteren og faderen til tre smukke døtre, der vælger at følge deres egne veje.

Stuck managing his uncle's deserted motel on Veracruz's lonely coast, 17-year-old Sebastian finds solace in unexpected company. Miranda, a beautiful yet seemingly forlorn guest, whiles away the hours waiting for her perpetually late lover. As conversations between them blossom into a connection neither anticipated, a forbidden spark ignites. Will they succumb to the fiery temptation of a fleeting passion, or will they cage their desires for a life dictated by circumstance?

Siblings Maisie and Tony, along with their mother, gather for their sister Eileen's wedding. It is a joyous occasion, but through flashbacks, it becomes clear that the family was not always happy. Their father was physically abusive to his wife and left the children emotionally traumatized. As a result, the children have grown into unhappy adults, looking for love they didn't receive when they were young.

Harry Brown har boet hele sit liv i en London-forstad, som efterhånden er blevet totaltovertaget af brutale gadebander. Da hans bedste ven bliver myrdet, beslutter den aldrende enkemand og tidligere marinesoldat sig for at tage sagen i egen hånd. Han indleder et personligt vendetta. Uden politiets indblanding... og helt uden nåde!

Angel, a selfish rotter is hanging around in a local bar, groping the wife of the barman and dealing with weapons. One morning he wakes up finding a pair of wings growing at his back. These wings do good deeds against his nature. But suddenly he finds himself fighting those who want these wings for their own dark plans.

In order to escape her isolation, wheelchair-bound Christine makes a life changing journey to Lourdes, the iconic site of pilgrimage in the Pyrenees Mountains.

Den øretæveindbydende, anstrengende, homofobiske radio DJ Alan Partridge kommer i problemer, da hans radiostation bliver overtaget af et multinationalt firma. Da en anden forsmået DJ dukker op til en fest på kontoret og tager hele stationen som gidsler, udvikler det sig hurtigt til et mediecirkus. Den eneste gidseltageren vil snakke med er Alan, der hurtig øjner muligheden for at komme tilbage i rampelyset og redde situationen.

15-årige Trife er opvokset i et af Londons hårde kvarterer. Hverdagen er fyldt med misbrug, vold og kriminalitet, men Trife er træt af den usikre tilværelse og forsøger at finde en vej ud af det. Da en af hans skolekammerater begår selvmord, synes det for alvor at være tid til at tage livsstilen op til revision for alle i miljøet, men når stoffer, sex og våben er lige så tilgængelige som et glas vand, er det ikke så let at trække læsset og gå forrest i kampen for en sundere – og ikke mindst lovlig – livsførelse. For Trife er livet på gaden det eneste, han kender, og det kan være farligt at vende vennerne ryggen.

A man in his thirties does not want to be like his father, but that seems to be unavoidable.

In the early hours of the night, young David Maclean sees a flying saucer land and disappear into the sand dunes just beyond his house. Slowly, all of the adults, including his once loving parents, begin to act strangely.

Den unge kvinde Emily Meyer slutter sig til en gruppe tyske immigranter på vej til det guldmineområde, som kort forinden blev opdaget i Dawson City. Men deres landkort viser sig at være utroværdige, hestevognene med proviant er snarere en hæmsko end nogen hjælp og deres pakheste er knap i stand til at gøre den lange vandring, og mellem gruppens forskellige personligheder opstår snart konflikter. Drevet af deres drømme om et bedre liv, kæmper de sig frem mod et mål, der synes at svinde mere og mere i horisonten. En meget smuk og usædvanlig western med en stærk, kvindelig hovedperson.

When a small British owned island in the Caribbean is invaded and the world's most dangerous terrorist kidnaps a member of the Royal family, the countdown to World War 3 begins. If anyone can prevent the oncoming apocalypse it's the American President, but her closest ally the British Prime Minister appears to have gone stark raving mad.

Mum and Dad, and their 'adopted' children, Birdie & Elbie, work at the airport. The family live off whatever they scavenge from cargo holds, offices and hotels - including a steady stream of transient workers who populate the airport's soulless hub. When Lena, a young Polish office cleaner, is befriended by Birdie, she gets drawn into a nightmarish world of torture, murder and perversity.

After restaurateur Sam Wong dies in a telephone booth after making a call, law clerk Elaine Choi is tasked with executing his will. In order for the will to be valid, it needs to be signed by its recipients, but Choi finds that each of them are reluctant to do so.

Hustleren Jack Ryan får job som dommer Walter Crewes personlige oppasser på Hawaii. Solen skinner, der er penge på kontoen, og Jack nyder livet, indtil han møder og forelsker sig i den nuttede Nancy. Hun er nemlig sendt ud af byggespekulanten Ray Ritchie, der er en af dommer Walters gamle fjender. Pludselig er livet ikke længere så enkelt for Jack.